The virtue of Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)

This is a testimony about the nobility and virtue of Mark Hamilton (MH), Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that I want to share with the conscious world in order to validate the outstanding character of these people.

    I will take the definitions of “Anticivilization” and “Neothink” and apply them to the people I lived around in 2005 when Mark Hamilton contacted me and show you how they helped me with them.

    “Anticivilization is the irrational civilization criminally infesting planet Earth — an unreal civilization riddled with professional value destroyers who cause endless cycles of wars, destruction, misery, and death.”

    “Neothink is a noun or an adjective meaning fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality. Neothink creates a collection of new techniques or new technology that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do for gaining honest advantages in all situations. Neothink provides the integrations to collapse the illusions, hoaxes, and all other forms of irrationality manipulated by parasitical elites through subjective, political-agenda laws and arbitrary ego ‘justice’.”

    Basically, the people I lived around in 2005 when Mr. Hamilton contacted me are exactly as the definition of “anticivilization” describes them to be, and the way Mr. Hamilton helped me is exactly defined in the definition of “Neothink”.

    Neothink helps us with the anticivilization. Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party help victims of the anticiviliztion with the anticivilization.

    The anticivilization is my Reservation in New Town, North Dakota, the Ft. Berthold Resservation, also known as the Three Affiliated Tribes: Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikera Nation.  

    As soon as I got there in 2001, people began starting trouble and were trying to victimize me. What they did to me is described in the definition of “anticivilization” above. Now I understand that this is how they that live there are in their natural state from the stagnation created by the isolation. They are criminal and professional value destroyers causing endless cycles of wars, destruction, misery and death. What happened to me in New Town was destruction and misery and these things start wars and cause death. They tried to make me commit suicide by ruining my life…but I don’t get like that over a ruined life because I am more experienced than they are due to the fact that I was raised in a bigger city, i.e. Los Angeles, CA where I have returned to.

    Isolation creates low growth, low population, mental problems, and closed mindedness, i.e. it makes people mental midgets. So they could not understand me due to the low growth and low population. They are wrong about me and I laughed at them instead of committed suicide due to what MH, Neothink and the TVP revealed to me in their literature about the anticivilization. He, he, he…

    They provoked in public places such as colleges and stores. Fought me when I was drunk and trying to have fun. Broke me up with a girlfriend. Tried to steal my property and tried to kill me. However, I am stronger than they are and all they could do was backbite. Through backbiting, behind the back so not to get caught, they fought me when I was so drunk I couldn’t walk and broke me up with my girlfriend. So they are weaker than Mr. Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party.

    How did Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions party help me? Just as defined above, through their literature, with fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality, they showed me what was going on and taught me new techniques on how to gain the full advantage in all the situations they attacked me with, i.e. the illusions, hoaxes and irrationality.

    Once one understands that the people that control the anticivilization are parasitical elites controlling the masses through subjective political-agenda laws and arbitrary ego justice, i.e. professional value destroyers destroying the values and laws they create by transgressing them, and what to do from the literature, depoliticizing and demystifying them becomes child’s play.

    The people in that town are professional value destroyers and parasitical elites controlling their subjects through dishonest oppressive manipulations. They oppress to suppress. With oppression they debilitate any creative abilities in order to rule over them. They tried to suppress me with their public attacks but Mr. Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP, like God-men, saw and reached out and saved me from their goal to suppress and then kill me.

    Now I have learned the business mode mentality and launched out into entrepreneurship and am starting about 5-online businesses! I am alive due to what they do on a daily basis in Neothink and the TVP.

    There are millions more that have been and can be saved by Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party. To attempt to close down such godlike people is evidence of criminal intent because that will start a war because the ones that prevent war would be gone…Thank you for your time & attention and a big huge thanks to Mr. Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party, as well as to GIN, the Global Information Network.

Mr. Darrin M. P


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March 2025