Archive for June 26th, 2010

It is with great pleasure and appreciation

Dear Mark Hamilton:
It is with great pleasure and appreciationthat I write this testimony of what you, Neothink Society, the literature, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) has done for me.  In the year 2007, you and the programs literally saved my life.  After years of working diligently on improving my life through education and surviving an abusive marriage, where I left and raised my boys on my own for over 20 years, I was ready to give up.  Then the readings and information from your programs gave me the insight and clarity to continue.
The dishonest U.S. government continues to take my freedom away and control me through unjust taxes and laws that only reward the politicians.  Even with a Master’s Degree, it has been impossible to live a life that I was meant to live.  One only needs to take the illusionary veil off the current criminal system to clearly see what cheating acts it is committing.
I encourage anyone that questions you (Mark Hamilton), the Neothink Society, and TVP to simply read the literature and decide on their own accord  (don’t be swayed by the created crisis junkies) and evaluate what amazing benefits and the truth that exits in Mark Hamilton’s programs.
I owe my life to Mark Hamilton and I am very grateful for his mission, along with our paths connecting.
Your apprentice,

Mark Hamilton has brought to life a most beautifully concise system



    It is with great honor I present the following – my own heartfelt feelings concerning the astounding and wonderful values I have personally attained as result of the enlightening and monumental gifts of knowledge given to me from Mark Hamilton. It is through his literature, personal “teaching’s,” and my involvement in the creation of his Neothink society, that my most recent accomplishments in life during the last three years have brought the extraordinary values and positive progressions making me what I am today.

    I would like to, first, give a quick bit of background regarding these enlightenments before I proceed with my testimony. For those of you reading this that are not aware, Mark Hamilton has brought to life a most beautifully concise system of knowledge that, when implemented properly, is the absolute epitome of all that is needed to obtain a personally virtual “Paradise on Earth” for any individual. I know this as fact, because I have attained that very thing! No matter what a person’s race, gender, occupation or station in life may be, or where they may live – anywhere around the globe – any person who has the desire to be in control of their own life should take the time to “listen,” take the opportunity to learn, and ultimately find the way to true happiness within their life.

    Yes, I know…that sounds “Too good to be true,” and we all know what that usually leads to – scams, schemes and “falsities” that waste our time, monies, and sense of value. However, in this case, it is true! Everything offered within Mr. Hamilton’s system provides the avenues to explore and attain one’s own possibilities, creativeness and personal desires. He is not, in any way, attempting to draw another to “his way of thinking,” nor is he trying to take control of other lives – that is not his purpose or intent. Rather, he shows for us, as individuals, the way to generate our own personal ways of thinking which gives us opportunity to take control of our own lives and self-being.

    Mr. Hamilton has not formulated a “new system” to cause interference to our lives…but rather expounded on precepts, concepts and principles to enhance our lives – that have been kept hidden since the time of Christ, by “authority figures” who have selfishly withheld these things in order to hold power, to remain as the “elite,” and to keep the general public from understanding that we, ourselves, hold our own power to make our own futures, our own destiny’s…our own lives…as we, individually, see fit to do so! It is through Mr. Hamilton that we are finally capable of learning the things, the real things, that Christ himself had tried to give us; and who, as result, was crucified for trying to do – because those in power at the time did not want the peoples to know.

    What is new, however, from Mr. Hamilton, are the furthering precepts, concepts, principles and values he has built upon from those previous things; in order to provide the tools necessary for each and every one of us, in this day and time, to succeed in our lives, without the dominance of authority telling us how to do it! Should anyone “out there” have a problem with this – as I am sure any “elite,” any biased media, anyone holding “power over the masses” will surely have – then they should first consider the fact that there has already been one person to lose his very life in his attempt to give the greatest gift of all –Consciousness of the power of self! They should consider that their “crucifying” Mr. Hamilton will, in no way, cause disruption to the wonderful things that he has already brought to light. We, who have already “learned,” and those of you who will also learn in the future, will not allow that to happen.

    Mr. Hamilton is not a threat, by any means. He is, in fact, one who should be admired for his unselfish attempt to help ALL of us! He is willing to give up his freedom, and possibly his very life, to attempt again to give what was taken from us so long ago. That, my friends, is something that should not be allowed to happen! I, for one, am eternally grateful for his strength of character, his friendship, his mentorship, and his undying efforts to bring the peoples of this earth the very tools to build a united civilization of Peace, Freedom, and Happiness! 

    The authorities are not going to like Mr. Hamilton…for what he brings is something that will end their dominating rule over us. For, we will learn to rule ourselves. The mainstream media will surely make every effort to destroy what he is buiding…for US…as he becomes the brunt of their point of attack. They will paint him as some kind of “crook,” and will attempt to stop his efforts, first by shutting down the business he has created…again, for US…and then, by trying to make us believe, through their deciet and manipulations, that we should not heed the offerings Mr. Hamilton gives. It is in all our own best interests NOT to listen to the deceitful lies and dishonest “painted illusions” that will be presented by those trying to silence him! Think about it…if they DON’T stop the publically given values he gives, then they will FALL, and lose their power over YOU…over ALL of us!

    Please…don’t take my word at face value in any of this…take, instead, a good open-minded look at what Mr. Hamilton presents for yourself – and YOU decide.

    And now, I offer my own testimonial…my own interpretation of the absolutely amazing “results” incorporated into my life because of the things presented by Mr. Hamilton personally, within his literature, and his Neothink Society; which was created for the purpose of allowing the personal interactions and integrations of those of us involved in absorbing and utilizing the things he presents… 

    When I was first approached by Mark Hamilton and presented his offerings three years ago, I have to admit, I was extremely skeptical. After all, the things he said I could attain for myself were such that it was just far too unbelievable! Thankfully, I decided to initiate an open mind, and at least “give it a chance” – it would certainly be worth while…if, in fact, I could attain the near “miraculous” things I was told of.

    I was, at the time, in a state of depression – struggling, “just to survive” – and living in the “rut” of a boring, unsatisfying life that seemed to be in a continuous downward spiral. I was doing what I considered to be “my best,” in work, in relationships…in everything. However, it seemed the harder I tried, the harder life’s problems reared their ugly heads. I’m sure most of you reading this can probably relate! I was, in every sense of my situation, hoping beyond hope that somehow, some way, Mark’s offerings would help to turn my life around in a positive direction – and ultimately, it has!

    The phenomenal life-changing experiences I have gladly been exposed to have created a complete and total turn-around of the negative way things were for me! No longer do I succumb to life’s drudgeries that I, for so long, had to endure. This was not an “overnight” thing that happened, of course; as I needed the time to learn, to absorb, and then to begin implementing the “changes” that have so drastically altered my life in positive ways. I have finally achieved things for myself so that I can live the life I want to live…and deserve to live! I have attained a happiness in life that I before had thought to be virtually “impossible.”

    Nearly my entire life I had a personal goal – one that I considered to be an “ultimate” goal. It was “extreme” in light of its ever happening, but I had it nonetheless. I felt if I could only achieve that goal, that any others would be “easy” to accomplish afterward! As it happens…and due to what I learned from Mark, I have finally achieved my intentions! It was through Mark’s enlightenments that I was able to do so. It was through him and my interactions within the Neothink society that my eyes were truly opened to what I had available within me. I learned of the things “holding me down” that were supposedly “out of my control,” and then of my own strengths, my own “power” to direct myself, and that it is I, and only I, who can do what is necessary to bring what I want in life, by being a self-leader! Obviously, Mark and the peoples in the society have great “meaning” in my life now…and all are cherished as true friends.

    It is also through Mark and the society that yet another “creation” has taken place. It is something I truly look forward to, support completely, and have great desire for. The integrated desires of all in the conglomerate have formulated and designed what will become an avenue of true freedom to the peoples of the United States…and ultimately in future times, for the world! I speak of the Twelve Visions Party – a “non-political” party – created with the intention of providing a structure that will enable the full freedoms of the peoples, just as things should be for us. The “rulership” that has overtaken our political environment will cease to exist – for no one, individually or as a group, has the right to “rule” and direct our lives as they see fit. It will provide, again, a structure for We, the Peoples, to return to the original intent of our forefathers…with only one added addendum – that will make sure no one else, ever again, will have the power to dominate our lives.

    The success of this new “party” will enhance our very existence. It will provide for myself, my family and friends, and for the whole of our country, an environment we all need to establish the true freedoms we all deserve. I know this is true because I have already seen how the concepts involved will make a difference. It has already turned my own life around in fantastic ways! In contrast, however, should this new party fail because of present “authority” destroying its processes…then we will all suffer greatly in the end.

    In conclusion, I want you to know of my ultimate feelings toward Mark Hamilton, his offerings – both personally and in his literature – the Neothink Society, and the forthcoming Twelve Visions Party. My life has changed. It has changed for the better. I am my own self-leader, and know, as a result, that nothing stands in my way, nothing will ever “hold me down” again, and that my life is mine – to do with as I see fit to do with it. Ultimately, I know I will achieve great things within my life, as I have already proven to myself I can! And, you should know that the culmination of my surety in this comes as a result of the offerings I have taken in from Mark Hamilton’s literature and personal teachings.

    Mark Hamilton is an extraordinary individual, who gives of himself in what he has learned, and in what he wants to share. He only wants to give, to us, the important and astounding values that he, himself, has attained. He should not be made as a martyr – destroyed by those who will wish to harm him; but rather, be admonished in his efforts to help us all. His creation of the Neothink Society is a gift within itself…as it is something not “run by him,” but rather run by the individuals, together and united, within its content of the masses. His dream, for us all, in the creation of the Twelve Visions Party, is in and of itself a most remarkable gift of understanding and compassionate integrity. May he, with us, be successful in that endeavor – for it is to the benefit of each and every human being alive!

    Mark, I thank you, humbly, for what you have done for me. I stand with you…as a friend and brother…into the future. May it be a bright one – for all of us

    Buzz M

To Mark Hamilton, NTS and TVP,

          I feel I’m in a like minded group of people that will help me to grow. The Neothink will help me become the person I was meant be. The society we live in today will never let this happen because they spin a web of illusions, so they can drain all of our money and dreams from our veins and minds in the name of doing good for us! 

          We need to stand up and open our eyes to what’s going on!

We need to see past the gobbling politicians and take back the child they have stolen

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


My name is Robert K and this is my Neothink story. In April of 2004 I received a letter that changed my life forever, at first I thought it was a sales gimmick but as I read on I knew something was different about what I was reading this time. That was my first exposure to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton which at that time was a secret society (recently the Neothink Society has gone public) After I received the first Heirloom literature I found it held a lot answers I had been looking for most of my life which at that time I was 55 years old, I only wish that Mark Hamilton could have found me when I was younger but I guess he had his reasons, but as they say never too late to learn. The fact that now I know I will be able to live longer then I could have ever imagined through the Neothink Society and the pursuit of immortality through the writings of Mark Hamilton, I feel age is not issue. This is one thing I also worried about was to live long enough to do what I wanted to do in my retirement years. The one thing Neothink has taught me is now I can feel comfortable in my own skin, this was because I was never sure about the God/heaven religion issue, I was always was sort of a fence sitter until I became a Neothinker (as now I know the truth)I know I was different but not sure why. At that point &time (4-04) I never knew what integrated vs bicameral thinking was or, FNE, Childhood of the past, TSM etc. I am still learning everyday by reading the Neothink literature, and also being able to understand it better by becoming more integrated, there are some Neothink members that have read the heirlooms two or three times. I have learned more about myself and more knowledge through Mark Hamilton’s essence meetings and taking part in the weekly conference calls with other  Neothink members. The one thing that I am continually amazed at  is the self improvement I have made in myself. Through most of my life I have had a self destructive behavior and also a short temper that now both of these tendencies have all but disappeared and it was all due to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and not through an anticiviliztion therapist. My goals are to live as I long as I can as I have been more focused on natural supplements to try and get off of some of my prescriptions. Another goal is to become fully integrated and live in a fully integrated society(Twelve Visions World)where everyone will be able to live in a fully integrated Neothink Society where we will be able to enjoy health, wealth and happiness by removing the dishonest Neocheater politicians and the mystic religions from the world.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

I definitely want to give my testimony about Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society.   it has been a wonderful movement that has helped me in so many ways.  for starters in just a few months of reading the literature, it has changed me for the better in so many ways, i used to have this mindset that used to tell me that something great was going to happen with my life but i just never did anything about it I’d thought that when the time comes it would just fall from the sky, but with the help from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society i learned that i have the power within me to do great things, I don’t have to wait for it to fall from the sky, I have to go for it I can create great things, I have the capability to do it, no one has to do it for me.   Before Neothink i just used to have this dormant mindset that i would never put on much efforts to resolve, to invest, to create anything.  But with the tools given to me from Neothink Society everything is changing every day.  Thanks to Mark Hamilton and Neothink literature which have shown me to pierce trough the illusions to the essence of things, to what is really important.

thanks Mark Hamilton     

Jonete  a

I have been a loyal purchaser of Mark Hamilton’s books

The honest, rational, and contextual “Neothink” (meaning New Technology System of Thinking or Next Evolution of Conscious Thought) identifications and integrations of reality that the primary author of the literature, Mark Hamilton, provides to each individual reader, is simply the most valuable and LIFE-enhancing material ever written.  The values Mark Hamilton has provided to myself and my loved ones are immeasurable.

I have been a loyal purchaser of Mark Hamilton’s books now for over FIFTEEN YEARS.  Every single purchase I have made from Mark Hamilton and/or the Neothink Society has over-delivered on its value immensely.  In fact that is exactly why over the years I have recommended this literature as the best investment any individual can make in themselves, their loved ones, and the world’s future.  When I decide to make multiple purchases from a company over a long period of time and thus become a loyal customer of theirs, I look for the business that provides the best value for my money in the specific area of expertise I am seeking knowledge in.  Mark Hamilton & his Neothink Society are the EPITOME of that value I seek.  Their products have continuously exceeded my expectations and that is the sole reason I choose to continue to purchase their products. 

Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society have brought exquisite clarity, justice, consistency of beliefs, and happiness to my life over the past couple of decades and I know that I am far from alone in these sentiments and experiences.

In FIH (Fully-Integrated Honesty),

Darren U

Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society

To Whom It May Concern:

Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society came into my life about 4 years ago when I received a piece of mail with some interesting information enclosed.  I chose to request more information and over the past 4 years I have received so much enjoyment and helpful training from the information I have received.  Mark Hamilton is a selfless and visionary thinker with the concept of a better life for everyone throughout the world. 

Anyone who is reading otherwise is being misled and that most likely is coming from covert sources within our own government.  Most of these people who want to keep us “like sheep….just go on with things as they are….don’t rock the boat”, but I think most of you reading and checking out Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and the TVP (Twelve Visions Party) will quickly realize that the people you want to watch out for are those in our own government that have been pretty much just watching out for their own interests (not the public), and doing what they can to discredit anyone who brings up new information or presents a new and better way to live.

I have had my eyes opened so wide over the past few years and I have come to realized how much I have depended on a government that is not watching out for me.  I learned that I need to watch out for myself and find a better way to live this precious life I have.

I highly recommend you don’t listen to the people who are trying to “badmouth” or “discredit” Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  I suggest instead you do some research and find out how awesome the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton are.  The visions for a new and better world are fantastic and hard to believe, but they are possible and millions of us are working for this change.  It is coming!  I just hope you join us, and share the fun and excitement of making it happen!

Best Wishes to all, and to a fabulous new future!


The Neothink® Society and The Twelve Visions Party® are like oxygen

The Neothink® Society and The Twelve Visions Party® are like oxygen for me to live the life I am meant to live. In a time when so many people are looking for leadership, I have learned to look within, and grasp that responsibility to lead myself into a world of limitless potential. My unique values to offer society in ways of unknown quantity are unleashed to enrich others and myself.

The Twelve Visions Party will enable everyone the freedom, to meet and exceed the limitations that currently block others and me from achieving our goals and dreams. With businesspersons organizing our country and removing the “Career Politicians” and the overwhelming regulations that destroy so many business, medical, and scientific advancements, we can move rapidly into a world of healthy, wealthy, and emotional stability. In order for this to happen, our government needs to shift to a Protection only government. We the people are more than capable of taking care of our lives, and future generations.

The School of Geniuses is a foundation for all members to integrate and polish their essence.  The organization and value of The School of Geniuses has given me the opportunity to bring my own gifts to this society.

I have noticed more and more people are taking a step back and questioning the validity of not just the governments’ purpose; but also the media’s reporting of world events. Public awareness of Scare Tactics and manipulating hoaxes is increasingly becoming a topic of conversation for the masses.  The negative reporting will shift to one of reporting the advances and progress of entrepreneurs around the world!

 This past year has taken me to new heights of organizational skills; and, a confidence to succeed in many areas, which in turn, has opened doors to additional values and friendships. Thank you to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society®!

Melissa S

Are you ready to succeed?


Three years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton with red and blue trim on the envelope. This letter made us a lot of promises. I have received the majority of these promises. I have met a famous person; even had a meal with him. I am still getting advice from this person to help me succeed even more. My life is many times better than it has ever been; so much so that I do not like to even think about where I would be if I had not received this letter.

Are you wealthy? I am not rich, but I am closer to accomplishing this. I am wealthy compared to what I was before I received this letter. I own more than I ever thought that I would ever own. I am earning more money than I thought was possible within my career; and I am still progressing. I am enjoying my life and my career.

This has such a profound impact in my life that I want to share this with everybody so that they can experience the same. I owe 100% of what I have accomplished to what I have learned from the Heirlooms written by Mark Hamilton. I do not like to even think about where I would be today without them.

None of these things happened just because I read the Heirlooms. They have happened because I have worked hard using what I have learned from the Heirlooms. I have always worked very hard; so much so that I was rewarded with a stroke. When this happened to me it was because all that I knew was how to work hard and be good at my job. I did not have the tools to move beyond this mindset. The Heirlooms gave me the tools to move beyond that mindset.

I have used these books by Mark Hamilton in my life and continue to use them. I know that this works just as well as I know that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. I want to thank Mark Hamilton for inviting me to become a member of the Neothink Society and allowing me to read his wonderful books which have so changed my life and continue to improve my life it as I continue to read.  I look forward to the future I am creating for myself. I know what the future will bring to me, following on the journey that began by reading the Hamilton Heirlooms.

Thank you, Mark Hamilton.


June 2010