Posts Tagged ‘years of my life’

Mark Hamilton, his Twelve Visions Party and his Neothink Society have clearly changed my life

Mark Hamilton, his Twelve Visions Party and his Neothink Society have clearly changed my life. Of this, I am totally sure.
I received my first manuscript in 2007. Since then, I gained confidence in myself as never before, and dared to dream big and to start doing things which I have only dreamt about. Before his touch in my life, I was idle and stagnant. Having lived and going to the most difficult years of my entire life, that are these last three and a half years of my life (since my father got sicker and died), I view hindsight and conclude that without the psychological and life changing support of the Neothink mentality that Mark Hamilton have created for the entire planet, I would have suffered a lot more. Neothink eased some of my troubles and for that I am very grateful to him and to his Neothink Society.
Mark Hamilton´s Neothink offered me the possibility of rescuing me of the mysticism I was following and living like a fanatic. He rescued my mind and that is so far the greatest benefit I have received from him. In doing so, he also rescued my destiny. He put me on my way to a better, happier, fulfilled and successful life. I do want more of life. I want to live with passion. I know I have been tested and that I am being tested, but the readings of the three manuscripts that I have received from Mark Hamilton have sowed in me the seeds of happiness, success and physical inmortal life. I do know that some day I will bring results, great results because of my relation with the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party is our way out as citizens of the planet to live using our value creations and all of our mind´s potentials, to reach the Civilization of the Universe, from where all knowledge is bestowed upon us.
Forerunners, visionaries, and extremely intelligent people are always put under attack. Einstein quoted that great minds have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Mark Hamilton is not the exception. I think he is a genius. He is a very capable man, which has prepared himself to become the next President of his country, the United States of America, probably as no other American citizen has done before. I do respect all former and previous American Presidents. I don´t mean to offend anybody with my previous remark. I only add that talking about these matters sometimes gets me very emotional.
Nobody can´t stop the good the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society will do for mankind. And Mark Hamilton is the well proven sign that we as human beings will be living a different life as soon as Mark Hamilton takes office and starts implementing his plans. Everything will change for the better thereafter. Of that, I can bet.
My thumbs up for you Mark Hamilton for all the good you have done so far to people like me and for all the coming good you will do for more people, whether they are your fellow American citizens or any foreigner as I am.
Arturo Moreno S

I cannot imagine a world where the ideas of Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party did not exist.

My name is Raymond and I’m 57 yrs old. I had been searching for that “Some Thing More” in my life that had been eluding me for the first 54 years of my life. Now I have found my reason for living, my purpose in life, and a passion I never knew I had before.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for his wonderful literature and The Neothink Society for enlightening me to the honest reality of the person I was meant to be. I thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for introducing me to the fantastic world of Neothink and the visions of the Twelve Visions Party that would enable people of this country to climb out of the down-ward spiral of living in a world of lies, delusions, fraud and coercion that has kept us all from the pursuit of real life, liberty, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.
I cannot imagine a world where the ideas of Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party did not exist. I fear that without the hope that Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party can bring to the world; we will end-up destroying this country, this civilization and this planet by sheer frustration and ultimately create a cataclysmic catastrophe that will eliminate us as a species.
I look to the future of mankind’s’ ONLY real hope for survival to continue to move forward and usher in the kind of world that the Fore-Fathers of this country risked all to bring to us many years ago. The future they envisioned is not the one we are all living. The future they had hoped for and paid dearly to secure finally has a chance to become a beautiful reality with the emergence of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s’ Neothink Society and the new political arm of this Society know as The Twelve Visions Party.
Our children and our grandchildren are counting on all of us to rally behind Mr. Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party to secure not only our futures but theirs’ as well. The Neothink Society and all that this Society stands for is the ONLY way that any of the people of this world can continue to look to their futures and say, “At last!” we have a real and lasting way to accomplish all that our individual heart’s desire of living in peace and harmony and love with the inhabitants of this beautiful place we call Earth.
I urge everyone who has a real desire to survive the current economical and political state of the world today to seek out The Neothink Society Clubhouses around the country and learn for them the real value offered to them by Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party. Go to for more info.
Thank you, Raymond D

I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for…

I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for or is committed to represents freedom. The ultimate goal is Freedom for America and freedom for the world. “The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily”. These are some of the sweetest words that I have ever heard since the time of our founding fathers, and it is the guiding light and the rule book by which I myself and the members of the Neothink® society presently live.
The secret to happiness is “freedom”; freedom of will; freedom of choice; freedom of speech; freedom to create; freedom to evolve into a society that deserves to be prosperous and happy. I truly believe that this is the hall mark behind which Mark Hamilton stands. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts, written by Mark Hamilton, I too have realized that I deserve to live prosperous and happily.
It is absolutely incredible that Mark Hamilton would want to openly share such invaluable information with me. It is also so amazing that he would care enough to want to open my eyes to what is happening in and around me in an effort to help me see through the illusions that has held me back from growing and prospering all the years of my life.
Never before have I been taught how to use my God given abilities to propel forward to strive to improve the quality of my life, and to think differently and be prosperity conscious. I now want to live a life of fulfillment in every way forever.
If Mark Hamilton is silenced, what will become of us all with our freedoms taken away bit by bit until they are all gone? The only thing we would have to live for is to pay over priced bills and taxes.
In contrast, what an extraordinary world we can live in with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) striving to protect the rights and well being of us all. We need to have a political party such as the TVP that will encourage business development towards fulfilling all of our needs. This can only encourage competitive growth in order to drive down inflation so that our cost of living can decrease to the end of the pursuit of happiness.
Without the contributions of Mark Hamilton and the TVP, there will be no freedom and therefore chaos will reign. We all will be stuck with a government after government making empty promises that they appear to fulfill out of good intentions. You will not be allowed to see through the illusions or the lengths at which the media and the politicians will go through to ensure that their evil plans are not foiled.
With the state of the economy as it is presently we need to be relieved of those who make empty promises in the hope of never having to follow through. We need to be relieved of bogus medical schemes and bogus housing schemes where such finances are used to line the pockets of the already wealthy, rather than to the aid of hard working citizens.
In essence, there is no other hope. There is no other lucrative way of surviving this “Egypt” in which we now reside. All we have presently is just empty promises waiting to be fulfilled.
I will certainly always be eternally grateful to Mark Hamilton and I remain thankful for the literature that he has written and made available to all in the Neothink ® Society. Jacqueline B
The Neothink Society and especially the writings of Mark Hamilton, to me, have become the most important and enlightening literature I have ever read. The knowledge gained in these materials has led me to a place of total optimism for the future of mankind. The values taught, the honesty reflected and the love expressed in these writings, has truly affected myself and my children. We see the value of every human being and recognize the true value of every self. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party, Americans for the first time in many, many decades finally will have a choice in governing ourselves and controlling our own destiny.
For me, to know that our hope is for every man, woman and child to know exactly who they are in relation to the universe and with integrated honesty be able to fulfill there purpose on this planet. To be able to become what our forefathers saw when they wrote the terms and conditions of what this country was to become and to know how far away from these standards this reigning political system has led us all away from, is to me the biggest crime of all time. When the pursuit of happiness becomes the burden of life because of forced backed taxes and personal agendas of the political elite to get richer and richer at our experience, then I say it is time for a real change. That is why I support the Neothink Society and especially the Twelve Visions Party. Without Mark Hamilton and the TVP, we can be assured that the Democrats and Republicans will continue with “business as usual” until they run this country into the ground. Some day knowledge and not blind faith will take over all realms of existence.
Thank you, Donald G

Then, I got the first book, Inside Secrets, from Mark Hamilton.

My name is Marshall B., but my friends call me Randy.   I am a member of Neothink in Virginia and have been a Neothinker for about three years, since I read my first book by Mark Hamilton.  Let me back up and tell you my Neothink story.
During the first working years of my life, I held many jobs, served in the military, washed dishes, drove trucks, but finally decided that my passion was cars and I wanted to work on cars, no matter what.  So I took a job in a small garage in my country town in Virginia.  I loved the work but as my family grew to six of us, with four kids.  I had to work two shifts and sometimes weekends to make enough money to support my family.  
Then at age 38 I had a stroke.   I had no insurance and it was rough for me and my family for months.  Fortunately I made a complete recovery from the stroke, but I was bankrupt and worth less than zero. For one long year, I had to take a less mentally challenging  and very repetitive job, just alignments all day long, every day for a year while I was recovering and not able to focus enough to do the diagnostic work that I had been doing and loved to do.  
Then, I got the first book, Inside Secrets, from Mark Hamilton.  I read about project curiosity, power thinking and mini-days and getting 100 % control of my life with Discipline, Thought and Control or DTC.  It worked for me.  I put these ideas, techniques into my work life and into my personal life.  As my strength returned physically, my enthusiasm for my job increased many fold because I could see how I could work less and make more money by using my brain more.  
To make a long story short, just from reading this literature by Mark Hamilton, within a year from my stroke I was back at work and had doubled my income. Within two years I had bought our first new home.  The banks and advisers told me nobody could go through a stroke and bankruptcy, and get the mortgage money to buy a home in two years, but I did.  Mark Hamilton’s books gave me the tools to do this.  All the information is there for you in Inside Secrets by Mark Hamilton.  Anyone can read this book and do what I did.
About a year ago, I changed employers. Now I work for a large auto dealership.  I have been taking the classes and training courses to get certifications.  In this short time I have become the second most certified technician in the dealership and when the next door opens, I will be standing there ready to walk through it.   Most Sunday afternoons, I spend attending clubhouses of Neothinkers in Virginia, speaking about the literature and teaching others what I have learned.  This is my way of giving back and helping others.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for your guidance, information and support.  You have changed my life.  In fact, you have saved my life.Randy.


My Life’s Love Letter

I am Jill Reed, a loving woman, mother of two (2) brilliant minded adult sons, and I acknowledge the little girl I have always been. A writer of love letters, to friends and family, and writing poetry always make me happy. I received a letter from Mark Hamilton some time ago. I have one regret that I either didn’t receive the letter earlier, or that if I received it, at an earlier date, I was not ready to accept what was offered.

I have always enjoyed reading and self-improvement of this flaw-filled person that I am. So, when I got the letter, I decided to engulf myself in the 3k pages of Mark’s writings. The writings contain a lot of information I was aware of, but the key to his writings, is his ability to deliver the message that I had heard all of my life. The message spoken by: my parents, teachers, preachers, politicians, about how my actions would make or break me. Meaning, I was capable and needed to act responsibly. Back then, I was acting according to an adult’s desires for me.

I have considered that message most of my life, when I was thinking for myself. But, sadly, I spent many hours, each day for years, gripped in the “what if or I can’t” of life. I followed authority, I acted as a child should “to be seen and not heard” and I lost years of my life trying to please others all the while losing myself. Don’t misunderstand me, I am an incredibly happy person because I know it is up to me. But, once focused on a goal, I would run to it, even if it was someone else’s desire for me.

I no longer accept whatever comes my way. I have been successful in a lifelong career in the minerals business, I have been a small business owner, and I know that all along I only wanted to write and love people. I have always shared my love and happiness with others, except when I felt my own happiness was threatened by dishonesty. Listening to self, I have answers, I know whether I am behaving right or wrong. I know that I will face the consequences of my actions, as will everyone else. This way of living has nothing to do with religion or politics, it has to do with self… the way we are created with great minds, which differentiates us from apes that do things the same, day in and out.

Mark Hamilton helped me understand the origins of myself, and that is to create happiness doing what I love so that I might flourish. I am now writing, and I see that my love of people and a desire to help them is all I ever wanted and needed. I feel successful, I feel appreciated, I am receiving love from my family and friends, and I know you can also experience this with the material if you choose to accept it.

Mark Hamilton literature has changed my life…


Here is a brief account of my childhood. Born just before the beginning of World War 2 in cologne, have no education But remember plenty of air raids with lots of bombs coming down. At six years of age I was forced to steal for survival and graduated to the black market at the tender age of 8 years of my life. Come X-mas 1944my dad was killed in Siberia and my mum died in an air raid, with other words was on my own with no family! 

The following years were devastating and formed me for all my life. 

I lost all since of goodness in society but managed somehow to stay on the right side of the fence so to speak. At the age of seventy I received an invitation from Mr. Mark Hamilton to join the Neothink society!  What I thought at that time, (what do I have to lose) and I joined the society but was very far away of thinking good of the society we live in. But when I received your first book (I studied your book from the first page to the last one) I realized bit by bit that, there are still people on earth who work for the betterment of our society and you Mark Hamilton are one of them! You have given me what nobody was able to give me in seventy years of my life, namely a new believe in our world and a new society in the making and for that I thank you Mark Hamilton with all my being! I am now 74 years old and had the good fortune to own 8 of your books, 

I studied them all, your work has transformed my thinking no less than a 100% ! 

The TVP must succeed no matter what to save all of us from destruction by means of wars, genocide, religious terrorist fanatics, dishonesty etc. etc. to grow into the Twelve Visions World I have a rock-solid believe it will happen Mark Hamilton and for that I am prepared to do my little bit. I wish Mark Hamilton i would have known you sixty years ago because it would have changed my life completely. 

I will always remain yours truthfully! 

These books are the most important books on the planet.  People always like to criticize what they don’t take the time to understand.  Mark Hamilton literature has changed my life into a positive more understanding one.  Miss Annabelle’s book is greatest book written in the universe.  I never have had a book transport into its world of understanding like your favorite puzzle snapping the right puzzle pieces together.  I love it I will always read it over and over.  I even read it to my kids.  They love it.   I will always treasure these books.  I have been forever changed by them. 

Thank you Mark Hamilton 

Michelle L 


Love Letter to Me

I am Jill Reed, a loving woman, mother of two (2) brilliant minded adult sons, and I acknowledge the little girl I have always been. A writer of love letters, to friends and family, and writing poetry always make me happy. I received a letter from Mark Hamilton some time ago. I have one regret that I either didn’t receive the letter earlier, or that if I received it, at an earlier date, I was not ready to accept what was offered.

I have always enjoyed reading and self-improvement of this flaw-filled person that I am. So, when I got the letter, I decided to engulf myself in the 3k pages of Mark’s writings. The writings contain a lot of information I was aware of, but the key to his writings, is his ability to deliver the message that I had heard all of my life. The message spoken by: my parents, teachers, preachers, politicians, about how my actions would make or break me. Meaning, I was capable and needed to act responsibly. Back then, I was acting according to an adult’s desires for me.

I have considered that message most of my life, when I was thinking for myself. But, sadly, I spent many hours, each day for years, gripped in the “what if or I can’t” of life. I followed authority, I acted as a child should “to be seen and not heard” and I lost years of my life trying to please others all the while losing myself. Don’t misunderstand me, I am an incredibly happy person because I know it is up to me. But, once focused on a goal, I would run to it, even if it was someone else’s desire for me.

I no longer accept whatever comes my way. I have been successful in a lifelong career in the minerals business, I have been a small business owner, and I know that all along I only wanted to write and love people. I have always shared my love and happiness with others, except when I felt my own happiness was threatened by dishonesty. Listening to self, I have answers, I know whether I am behaving right or wrong. I know that I will face the consequences of my actions, as will everyone else. This way of living has nothing to do with religion or politics, it has to do with self… the way we are created with great minds, which differentiates us from apes that do things the same, day in and out.

Mark Hamilton helped me understand the origins of myself, and that is to create happiness doing what I love so that I might flourish. I am now writing, and I see that my love of people and a desire to help them is all I ever wanted and needed. I feel successful, I feel appreciated, I am receiving love from my family and friends, and I know you can also experience this with the material if you choose to accept it.

Freedom for America and freedom for the world

I believe that Mark Hamilton and all that he stands for or is committed to represents freedom. The ultimate goal is Freedom for America and freedom for the world.

“The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily”. These are some of the sweetest words that I have ever heard since the time of our founding fathers, and it is the guiding light and the rule book by which I myself and the members of the Neothink® society presently live.

The secret to happiness is “freedom”; freedom of will; freedom of choice; freedom of speech; freedom to create; freedom to evolve into a society that deserves to be prosperous and happy. I truly believe that this is the hall mark behind which Mark Hamilton stands. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts, written by Mark Hamilton, I too have realized that I deserve to live prosperous and happily.

It is absolutely incredible that Mark Hamilton would want to openly share such invaluable information with me. It is also so amazing that he would care enough to want to open my eyes to what is happening in and around me in an effort to help me see through the illusions that has held me back from growing and prospering all the years of my life.

Never before have I been taught how to use my God given abilities to propel forward to strive to improve the quality of my life, and to think differently and be prosperity conscious. I now want to live a life of fulfillment in every way forever.

If Mark Hamilton is silenced, what will become of us all with our freedoms taken away bit by bit until they are all gone? The only thing we would have to live for is to pay over priced bills and taxes.

In contrast, what an extraordinary world we can live in with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) striving to protect the rights and well being of us all. We need to have a political party such as the TVP that will encourage business development towards fulfilling all of our needs. This can only encourage competitive growth in order to drive down inflation so that our cost of living can decrease to the end of the pursuit of happiness.

Without the contributions of Mark Hamilton and the TVP, there will be no freedom and therefore chaos will reign. We all will be stuck with a government after government making empty promises that they appear to fulfill out of good intentions. You will not be allowed to see through the illusions or the lengths at which the media and the politicians will go through to ensure that their evil plans are not foiled.

With the state of the economy as it is presently we need to be relieved of those who make empty promises in the hope of never having to follow through. We need to be relieved of bogus medical schemes and bogus housing schemes where such finances are used to line the pockets of the already wealthy, rather than to the aid of hard working citizens.

In essence, there is no other hope. There is no other lucrative way of surviving this “Egypt” in which we now reside. All we have presently is just empty promises waiting to be fulfilled.

I will certainly always be eternally grateful to Mark Hamilton and I remain thankful for the literature that he has written and made available to all in the Neothink ® Society.

Jacqueline B

Dear Mark Hamilton,

As with most people in the world I had been looking for something more in my life. After joining the Neothink Society I slowly began to see that I already had everything I needed in my life. I have also learned that life doesn’t have to be complicated and our efforts are usually misspent making things more difficult than they need be. I am still learning from you and the society and I have a long way to go, but I am a much happier and relaxed person. I appreciate my life so much more. The love I share with my wife has become so much deeper and continues to grow each day.

While I’m not yet actually a member of the TVP, I agree 100% with the premise. In fact, when I first read about the concept and in fact read the story of Miss Annabelle, I was bowled over and immediately filled with anxious anticipation. I look forward the success the TVP. Over the many years of my life I have watched the erosion of the my rights and the movement toward the socialistic rule. I had been becoming more and more concerned and frightened at the direction of government. It wasn’t until I learned of the TVP movement that my heart was lifted and I dared to hope that we might actually be able to get back to the way our founding fathers had intended and perhaps even better. I love my country, but I hate and fear what has been happening especially in recent years. The oppression must stop and I believe that the TVP can accomplish that.

In closing I would like to say that there is nothing malevolent about the Neothink Society. I fact the Neothink Society is a group that is full of the most honest and forthright people on the planet. They are the most helpful, giving, sincere, loving and hard working people you will ever meet. Neothink Society does not mislead or coerce anyone. It is an adventure in learning and discovery. Discovery of yourself. Who you are and what you are and what life is really all about. More people need to know about and learn about the Neothink Society.

With great admiration,

William H

The Twelve Visions Party is where we can make a change for the average person like me and you

Hi everyone:

                    My name is Allen M. I am 51 years young I’ve been with the Neothink Society since 2005. The one thing that I learned and has had a profound influence in my life is we don’t know what we don’t know. Quite frankly I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I know more now than what I thought I knew the first 46 years of my life. I say this humbly. Because we never stop learning and growing. One of the first things I learned was  to take responsibility for everything in my life good or bad. I won’t look to blame anyone for the things or situations in my life. If they are bad I can change them and make them good. If they are good I can still grow and make them great. I am a self leader. This in turn has made my relationships with friends and family 100 times better. I am always meeting people and enjoy the experience very much and I always treasure the times I have with close friends and family. At this young age of 51 I used to think about how much longer I have to retire.  Not anymore life is to be lived to the fullest. I have been, and continue to study copywriting. I expect by the end of this year to be making money from my home doing something that I enjoy. That isn’t all I am looking forward to possibly writing a book. Maybe even a screen play. Now that’s living life to its fullest. Let me say that Mark Hamilton is a good man who generously shares his practical knowledge to help others be the best that they can be. Through honesty and integrity. The Twelve Visions Party is where we can make a change for the average person like me and you. Of course the media will try to convince you that the 2 governing parties are all there is. They will say untrue things and you will be skeptical about the T.V.P. and that is understandable, but you can go to a meeting and find out for yourself. And if you are like me and I think you are. Just go and check it out and you will see for yourself. Thank you for listening. Neothink has been a life changing experience for me. It has been all positive and I am truly grateful for all that I have received.

Kindest regards to all at Neothink Society, Most of all thank you Mark Hamilton for your honesty and integrity and your continuing perseverance to care about us all.

Allen M

March 2025