Testimony for the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)

by Warren V
 In late spring of 2007 I was contacted by Mark Hamilton of the Neothink Society and asked to consider becoming one of its members.   Like many people receiving such messages, I was skeptical.   Why was I being sought out?  There was much alluded to, but not much was revealed.  I had recently written and published an informative and unflattering “tell-all” book about “how church really works”.  Was that possibly how the Neothink Society heard about me??  I did not know.  (And frankly right now in 2009, I still do not know!)   I however thought to myself back in 2007 by saying, “What is the cost? And can I live with possibly losing that?”  My answer to myself was to say “Yes, I could certainly live with possibly losing a few hundred dollars (the cost of initial membership and materials)”.  I decided that the money that I would initially spend on becoming a member was something that I could lose if it didn’t pan out.  I joined the Neothink Society in the summer of 2007.
     The Neothink Society initially advertises that its members have “shockingly powerful secrets” that are only shared by becoming a member.  I can honestly say, “That is true!”   The information is very literal, practical, and yet so amazingly revealing that it is truly an exhilarating undertaking when encountering it.  The information and teaching that is provided literally deals with essentially every aspect of human life and existence.   Saying this is perhaps even more intriguing since I have graduated from both a Christian seminary (Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN ) with a Master of Divinity Degree (MDIV)  and from a bible school (Living Word Bible Institute, Levels 1 and 2, Brooklyn Park, MN).   Seminary and bible school are places where “in-depth” learning about “life” is supposed to take place.  I can honestly say that the Neothink Society has provided me with more insights, knowledge, and inspiration (directly and by referral) than both seminary and bible school.  In fact, the information and people that the Neothink Society has introduced to me has strengthened both my interest in and understanding of things that are considered “supernatural”, “paranormal” and “uncanny” in the Bible.  The Neothink Society has also provided informational help that has not only benefitted me financially but has also helped the businesses of some of my friends and relatives with whom I have in-turn helped. 
     The newly created Twelve Visions Party is an outgrowth of the Neothink Society’s membership that is intended to begin engaging the world of politics with a completely new paradigm.  I personally attended the Twelve Vision Party’s first national convention in Chicago, IL this past July 2009.   The new paradigm being presented by the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is nothing other than radical HONESTY in politics.  The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) will deal directly with questions of political, economic, and societal change.  An underpinning tenet of the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is that of FREEDOM.  The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) grasps, recognizes, and promotes the further advancement of the prosperity producing freedoms that began to slowly emerge and be championed in various books of ancient history such as the Torah and the Bible, and other similar freedoms which were propelled even harder and faster by political events such as the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, The U.S. Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the U.S. Bill of Rights in 1791.  People using and emulating such freedoms around the world have moved many societies away from menial living standards and thrust them into living lives where ever increasing possibilities for life, love, prosperity, and responsibility can occur.  People’s minds have thereby been freed to become more and more.  The greatest curse upon mankind is perhaps the curse related to not having freedom simply because people are not aware of HOW it can be achieved, beginning with the many small choices that every individual makes every day.  Freedom is always tied to responsibility, even down to the smallest decisions as well as ultimately to the biggest decisions. 
     The success of the Twelve Visions Party is highly important to me.  Furthermore, the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is also important for not only our current time in history, but also for all time into the future.  I will categorically say that the success of the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is needed to avert a world-wide collapse or even war at some point.   The current political and economic structures both in the United States and in the world at large are crumbling.  People are being kept both uninformed and oppressed.  Only vibrant and direct HONESTY can achieve the needed changes.  Too many cheating “authorities” in politics, entertainment, and also in business have gotten away with cheating tricks and claims that pacify populations and make people into “docile sheep to be slaughtered”.  It need not be this way.  Honesty must prevail.  The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) must prevail. 
     Both the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and the Neothink Society have and will provide great benefits to its membership.  They will do the very same for anyone who joins!  A true adventure it has been for me, and a great adventure is still promised!  I encourage anyone and everyone to keep an open mind and check out both organizations by directly contacting them and/or publicly involved members.
Warren V
White Bear Lake, MN


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March 2025