Posts Tagged ‘world science’

MY name is Teem I am in my 20s and… I thank God for Neothink!


MY name is Teem I am in my 20s and… I thank God for Neothink!

I am a beautiful computer “Geek” searching for whatever is new in the world, science and anything else I can get my hands on so my mind can evolve!! I don’t know how much I would have learned without Neothink, but I DO know that however far I would have went would PALE in comparison to what I have been taught. I just would have never had the opportunity to learn 100% rationality. I didn’t know what true rationality was, until I read the Neothink literature, though I believed I did.

It’s AMAZING how accurate Neothink is and has taught me SOOO much! I now know how our universe works…I know what a googol-year is, its cycles…I know what the infinity spectrum is… I know what the gravity grid and the quantum grid is and the difference in both. I know how science evolves; from the animal state to bicameral, to consciousness to the next and Final evolution (think the evolution pictures with the process of MAN – I know that entire process and the parts that aren’t taught). I also know how mysticism suspends us from believing in true reality by distorting or destroying it, like they want to do to Neothink!

One of my elder cousins (we had to call her Aunt, b/c she was my Dads cousin) had to have surgery.  She had EVERY VITAL ORGAN taken OUT of her body and deep frozen while she had surgery performed. When the surgery was complete, they put ALL the ORGANS back into her and revived her and she was fine. So! Miracles aren’t Mysticism, Miracles all happen from consciousness (whether we understand it or not) this is also what we are taught! If those doctors operated on my Aunt AND revived her SUCCESSFULLY after they put back all her VITAL ORGANS in her body, then why couldn’t Dr’s and Scientists (without the FDA) progress and extend our precious lives forever?? This is a very REAL statement and this is what we call Biological Immortality!!

What’s so great about the FDA anyway?? They let ALL these harmful drugs pass which have side effects anywhere from dementia to death just for an anti depressant!!! We are taught that “The PURPOSE of human life is to live creatively, happily and eternally”. The FUTURE that Neothink brings to light is a REAL future where we don’t have political classes and negative media trying to use a system that has been in place for millennia; which few people know about but the Masses fall victim to it.

The masses don’t see the traps like non sequiturs “___ soda is a new Generation” (is it?). Or ”Hello, my name is Professor Nell and if you drink two ladle size servings of Sugar and Spearmint, it can improve your life by 20%”!! That type of thinking is mysticism and is how politicians trick MILLIONS of PEOPLE! I saw this one representative that was talking like that old guy Nixon (coughing and moving his face) and people were surrounding him like a God – they didn’t see the act!! Neothink has saved my life and has evolved me into my own authority.

I wake up every day and exercise and I don’t feel like its a burden in hot or cold temps (because Neothink is AMAZING!!) Of course, if it’s a heat wave or a blizzard… I would use my rightful common sense… (AGAIN NEOTHINK IS JUST A GODSEND)!! Its easy for me to evolve, other people in my field can’t do what I do, b.c they can’t even THINK like me!  What I just wrote is not even the tip of the ice berg in terms of what I have learned. Ordinary people will never have a chance to experience true freedom if Neothink is stopped. Neothink is like an elite study arena that I haven’t seen since the history of the Egyptians or the Ancient Greeks… We’re trying to enroll the world and people who know what we know are trying to stop us…b/c they don’t want YOU to know…

Intelligence is as Intelligence does…Free you soul

For years I began questioning what I had been hearing from the preachers, schools, and media.  I couldn’t put my finger on things exactly, just knew something wasn’t as it should be.  I realize that every society has its propaganda, and some of it is beneficial.  Much of it is not, though.

I joined the Neothink Society about 4 years ago.  The material and associations have done much to help put the pieces together for me to see our civilization for what it really is.  Since then I rose to the top of a new company, helped in employing several thousand people, improved my personal situation in life, and became more of the person I dreamed of being.  I am now happier and living a more fulfilled life.

Thank you Neothink,

CH in NJ

March 2025