Archive for June 26th, 2010

Mark Hamilton stands for integrity, honesty–plain and simple

There is no doubt about it, the Neothink literature is beyond brilliant and obviously the work of above genius Individuals, i.e., Mark Hamilton. In his multi-generational authorship he explains what you were meant to be and not what society has condemned you to be. Hating society is not what Neothink is all about, it’s about change that promotes the growth of the individual.

Barak Obama is all about change and society is slow to accept it. Their first reaction was the media creating an alter-Obama that plagued him in his campaign and even more in his Presidency. You can’t believe everything the media says, because there is no doubt that Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party will receive the same negative exposure.

The truth of the matter is that Mark Hamilton’s literature alone will change the way you look at yourself and the world. Neothink is about being creative and introspective and seeing life and society in a whole new light. One person at a time everyone will come to embrace the Neothink ideas. It really does come down to “If you love your job, you’ll never have to work another day in your life”. Too many of us never find a life of abundance and love, but Mark Hamilton does. He’s shared it with me and now he’s ready to share it with America. Thanks to Mark Hamilton I can say the air seems to be fresher and the sun shines a little brighter. He has made a tremendous effort to make my and your lives better.

Mark Hamilton stands for integrity, honesty–plain and simple.  Neothink could be called “me-think” or “I-think” because that is the whole point of the society–to make one think on his/her own.  TVP gives us true HOPE.  All of us know that the politicians in Washington have not “gotten it done” for quite some time.  The two parties are at such loggerheads that only more power, more control will satisfy them.  We need a government based on love, reason, and “no initial force.”  Thank you, Mark.

Dale A. W

Life Lifting Inspiration Is Mine Through Mark Hamilton’s Vision of Happiness For Me….


When I consider my life, and the events of my life as they have unfolded, I see a chart that clearly defines just how much coming into contact with the Neothink® Society of Mark Hamilton has reinserted the life lifting joy that I was meant to have.  Please view my Pictorial Testimony, below, for a clear picture of just how thankful I am to have received the books and inspirations of Mark Hamilton. 

  • In the beginning you will notice that I was at the highest level of life.  A new birth. I had it all waiting to unfold before me.  As an innocent child I received constant love and attention to my needs.  This gave me inspiration to live and grow.


  • In the world I soon began to sit up and explore my new world. I looked out to the world with pure excitement for each new life experience. Everything I did was pure joy and happiness for me as I continued to experience my life of wonder.


  • Then I began to walk; this was when I started my journey of independence in life.  Sometimes I fell down; this is when I experienced unhappiness for the first time.  

               But I continued on walking through life supported by the love of my friends and Family.

  • As I continued to grow, I learned to become an independent individual.  Now I have experienced happiness, self-discovery, sadness coupled with happiness; and have gained the ability to learn from life’s lessons.  These lessons now form my ideas on what life means to me.   I still believe in seeking happiness and joy in life as I journey on. 


  • As I got older in life’s journey. I did well in college; I had started to think about what I wanted my future to become.  But I was on my own now and I knew my life was going to be what I made of it.  I worked hard in school so that I could become an achiever in life.  I Soon became successful in life after college…I was working in the education field.  Then something had happened in time; now my life was just about my job. I had lost my joy for living and I felt I was just in a rut.  


  •       I had it all….good career, owned my home, paid all my bills on time, established a 401K; I should have been happy right?  No, as you can see when connecting the dots, my life has been in constant decline.  Why is that? It is because something had been forgotten in life as I had moved through meeting life’s responsibilities….I had forgotten to value the beauty that is me, the Joy of Living Life!  I lost my creativity for living life joyfully.


  •      Then it happened…..


I received a letter from Mark Hamilton that has totally changed my life.  I began to read his life altering manuscripts, and I joined the Neothink® Society.  It was as if I had received a letter sealed in a bottle, and tossed out to me where I stood alone on the shores of life’s disillusionment. Because of the material I read in Mark

Hamilton’s books and the Neothink® Society member library; I have a renewed exhilaration Life!

Thank You So Very Much Mr. Hamilton.                                                                                                                                 

Elaine R, Thanks you in… 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, & beyond!

Mark Hamilton’s teachings and his written works should not be deprived to anyone


Hello Mark

I have read and listened to some of your teachings though not many of them because of problems.  What I have read has impressed me to the extent that I would like to live the kind of life that can be achieved as described in the twelve Visions.

I have changed a number of my thoughts and actions based on what I have read and noticed a dramatic change in how people around me seem to have a different air about them.  I have a more positive outlook on life and I am much friendlier with others than I have been in the past.  Though I have a long way to go I’ll strive to meet the goals that are needed to achieve the freedoms I desire.  It will be a tragedy to deprive the people in this nation and all other nations.  Mark Hamilton teachings and his written works should not be deprived to anyone.  It is a matter of Constitutional rights.  Freedom of speech, freedom of the press

Keep up the good work Mark


Best regards,

Jerry R

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I want to say that although I have not been a member of Neothink very long, I am a Level 2 member, I can say without any doubt whatsoever that Neothink, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society are absolutely the best thing that ever happen to me in my life. I am growing everyday with Neothink and with everything that I have read and seen. I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for having been chosen to be a part of the Neothink Society. I feel that since I became a member, it has become absolutely crucial to my life and my existence to be a part of this organization. Words cannot express deeply enough how strong I feel about this. To say that everything I have experienced, read and seen is amazing, wonderful, breathtaking and fantastic would be putting it mildly. I feel honored to be a part of something that is so amazing and better than anything that has ever existed before in the history of mankind.

The Neothink Society and everything and everyone related to it, must ALWAYS continue to exist. I feel that without it, conscious life would have no value. That would be terrible to say the least. The only thing worse than a conscious life without value is no conscious life at all.

The Neothink Society is more than just an organization. It is my family. It is the only society that I can really feel close to and mean so much to me. I can never be a part of the anticivilization, not after my eyes were opened to Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. How can I ever go back. That would be like modern man reverting back to the apes. Unthinkable.

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton for having chosen me to be a part of your society. My wife is a very strong minded God-fearing christian woman. I want to tell her what I have found and the Neothink Society, but fear that she may not agree with it or me. But I feel that even if she doesn’t agree with me, I will continue with the Neothink Society. Even if my wife said to me that she is sorry but she can support me or agree with me with it, and even if she wanted to leave me because of it, I would still continue to be a member of the Neothink Society and continue to grow in it, at any cost, including my marriage. I feel that strongly about it and it means that much to me.

Mr Hamilton, Thank you so much for the difference you’ve made in my life. I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge. You ‘ve truely been an inspiration to me and I’ll never forget you. Be blessed in all your endeavors to make life better for everyone in all areas.

-cynthia g

I can barely express in words…



      I can barely express in words what Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party has meant to me over the last 17 years. My exposure to the initial literature expanded my consciousness and tore down the boundaries that had build up in my mind throughout the years prior to Neothink. It was like experiencing the most momentous sunrise the world has ever witnessed, and it happened inside my own mind, heart and soul. Neothink gives us hope for limitless prosperity and eternal joy. It integrates and encompasses everything human beings are meant to be and become. Through the Twelve Visions Party, the people of earth will forge an eternal value based society free of value destroying vestiges of the past. My self-worth, confidence, sense of hope and motivation to be everything that I can be has been deeply influenced by everything Neothink represents. I can’t imagine a world without it. Mark, I support everything you and all other members of the Neothink society are doing to bring our world into a new Renaissance. It will be a Renaissance, an enlightenment, that will surpass all others of the past. We shall soon join our neighbors throughout the cosmos in the application of the geometric expansion of knowledge, forever!  Mr. Hamilton, if you need anything, just ask. Thank you Mark Hamilton. Thank you Neothink.

Thank you so very much for inviting me to the Neothink Society

Dear Mark,

Thank you so very much for inviting me to the Neothink Society, it has changed my life in so many ways. I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together. I have never been so motivated to want to know and learn more. I felt exhilaration for the first time in my life, finding true meaning and hope for the future for myself, my family and the world! I always knew deep down there was more to this life.

The heirlooms have been life changing and the journey so far has been an exciting experience. I have been looking for something for many years and know I have finally found what I have been looking for. I am introducing the Neothink Society information to my children as their willingness to learn increases I look forward to passing Neothink Society heirlooms on for our future generations.

Before being introduced to this way of life I was very unhappy, my job had become stressful and unfulfilling, I felt I had no real purpose in life, the country seem to be on a downward spiral and no place to turn for true meaning and  purpose in this life.

 Now with the Neothink Society I have been able to use the tools from the heirlooms to think my way into a better way of life for myself and my family.

Please don’t stop providing this information it is the truth and the light that will change all our lives for the better. Thank you from the depths of my soul.

Pamela E

Mebane, NC

The Twelve Visions Party

Mark Hamilton,

Thanks for everything; I was beginning to think I was the only person or one of very few who could see the corruption, dishonesty, waste, and inefficiency that our government has become.  Since there are only two parties, it’s obliviously both their faults.  Now that we have another serious contender – The Twelve Visions Party – maybe we can start running this country like a republic more than a democracy.  I have read the 3 big manuals and all the other literature from your org. and it makes more sense than anything I’ve read in years. When the average person understands the 12 visions party’s goal, they will be not only impressed but thankful as well.  We finally have a political org. that cares about the people more than themselves and their agenda. I have introduced the society and lit. To my children, in their 30’s and 40’s, and it’s made a difference in their outlook for the future and their thoughts and actions for the present.  I’m behind you 100% and will do all I can to help this movement continue.  If the media is smart and worth their salt, they will get on the band wagon too instead of following the false prophets to oblivion. I know there are still some good journalists and researchers out there that believe in the free press and the truth.  I challenge them to do the right, to get out from under the governments thumb, to think for themselves and use a little commonsense to see what’s best for everyone concerned, including their children and grandchildren.  We obvious know who’s going to have to pay for the situation we’re digging ourselves into because of the war, stock market fiasco, the bailouts, and the money the governments throwing at everything but the problem.  Taxes are the only remedy so eventually their going to go up dramatically. Who do suppose is going to pay for it, duh?  If we wake up now, there is still time.  I pray that enough people keep their heads out of the sand and recognize the only possible solution – to change and reverse our present course. Thanks again mark and the Neothink society for being there when we really need you and leading the way to the future and the correct course of action. yours eternally, Larry T

Personally, I appreciate that you are striving to make the world a much happier and prosperous place

Dear Mark Hamilton,

 I have responded to your messages in the past requesting testimonial write-ups.  I am not sure if this is just a mass distribution request to everyone.  In any case, I hope you receive the messages necessary to accomplish your goals.

Personally, I appreciate that you are striving to make the world a much happier and prosperous place for all to live.  It is most definitely needed.  If we (the people) do the service we all love to do (our Friday night essence), there will be an exponential growth in creations, improvement in attitude towards others and service and in general a much nicer world to live in.  Though, I simply cannot understand why anyone would oppose to such a plan. 

However, I would give an “opinion” about something and I hope you are open to it. I want to add I have thoroughly enjoyed the writings of all your books, as I love to read interesting material.  When I read, I know it is the view and story of the writer (and not necessarily my view).  In one of the readings however, (Wallace’s writings), I took notice that his opinions may offend some who do not have an open mind to a writer’s way of thinking. 

Religion and politics are the most sensitive topics and it is very close to some people’s heart.  The media, religious and political sensitive people will “defend “their stance.  Just as anyone will defend what they believe in.

In my opinion, people have a right to believe in what they believe in and if people put others work, or belief down, it may cause some anger and resentment.  For me it is not my place to tell someone that their religion is not working or is more violent than the other.  What I believe in my mind is what I believe; however, I don’t think it will serve its purpose to put it down.

Every religion, politician and media has negative and positive aspects.  It is my opinion that we should point out the positives of each of the three aforementioned and dwell on those aspects.  In fact, that is for everything we do.  I am not, of course suggesting ignoring those things that are causing harm, but in our society, we do tend to hi-light the negatives instead of hi-lighting the positives. By pointing out the good and dwelling on the goods of the service of that religion, politics (politician), it just may soften their need to strongly “defend” their position.

This is only my opinion and felt compelled at this time, to express it.

In peace, harmony, love, freedom, happiness and prosperity,


As a Neothink member I will say to you the public…

As a Neothink member I will say to you the public and the government as a whole, the literature that was given me goes back in time to which history cannot and will not change in today’s society, is the back bone success of what Neothink is all about.
Honesty is where it’s at and if it wasn’t for the hard work of our dearly departed Mark Hamilton, his Associates including Professors, Psychologists, Cognitive Informatics literature and beyond (to which I could name a few) Writers included that of Leonard Peikoff and Ayn Rand, the Society would not benefit the human race otherwise and remains no threat to the public or government in any way. 

Put simply, Mark Hamilton and friends are a group of intelligent people who love doing intelligent things, words, associating, grouping (just as a Therapist would in a session), taking a stand for what he, they and what we all believe in, is in retrospect meant no harm to anyone, rather it is a great get-together and a large learning process of teams educating us, even teaching us how to use our talents and assets to help others in this world.

I hold in very high regard the strength to which my team members have formed the society because they believe in the layman, the uneducated people of today, and still give them hope in using their talents, something that society sees people in a judgmental way.  They do not judge or criticize us, rather we are promoted and persuaded to use our heads better and be accepting of everyone for who they are.
I and my family are so proud to be a member of this wonderful and educational society, because we know and have learned how much work, hard work and study has gone into it, yet they still offer hope and friendship, a clear path to who we really want to be in life, and of course, without prejudice to anyone.

I love these people and who they represent and their representation is also that of Mark Hamilton’s father’s hard work that was world renowned for his efforts who should have received a Nobel Prize for Peace.  As for his son Mark Hamilton, we stand in awe that he has taken over his father’s precious, but hard work to carry on and as a friend, we love and admire him.

May the public grow in awareness and share in the life that the society gives to us people.  This is a truly remarkable statement I am saying because I just can’t share enough of what we really feel deep down for Mr. Hamilton and friends.

Dear Mark Hamilton

The Neothink Society has the potential to rapidly bring about hugely beneficial changes to mankind – if it is given a chance!   Mankind, without Neothink, will take thousands of years to achieve the same progress – if it survives the nuclear threshold!

The Neothink Society has inspired me, and I believe it has the ability to inspire every person on the planet.   Please give the Neothink Society a chance – you wont regret it!

June 2010