Thank you again Mark Hamilton

I am a 66 year old woman. I moved to the United States from Puerto Rico when I was 27 years of age. I have always been searching for something, but I had no words to describe what I had been searching for, and no one in my family could seem to help me. I started working in New York and was content for a while. My spirit was restless again and I could not figure out WHY!! I married in 1979 and my husband and I moved from town to town and State to State. My husband and I were searching for something but we could not pin point or name what it was. . In 2005 I approached my husband and told him “I need to go back home”. He was taken aback and asked me, (looking very puzzled), “Puerto Rico?” I answered him “no…Texas.” He was relieved and happy, the boy is from Texas. We moved to Texas in late 2005..
I received a letter in February, 2008 with a message that had me on edge for 4 days, debating if I should answer or not. It was from the Noe-Think Society and I was thrilled and but also a little scared. I did not know what to think. I had heard about secret societies and how quiet, secretive and selective they were. The part that intrigued me the most was that they said I was special and I could be happy, rich and enjoy incomparable love.
I have to tell you that In 2005 I lost my mother and I was in my own way grieving for her. Well, I sent for the First Book, and waited anxiously for it. I was desperate for answers about everything in life, my mothers death, what was my purpose in life, ect. In the First Book I found the answers and more. I learned how to build a business, run it and keep it prosperous for the rest of my life. That I can have more than 1 business and still be in control and be successful. When the Second Book arrived, I read it in a week (the same like the First one). It gave me and insight into God and his workings. At last I understood my mother’s death and I reconciled myself to the fact that she is all right. Now I am at peace with her passing. The Third Book came and it was a delight to read. I thank Mark Hamilton for the kindness he bestowed on me, a practical stranger, for giving such a gift of love and good will. Now I can be a better producer for myself and everyone on Earth. I have learned to cherish every living thing on this planet regardless what or where it may be.
Another thing I am grateful to Mark Hamilton for is giving me the opportunity to be part of the Twelve Vision Party. I love the idea of A PROTECTION ONLY Government. I like the idea that everyone can be rich, including the elderly and the poor. I especially like that the Twelve Visions Party will make our Government as it was originally intended to be, as a Protection only Government. I am looking forward to the days when I no longer need be concerned with Government running every aspect of my life.
Thank you again Mark Hamilton
Josefina S


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March 2025