The Neothink Society has been a blessing to me.


The Neothink Society has been a blessing to me.  When I received my invitation to be a part of this group, I was about at the end of my rope.  I had taught for about 21 years and was continuously despondent with the public education system.  I had quit teaching, without retirement, because I could no longer be a part of a system that would not let teachers teach what they knew the students needed in their own classrooms.  I could no longer be a part of a system that didn’t work.  I quit without knowing what I was going to do.  I just knew I could not be a part of a broken system any longer.

Right after I quit, I got my invitation.  I was encouraged by all of the wonderful people of the Neothink Society to fulfill my dream of encouraging young people and improving education.  I have since developed my own phonics program and have given two speeches, one in Ohio and one in North Carolina, on alternative education.  I am continuing to make progress and am so happy to be a part of a society who wants to make this world a better place.

Children are our future and we have to let them know just how important they really are.  If we continue to lose our children to drugs and violence, we will lose our future.  I believe a positive future begins with our children.  Neothink is a way of making this happen.  With all of the wonderful people of the Neothink Society pulling together to make all areas of our lives better, there is hope for a better tomorrow.  I, for one, am proud to be a part of this society.


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March 2025