Archive for November 9th, 2011

Nowadays Neothink Inside Secret is undercutting the entire 3000-year …

Nowadays Neothink Inside Secret is undercutting the entire

Reading Mark Hamilton's Neothink Heirloom's has moved me …

Reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Heirloom’s has moved me from being a person who had given up on love, to a person who has deep faith in love’s power to heal the divisiveness that is the human experience existing in today’s world. The journey with the Heirloom’s has taken me to a place of honest self-discovery and has led me through a continual process of illuminating belief’s that create divisive and unbalanced results in my life. The Heirlooms are teaching me to use time and thought to honestly integrate self into my self’s creative experiences. The techniques that Mark Hamilton points out in his writings have given me a viable way to create happiness and success. I am more balanced and aware of my thoughts and effectively use self-control. I actively create thoughts and actions that enhance the loving and harmonious life that I want to live.

A ‘someone has authority over me’ control system was deeply ingrained into my life’s path before I read Mark Hamilton’s informative Heirloom’s.

I can easily write this knowing what I now know.

I can easily write this knowing what I now know.

First of all, I would like to thank you for all the work and effort you put into …

Mr. Mark Hamilton,

First of all, I would like to thank you for all the work and effort you put into all the Neothink literature you spread out for all of us.

I've been involved with Mark Hamilton's Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for a few years …

I’ve been involved with Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for a few years now and it just gets better with time.

FALSE Hope comes from all around us.


Over the course of several years I have purchased published material from Mr. Hamilton …

Over the course of several years I have purchased published material from Mr. Hamilton all of them being very positive in nature.

The books are written with care and packed with thousands of pages of detailed personal growth ideas.

As with any personal best program your looking for just one idea or concept you can use and the Neothink series offers multiple concepts I have used myself.

Any one looking for a quick fix without reading the material or willing to try out ideas to better themselves should not bother with Neothink ideas.


Mr. Jared W. J

Please don't give up, the world needs a man like you …

Hello Mark Hamilton,

Please don’t give up, the world needs a man like you what you write about is the truth, when you get adversity its because you are successful.

You have personally changed my life, into a cyclone of joy …

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

You have personally changed my life, into a cyclone of joy. In the spring of 2005, I received my first heirloom of the

NEOTHINK Inside Secrets.

To the public who concern about Neothink Society …

To the public who concern about Neothink Society run by Mr. MARK HAMILTON.

November 2011