Posts Tagged ‘yeas’

This message is to all our political leaders

Hello Mark Hamilton, This message is to all our political leaders. Who are feeling a negative in differentiation about what a Wonderful World of Pure intellectual love, support, shelter, and security, and a abundance of wealth for all our future generations and re-generations of people throughout eternity. From the beginning of time this discussion of who says, or organizes a campaign, or restructure of governmental reprise. Or build new ways of thinking and new broadband challenges cultivating civilizations, The problem has always been a fatal struggle between the classes. Organizing armistices and filling the blasphemy of their most firm beliefs or disbelief in new thinking, and causation without representation of the basic of our foundation who organized the & US Constitution, and the Proclamation of Declaration. Why? We have struggled so many wars, so many tears, so many fatalities, because people struggle without the conscious power of survival in the discoveries of Neothink. The building “Foundation Library” of literal books of wisdom of Neothink by Dr. F.R.W., and Mark Hamilton is absolutely not mysticism. This literature is the genius of the most powerful thinkers we have in the world always. And took a lifetime of writing and rewriting by Dr. F.R.W., and Mark Hamilton. This literature is immersed in so much beautiful love for our creation. The World of neighbors of the Universe. Who take this message takes to millions of people, globally, who enjoy and are dedicated to rule out mysticism in the world of anti-civilization. Which is a realty of life since 2500 yeas ago. when anti-civilizaiton built on political/religious matrix of dishonesties
1. A person gains a calm and benevolent acceptance of the fact that since about 500 B.C., humans had no choice but to live, suffer, and die in a bizarrely -unnatural world-in a politically-and -religiously ravaged. civilization.
2. A person dramatically increases his or her toleration, understanding, and ability to function beneficently, prosperously, and happily in an anticivlizaiton.
3. That person can then profit from essentially any positive or negative situation arising from an anticivilation. How? By harnessing Neothink fully intergraded honesty with wide scope rationalities that undermine and then profitably exploit anticivilation deception. Such exploitations are processes of “creative destruction” withing today’s dishonest-and-irrational political/religious anitcivilation needed to build on honest-and-rational business/science/art civilization on Earth as described throughout Pax NT.
This is a seed of what has been written by the United States of America’s top Neothink Discoveries. To our Political Leader’s. “Please ,do not let this vital to existence precise intellectual vast knowledge die. If this movement would stop it would mean the End of the World. “
Mr. Eugene Brien Pacifico

March 2025