Archive for October 17th, 2011

Before I read the Neothink literature, there were certain things happening…

Before I read the Neothink literature, there were certain things happening in my life and I couldn’t understand why. After reading and applying a few of the tips given I automatically started seeing changes. Im far from who I can truly be right now, but without reading this literature I wouldnt be who I am today. Thank you Mr Mark Hamilton.



A couple of years back, I invested into a promise that Mark Hamilton made to me.

A couple of years back, I invested into a promise that Mark Hamilton made to me.

Value is what Mark Hamilton, and his Neothink series is about

Value is what Mark Hamilton, and his Neothink series is about.

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart for…

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart for sharing his creations, the Neothink approach to life, with me.

Free market economics makes no attempt to manage the commons

Free market economics makes no attempt to manage the commons–instead just leaving it up for grabs–everyone grab theirs quickly before someone else beats them to it, until the commons is all gone.

One day I opened my mailbox and, quite by chance, found a lengthy letter…

As a Neothink member of seven and a half years I have been thankful…

As a Neothink member of seven and a half years I have been thankful every day that I was one of the searchers that Mark Hamilton was looking for, I can’t imagine myself being without having the power of a Neothink mind.

Mr. Mark Hamilton has written several thousand pages of material

Mr. Mark Hamilton has written several thousand pages of material that I have read and studied.

I Jessie B. want to thank Mark Hamilton for shedding the light on things…

I Jessie B. want to thank Mark Hamilton for shedding the light on things I always wonder about which turns out to be all true

I have read every word of every Neothink publication

I have read every word of every Neothink publication. It has expanded my mind beyond what I thought could be accomplished thus far. I am a young Senior citizen, (63) who is a caregiver to older and infirmed seniors. I have been self-aware for many years, but I see more and am aware of more than ever before.

October 2011