Archive for October 23rd, 2011

I appreciate the opportunity to provide my personal feedback.

I appreciate the opportunity to provide my personal feedback.

In my early twenties I was introduced to the Neothink manuscripts.

I don

I don

Your Neothink manuscripts gave us some positive looks at the …

Your Neothink manuscripts gave us some positive looks at the bleak world that you hear about daily on the news.

Thank you for the storms that you have weathered.

Thank you for the storms that you have weathered.

Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton

My life truly started over when I accepted your invitation to join The Neothink

My life truly started over when I accepted your invitation to join The Neothink

First I want to thank Mark Hamilton for sharing the Neothink Trilogy with me

First I want to thank Mark Hamilton for sharing the Neothink Trilogy with me.

Before Neothink I was dead, the world didn't make sense to me

Before Neothink I was dead, the world didn’t make sense to me, it was like I was living in a dream where everything seemed distorted.

From what I understand from Mark Hamilton's Neothink teachings …

From what I understand from Mark Hamilton’s Neothink teachings, the purpose of government is to provide the conditions that ensure the optimal development of the individual while acting to protect the individual from detrimental third party interference.

After reading all three Neothink manuscripts, I found them exceptional.

After reading all three Neothink manuscripts, I found them exceptional.

October 2011