Archive for November 23rd, 2011


Dear Mark,


I found the Neothink manuscripts by Mark Hamilton the best ever …

I found the Neothink manuscripts by Mark Hamilton the best ever in guiding and leading people into a way of thinking and doing.

I just wanted to say to read and use the Neothink Inside Secrets …

I just wanted to say to read and use the Neothink Inside Secrets is the key to life.

I would like to thank The Neothink & the Neothink Team …

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I would like to thank The Neothink & the Neothink Team and to Mark Hamilton with all my heart and the list goes on.

Yesterday was the first time I read some gossip about Neothink.

Yesterday was the first time I read some gossip about Neothink.

When you read this, read with an open mind.

To whom it may concern,

When you read this, read with an open mind.

I started reading Mark Hamilton

I started reading Mark Hamilton

Reading the Neothink books have inspired and rewired my thinking …

Hi Mark,

Reading the Neothink books have inspired and rewired my thinking and actions in a confident positive way.

I have more clarity, self-acceptance, gained more perception towards my long term and short term goals.

I teach yoga full time my classes are packed to the brim, I’ve asked for feedback and most students and clients agreed that it was primarily the magnetic draw I exude, my friendly energy, the joy I bring into the studio and the responsibility of self empowerment I share though my teachings.

Best Regards

Donald S

As I read the work of Mark Hamilton …

As I read the work of Mark Hamilton it reminds me of America.

The right and left hemispheric of my brain …

The right and left hemispheric of my brain and my whole body is dedicated to my mentor Mark Hamilton’s teachings, Neothink and Neothink Inside Secrets, for they have changed my way of thinking.

November 2011