Archive for September 21st, 2010

This is my testimonial for Neothink and Mark Hamilton my Mentor


This is my testimonial for Neothink and Mark Hamilton my Mentor

Since receiving the first. second and the third books from Mark. I have seen my life change for the better. After starting over twice, this has not been the easiest and very slow But they are happening. As I look back at my life after reading those three books, I see that all my life I have felt like an outsider. Wondering what was wrong with me. But now, I see why. After putting the pieces, of what I have learned, together in my life together I see that I have always got down to the essence of everything. These books have shown me how to live my dreams, the ones I always knew where going to come to reality.

I can see that, with those that get involved with Neothink, their lives will transform into the life they have always dreamed of.

I am in a transformation period right now, but will start to implement more of NT after I get moved in to the new house. I believe this move is going to be very propelling for NT and business in my life. I look forward to sharing NT with everyone.

Live Honest & Prosper

Thomas L. C. V.

Dear Mark Hamilton


Sitting down and reflecting over the past few months, I have realized a lot has changed in my life personally. I have been reading the prime literature daily and I learn new insights every time. The more I understand and apply the tools provided in the books, the more I grow.
After 4 years of grasping the knowledge, I can say I have CONTROL of my life. This is the best feeling in the world. In the last 6 months I have started  my own 2 new businesses. I teach golf and love the game, but I needed more CONTROL to do what it is that I am meant to do. I have gained courage and self confidence to start these new ventures. My creative energy has increased and I’m implementing new programs that I have always wanted to accomplish. I am excited and happy that I’m in CONTROL of my destiny. It is like the straight jacket has been taken off. I have broken my old mentality of working for someone else and now I am smiling from head to toe because I’m creating new ideas that will create value to my customers. The tools in the books have given me the courage to surpass the limitations that have been put on me by society and so called friends.
My head is spinning with new ideas and I’m integrating these ideas into action with the mini-day schedule. I understand my dreams and I am now actualizing  them.
My child of the past is alive and vibrant!  I have ideas and plans to market an extraordinary program for the youth, to help them with their golf games and  life skills to make them better people. Most of these programs are for only the rich, but I am going to make this affordable to the middle class. I am excited to give them the best coaching and education to fulfill their dreams.
My other business with the Neothink Society is growing everyday. I’m talking to people, sending letters, making phone calls, and sending e-mails. To help people realize their full potential is my drive and passion. To help people find their passion and purpose in life is a huge responsibility and must be actualized.  Both of my businesses are very close in the meaning of what their purpose is about. My golf business has certain techniques and tools to be successful. The Neothink Society business also has tools and techniques to be successful in life.  To be successful at golf and life a person must have the right focus and MENTALITY  to create his or her dreams. From what I have learned you need control over your emotions to truly  be honest about improving your golf game or life.
Finally, I want to say that it was humbling and an honor to meet other Neothink Society members at the inaugural National meeting in Durham, North Carolina. The pure love in the meeting room was energizing and heart felt. The members are family and I would do anything to help them. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they would do the same for me and anyone else. The journey is just getting started and I’m excited and thrilled to be part of this society.

Your Friend,

Neil Barnhill

To The Honorable Mark Hamilton,


Dear Mark,


It has been more than enough time passed that I communicate with you.  And it is with great pleasure the I do so now.

Mark, after more than 1 year, I am still forever  grateful that I am with a very distinguished society.  The day you discovered me, was a great changing part in my life.  I have learned tremendously through the website and through your books.  I am empowered more so than broken.  The Neothinker is alive in every one of us.  The potential is there for the anti-civilization to take grasp.  Through your literature and through the bible of Jesus’ teachings, I am able to apply the tools and techniques that I need to “get over” the heap of what I been through – verbal abuse.  It is with this, it gives me great pleasure to tell you, I am writing and plan to complete my book to give all people my technique and tools to eradicate abuse out of everyone’s lives.  It is my wish and it is my dream for ALL to “taste the fruits”.

I am not quite sure if it is who sees the world differently or that the anti-civilization is very out of control.  Perhaps it is a little of both!  With that said, I am pursuing and partaking a path implemented by Jesus’ teachings, and your own.  With confidence, with enormous discipline I am taking my roll to follow after you and Jesus to change this world to the COU.  My own adage of:  “observe it, but don’t become it” is an application that I utilize wherever I go in the midst of people with whom I do not know who they really are, but feel they are part of the anti-civilization.  I use great caution here as almost as if I step on hot coals and then tip toe around them to have them taste “my fruit offering”.  My fruit offering of being with the Neothink Society to others is – not speaking to hardly anyone.  I know it is vital for humanity for this to occur if the anti-civilization is to be stopped.  In this way, the energy in the way they want me to respond is “cut off” from me, as I put my energy towards helping humanity in helping abuse become no abuse.  

Mark, I am being harassed severely by others.  People are blaming me, talking behind my back, and all that comes with the abuse of the anti-civilization.  That is the super-puzzle.  It’s truth.  And I thank you for teaching me.  The harassment is also by neighbors whom reside in my apartment complex and voices (bi-cameral – perhaps), that come from the street location below outside my bedroom window.  It is quite intense.  I am also missing important documents from my home that I believe neo-cheaters have found their way inside to try to pull me down.  

In being with the society and Jesus, no one can pull me down.  It may look like from an outsider’s perspective that the anti-civilization is winning, but it is GOD’s way of showing that I am in secret to the Neothink Society and to Christ.  

Barry is not so supportive of my partaking.  At first this bothered me, until I became enlightened with the secrets.  And now I am empowered and beyond hurt and pain.  Thank you, Mark, you saved me the agony and Jesus, too.  I now realize that even though there is a lot of good to Barry, his comments (abuse) to me is a reflection of not only of who he is but holds for a very strong definition of the anti-civilization.  

I uphold the and your principalities of a world of free government, with the abundance of police officers.  Ever since, I learned how you feel about the police I began to see how true it is, that police officers are there for reinforcing the law and providing all people with the fruits of life.  When I read this in your books/meetings, you worded it in a way that struck a chord.  And with this abuse from others that I am going through, I plan to very soon go down to my local precinct and talk to “Patrol” regarding the harassment and accusations from others that I raped a man and from having items stolen from my room.  Regarding the accusations that I raped a man, I stay quiet with all of my accusers because I will and should not have to explain or talk about what happens to the chemistry when a man and woman are together and are very excited and in a consented way  – as it was.  Unfortunately, my relationship with this man ended because I became very sick.  I could not take care of my rent, bills, and I lost my job.  Therefore, I had to move away from the city back to the country with my mom.  After that, I lost touch with this beautiful Neothinker.  Now, 22 years later, his friends and the community are accusing me of raping him.  His friends are broken hearted and very very angry because they blame me for breaking up their relationship with him.  I heard a man whom was an alcoholic speaking about this to another man downstairs at my gym.  This is how I know.  If the bonds were very strong with this man, this would not have happened.  And believe me it is never too late for restoration.  This kind of people are very wicked and vicious.   I have forgiven them through prayer and fasting, but at the same time, I do not regret what I had with this beautiful person.  However, I believe this relationship hurt my Lord.  I spoke to Jesus about this relationship, and since then have been delivered by Jesus.  As Jesus told me to look at HIS ascension and not the actual nailing to the cross.  

With regards to work, I lost my position with NYU on July 24, 2007 in the Skin and Cancer Unit.  
Lauren Jill Cooper from the anti-civilization took away the food from my plate, so to speak.  She was a Hartford graduate who was born in Connecticut, went to school undergrad in Pennsylvania and then a Hartford graduate.  It was very cruel and vicious what she did to me in letting me go, considering I was the best worker there.  On the flip side, it was the best she could ever do for me.  I realized that the institution is an entrapment.  My explanation for that is because government controls the research area of discovering ways of preventing diseases – as in inventing an antibody for viruses.  Truly, Mark, with your written “Miss Annabelle’s Secrets”, and library articles on Society of Secret’s website, an invention for a disease would take people who excel in the Math and Sciences less than 1 month to develop.  Trust me.  I believe so.  However, because of the politics involved and government control, people continue to die of AIDS/Cancer Related Diseases in droves.  My vision for the future, is to see an institution from the secrets to develop a unit dedicated as a research center to eradicate diseases, forever!   For specialists and research scientists given the freedom and Neothinker ambitions to feel free rather than controlled or threatened with good intentions given to heal the environment!   

Currently, I have a temporary position with an agency in Midtown.  It pays $12.00 an hour, for hours worked only.  There are no other perks – nothing, no insurance, and no paid vacations/sick time.  And the place where they placed me is:  DFTA – Department For The Aging, which is the government!  Unbelievable, right?  I am definitely putting every day I am there the COU, with the tools of the secrets.  Again, I do not talk too much.  But I can tell you and want to give you a contact name of the director for the Contract Accounting unit of where I am.  This Neothinker is incredible.  When he sits me down to teach me, my Neothinker never accuses me of the mistakes I made in my work, instead he asks me to clarify “are those my initials on the letters”, and questions he gives me to make me think of my work as a sophisticated piece of work rather than just a letter.  It is with pleasure, I highly recommend the honorable Mr. Jean Pierre to the Society of The Secrets.  His contact information is:, address of: DFTA, 2 Lafayette Street, 9th Floor, NY, NY  10007, phone of:  
212 442-1006.  He is a definite candidate for the Society.  His thinking process is automatic – meaning right to the policy.  I hope you will contact him.  Please understand, I have a working relationship with him at DFTA and that talking to him about the society would not be so etiquette even though time is in essence, here.  Please understand.  

I want to, so……..badly to attend the Clubhouse.  However, I have a hard time getting to them because Barry monitors where I go and my purpose with each and everything.  I think I may have mentioned to him at first where I was going, and he did not want me too.  

Truthfully, I am in a very tight situation with the entire anti-civilization resting on my shoulders.  However, given who I am with the Society, I am pacing myself until………….until the very appropriate time.  Timing, too, Mark; is also of essence.  

I love my new life with the Society.  I am most grateful and trust me; I know I am being backed by you.  Many times, I feel your presence and I keep it moving because I know, we will benefit the world!

I hope all is well with you!

You’re beautiful, Mark Hamilton!

Love, Beth

The information Neothink is willing to share with the public is priceless


The information Neothink is willing to share with the public is priceless. The tools that are provided are life changing if you are willing to apply them to your everyday life. The more people that have access to this material could shape the world we live in for the better. I have personally experienced the benefits of Neo thinking, as I was able to apply the techniques and turn a crew of construction workers that were losing money on the books into a crew that turned a profit in a very short time.  I have never before read such a complete guide to success then what is inside the Neothink material.  I highly recommend that anyone who is given the opportunity to research the knowledge that Neothink provides should not hesitate to start the process towards changing their lives forever.  It is my opinion that the powerful insight of Neothink would be beneficial to a person of any age although I certainly wish I had access to this information twenty years ago. Anyone who is willing to apply these techniques to their everyday life will see how quickly they can gain control of every aspect of their life. My life before Neothink was full of frustrations,  always trying to put the puzzle of my life together. I had no idea what my life puzzle should look like when it was complete, that’s why I would get frustrated. After taking the opportunity to read the treasures printed inside the  Neothink package a clear picture of the life I was meant live unfolded before me. I began to snap the puzzle together without the frustration. I am ready to create a future, the fantasy-life becoming the most happy, excited, vibrant person. Don’t hesitate to get involved with the Neothink Society, you will never enjoy life more!!!!!!!!!

Bryan Kent Shaak

I picked the book up again and read about Mark Hamilton


I received your letter to me in April 2007. I was curious so as the letters kept coming I was becoming interested to find out more expecting it to be a scam. I was at the point of my life that I was very disgusted with (what I later learned was the AC) all I wanted to do was let my life run out so I could go to heaven where I had my mansion and would not have to live with people abusing everything. After I read my first heirloom, some of which I did not understand but as you said, I would absorb it. Then came the second heirloom which was very shocking. The worst part to accept was the religious part. I had always had God to depend on and when I found out that was everyone and accepted that as the truth. It was a great relief to finally not have to feel guilty about not wanting to be humble and my feelings that I have always had about most everything was right. Then I read the 3rd heirloom and it was so interesting I did not want to put it down until I found out it was not this present world .  Then I said “O.K. That is the scam not I can feel like a fool. A few days later I picked the book up again and read about Mark Hamilton. So I finished the book and found out about the levels and got my trust working again and have had so many fascinating thing happen to me. I am ready to help anyway possible but I find my FNE wanting to work with Neothink cities eventually. Thank you for finding me and I know that I am a part of the puzzle. Pat Stanfill

He’d love to hear that he received an invitation to Neothink from Mark Hamilton


Hi Mark,

Besides my Neothink experience I thought I’d pass on two interesting stories from my kids concerning Neothink.  I have a son 9 and a daughter 7.  Tonight my son asked me to read a book he has about the Universe.  The topic of black holes come up.  They are worried about dying from a black whole affecting earth, just like little Neothinkers preserving their solar system or galaxy.  Next time I’m mention that black holes are probably initialed by Neothinker’s to prevent the big crunch.

Also my son wants to join Neothink.  He’d love to hear that he received an invitation to Neothink from Mark Hamilton.  


What has Neothink done for me?


I’ve been aware of and using the Neothink mentality for more than 20 years.  Neothink has changed me fundamentally as a person at my core.  My outlook on life, the decisions I make come from the Neothink perspective, one in which I’m in total control of my life.  Neothinking touched my life in the following major areas, as well as other areas of my life: Wealth Creation, Romantic & Family Love, Health & Happiness.  I would not be the same person; I wouldn’t have the same success in these areas if not for the ability to use this powerful tool.  

With Neothink I consider life from a broad integrated perspective, tapping into my brain power like never before.  Not some mystical or magical power.  No, it’s down to earth, reality based thinking.  It takes effort and brain-sweat.  Once someone understands and uses Neothink they can begin immediately to consider every situation and decision from a long-term best interest perspective.  

Begin to build future wealth and creative valuable projects today.  Learn to recognize value oriented relationships.  Use your brain to remove and eliminate limitations.  Limitations hold you back from the life you were meant to live.  Understand what makes man happy and gain real long-term happiness.  
My Wealth Creation
Before Neothink, I was a lost loser going nowhere.  Starting as a box boy in a grocery store my career steadily and consistently improved using the Neothink mentality.  Currently my earns top $100,000 per year.  My thinking continuously leads to wealth and looks to creative values for society.  I’ve done well financially, but I haven’t consistently used this power to its full potential.  If I had I’m sure I would be making double, triple or possibly ten times more than I currently have.  Even with part-time application of Neothink I’ve become a millionaire.  Anyone with better discipline, removing their own limitations, can earn many more times this amount.  

My Romantic Relationships

Prior to Neothink I had no idea what type of woman would be in my long-term best interests.  I dated often, but for the wrong reasons.  Once I starting using Neothink, I knew the women to look for, someone good for me in my long-term.  My search criteria and dating approach changed dramatically.  Using Neothink I was able to find and marry a wonderful women. We’ve been raising two great kids and have been married for over 10 years now.  We all have strong and wonderful love for one another.  Had I not used Neothink, my life would not be full of the family love I enjoy today.  

My Health

Once one understands the value and the importance of their life, builds wealth and experiences romantic and love from their children, it follows that they should take care of their health?  Now that I’ve built a wonderful life, full of wealth and love, I know I need to take care of myself.  I want to live.  I love life and all its treasures.

I have choices when it comes to my health: eat a donut when offered or polity refuse.  Which choice is in my long-term best interest?  I can exercise daily or kickback and be a couch potato.  I choose the action that is in my long-term best interest.  I’m careful about what I put into my mouth.  I know aerobic activity leads to a healthy body.  The Neothink mentality leads one to the conclusion that is in their long-term best interest.  Neothink leads me to choose these positive actions to override my natural instincts to overeat and be lazy.

As a result, I’m lean, fit, athletic and healthy.  My life expectancy increased.  

My Happiness

Neothink transformed my wealth creation, my romantic and family love and my health.  As a result I’m very happy with my life.  Neothink has been key to my long-term happiness.  Gaining wealth, love and health leads to a lot of happiness.  I’m living the life I was supposed to live.  I’m living the life of my dreams.  

Anyone searching for real long-term happiness should consider learning, understanding and using the Neothink mentality.  The Neothink mentality’s value far exceeds my 4-year college degree.

Hi Mark Hamilton


Larry Johnson from Jersey Central

Consciousness seeking the knowledge to understand one’s self and the realities that exist around each and every person in the universe to understand reality as it exist without illusion from “higher authority, neo-cheater and mystics alike. Mysticism is the creation of problems where none exist. I can now see threw the illusion that the Anti-Civilization have us trapped in, weather it’s the current economic crisis that been created by Neo-Cheaters to steal our money. By integrating the 12 vision into one’s life you can see threw illusion everyday on TV in newspapers or local issue in our local areas of day to day living. The time is rip to show other and the world the truth and honesty that exist to teach others and the world to become self leaders and help build the C of  U  to help build a parallel society  that free of the of the ills of the Anti- Civilization to rise up and make real change for our love one’s, and future generation to come. To become the foot soldier that spread the message of change can start right now in one’s life. The prime Literature has been a wealth of knowledge. I had bits and pieces of knowledge that I thought was correct. Well the prime literature has confirmed some of that knowledge and systematically added new knowledge and insight. The contact with others in the Neothink Society has been rewarding and very stimulating. By using the tools in the literature (FNE) “Power Thinking is made possible because of the min-day schedule. The min-day schedule allows one to complete your work in a record time and open up this new dimension of integrated thinking-power thinking which allow one to be creative. The contact with other members has been  re-warding, by using the tools in the literature. By exercising Discipline Thought and Control  and removing limitation that stops one from actualizing his ideals has been great.

One example would be the thur nite coordinator call  by participating I had a ten second  miracle of pulling  together a eastern regional super clubhouse meeting. The response from rick was make it happen. I reach out to other A-Teams on the East Coast, They was as excited as I about the ideal of getting together. We immediately instituted regular  conference calls to get down to the nitty gritty details to create something that had not existed before. And on September 27th 2008 it became a reality. I’m presently working on a concept that came to me in the middle of the night.

Circle of Creator’s
I am presently power thinking this concept  with Jersey Central-Team in alliance with Tri-State A-Team the purpose of the circle of creators to up hold Neothink foundation and apply Neothink the tools that leads to integrated thinking and power thinking. The purpose of Circle of Creator’s will be the keepers of the flame. The keepers of the vision to always uphold honesty and integrity in NEOTHINK SOCIETY certain Qualification must be met to be a member . level 12 mentor, taken a ideal and actualized it.  have formed a A-Team be a coordinator. Participating and running a program on the national level.

Thanks    Larry Johnson

Dear Mark Hamilton


I don’t know If I am yet qualified to offer a successful testimonial,  However, I felt that I owed you an over view of my progress since receiving my NT Package of Inside Secrets.    I want to whole heartedly thank you for selecting me,  I am working on my new future.   I have accomplished a few goals.  Reading  the literature gave me a confidence and inspired me.  To know that some one of whom I had never know cared of my success,  I have had a  lifetime of challenges and I have managed to move forward, but know I feel as though I am not alone.   I opened my very small Office in March 2008, I received my first Heirloom in March and read the mini day instructions,  I have to be honest I jumped around in reading,  I get very sleepy, so to keep myself mentally alert it helped me to jump around,  I am going to go back and re-read each Heirloom.   So okay back to my accomplishment,  Since I opened C & M Financial,  the Real Estate Industry has literally come to staggering  halt.  I still get a transaction here and there, but I can’t make the money I need to pay my Home expenses.   I knew I needed to see if I can do something in conjunction and still utilize my Office Space so I have used the mini day tips to get my License to sell Medical Insurance,  I am currently working as an independent contractor for the National Association For Self Employed and I going to help those individuals that need simply a very basic medical plan,   So you see I have accomplished my  goals and this has taken place from March of 2008 to Present.   But my real essence lies is using my hands-on creative skill,  I love working in home Interior designing decorating and taking something distressed discarded and bring it back to life and use it and make it live again,  I was sitting watching HGTV the other night as I do every night,  I will watch other shows but always end up back watching shows that provide my mind with new ideas,  I just feel my heart skip with this true love in watching what others have created and want to do the same, and so my home is constantly evolving,  bottom line I got some information and called on it and found out that  I can enroll for a 90 day on-line course  with  Haverhill to get certified and start to working for them  I will be able the amount of time I will want to work,  I may need to do this until I become recognized for my talents  and then offer another  service that will make my heart thing,  However the almighty dollar will cause me to put this on hold,  but I have not given up, I am so close I can feel it.   I will find a way,  So stay tuned for this,   If you have any suggestions and or see something I could do differently,   I would greatly appreciate it.   

Thank you sincerely,

Cindy Mora

Still excited about life, I am embarking on my next career


For as far back as I can remember I dreamt that I would one day become a renowned professional. I knew I was going to do something great. But the problem was I had difficulty in deciding on what it would be. As a consequence, I spent my life going from one profession to another, and job to job, searching for the right one. I started out wanting to be a professional musician. Then I decided that I wanted to be an insurance agent. Next, I decided that I wanted to be a financial and estate planner. Finally, I decided on being a computer professional. Thinking back, I wish I had tools offered by the Neothink Society at my disposal when I was younger. I would have saved myself a lot of time trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. As a result, much time was wasted chasing unsatisfying pursues.  Although I had a success career, I now sit back wonder how much more successful my life would have been, if I had the remarkable tools I discovered in the Neothink Society throughout the course of my life.

Still excited about life, I am embarking on my next career. Being in the Society, it instills a fire in you, a deep yearning to live your life of a value creator.

With the Society tools under my belt, I feel an overwhelming sense of confidence and joy. I have discovered my essence. I know how to power think my future into my present. I am excited and overjoyed with life’s possibilities. I wake up each day with great anticipation of what the day will bring.

If my story strikes a chord and a yearning in your life, I encourage you to take a look at what the Society of Secrets has to offer. I invite you to discover your true essence in life and get on the pathway to true exhilaration. Just remember, you don’t have to live a life of boredom, unhappiness, or stagnation. You too can have the joy I do. A life of exhilaration the way James Joyce’s Ulysses lived, but without the dishonesty.

Melvin G.

September 2010