The Neothink Society is an group hard working honest people…
The Neothink Society is an group hard working honest people, who is dedicated to doing what’s right for the good of all. Many people and groups one encounters in there life time often do good things out of fear. Mark Hamilton’s literature can and will help you overcome your personal fears and accomplish many if not all of your goals in life. Most of us want to live a good clean honest life, but with all the dishonesty in our World today one can find this difficult, This literature can help you begin to think and start looking for answers from within, that will benefit yourself and your family. The one thing I noticed about our brother Jesus is that, in every situation, he was always honest about things, The he had concurred all the illusions of this dishonest World that had crucified him according to their law. To make just decisions about things, first gather all the information.