Thank-you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

To:       Mark Hamilt0n

 From:  Roevel Guzm@n

 It is with complete sincerity that I write this letter.  The first piece of Neothink literature I received in December 2009 continues to have a profound effect on my life in ongoing, positive, and practical ways.  While simultaneously reading the second and third pieces of Neothink literature (the most recent book received two days ago), I am astonished by the clarity, depth, and practicality of thought – Neothinking as a result of pragmatic experience, reason, careful analysis, and decades of planned thinking.

Since that time, I have been the grateful recipient of increased love from family and friends.  While my life had already been blessed prior to exposure to the Society and the literature, it now feels doubly ‘blessed.’

I have written this before, and will reiterate that based on what I have experienced from other Neothinkers thus far, and what I have read of the literature, Mark Hamilton’s writings continue to leave a significant, lasting, favorable impression in my life, and therefore in the lives of those around me. 

I have been a banker for 20 years, and have had significant exposure to international business and credit.  The concepts outlined in his latest book, Wealth Health Peace by Mark Hamilton in my opinion are brilliant.  It was startling for me to discover that the writings also appear to be marked by an clear “lack of fear.”

In exercising and implementing rational thought expressed in Neothink literature, I am better able to make sound, clear decisions for myself, and better discern what may be behavioral and/or thought process “clutter,” versus what is right and true for myself, one decision at a time.  At the same time I feel I have more energy and clarity to express genuine loving, b0th towards myself and towards others.
From a business perspective, the added dimension of rational thought and decision making, coupled with practical business practices as outlined by Mark Hamilton, will undoubtedly benefit my employer, for which I continue to develop a discernible appreciation and gratitude.  Given the passion I feel for this movement, involvement with the Neothink community and the Twelve Visions Party will undoubtedly contribute to the further development of my business practices and my own personal net w0rth, which continues to improve.

Although involvement may appear to be partisan, Neothink actually encourages independent thought and self leadership.  I associate the Neothink Society with integr1ty, fact gathering, and commitment to the truth – and unlike any other group to which I have belonged; I feel a strong sense of trust and safety.  This is due to the Twelve Visions Party platform and the Prime Law, which circumvents the potentially adverse impact of flaw-filled man – there is no room for ego, force, fraud, or coercion in a world where the Prime Law is advocated and practiced. 

These principles in a free market society will help geniuses flourish, in order to pr0actively create solutions to illness and thereby create a healthier world.  Pe0ple currently reliant on drugs to keep them out of wheelchairs do not have to face inevitable deterioration, as cures will be sought and found more rapidly, and their health will be sustained.  Education will be based on truths, on healthy information gathering, and will be more geared to each individual child.  The ability of the individual to prosper, all individuals, including the poor, will soar through self leadership and solid, honest, business practices.  Government will contribute to the prosperity of individual lives, in part, due to its existence for purposes of protecti0n only.

Thank-you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  May you continue to flourish and grow to help the world at large – 0ne individual at a time.

Roevel M. Guzman


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March 2025