The time for the TVP® is NOW!

 “Once we recognize and remove from politics and law the inherent problem of man – flaw-filled creatures easily influenced by power and money – then we will quickly rise into a wealthy world…even the poor will rise.
Ruling-class power must be taken out of the hands of man. Freedom and prosperity throughout history suffered when man created, interpreted, and executed the law. On the other hand, freedom and prosperity throughout history soared when man was removed from the political and bureaucratic controls. Our own country soared when we largely removed the rule of man (ie., removed a monarch with our U.S. Constitution).
To complete the evolution into universal prosperity, the power of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches must be taken away from the opinions and agendas of flaw-filled man and put into a flawless Prime Law®.
Man is an easily influenced, easily corrupted creature. Therefore the laws that govern man (ie., protect man) must be free of man. The only way to free man is to reduce the law to its essence. Once at the fundamental nature of something there is no going deeper. All opinions, agendas, illusions, dishonesties and corruption – all of mans faults – no longer matter. The fundamental nature stands unchanged, unscathed, unconditional, uncorrupted…plain for all to see and know, which is the nature of the Prime Law®.
Indeed, the fundamental, biological nature of protection is captured in the Prime Law®, which supersedes all law. The Prime Law® removes man – including all the smart law- school graduates – from the decision-making process of law. Law leaps to another level altogether, for the first time completely free of man.
The Prime Law® determines the creation or lack of creation of new laws, not man with his endless opinions, agendas and faults. The fundamentals of protection – Prime Law® – determines the interpretation of laws, not man with his endless egos, selfish ambitions, and many human flaws. The Prime Law® determines the execution and enforcement of laws, not man who is drawn to intoxicating power, rampant dishonesty, and a capacity for evil.
When the Prime Law® removes man from creating, interpreting, and executing law, something amazing happens: the heavy and corrupt ruling-class of man comes off society. In that new freedom, society and technology will soar. A Great Technological Revolution takes off and causes our buying power to multiply a hundred fold, maybe more, making everyone rich, including the poor! *
Let us now introduce a new grassroots political party with the sole objective to remove man from creating, interpreting, and executing law in order to make all people wealthy, including the poor.

The name of this new political party that removes man from governing – removes the corrupt ruling class – is the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP®).
* © 2009Mark Hamilton


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March 2025