Posts Tagged ‘world peace’

You need to hear Mark Hamilton in these Heirlooms cos they will reveal your …

You need to hear Mark Hamilton in these Heirlooms cos they will reveal your essence to you and show you step by step how to use this to create life-long happiness and wealth. His literature contained the truth: that my L.A. culture is to seek my best-interests and my Tribe’s is to preserve their culture as a whole. Tribalism vs. Individuality. In his Literature I saw that Mark Hamilton and Neothink want to create world peace and my people start war over land and how to survive my Reservations warmongering and how to help them discover the truth about themselves, i.e. who they are as individuals,

I am a very happy person today, compared to before NEOTHINK SOCIETY


Since becoming a member of the Neothink Society, I have learned how to live the life I was meant to live, not as others dictated to me, but my best life , the way it was meant to be lived.  You see, I did not know that I could do that before.  I was always making sacrifices before, feeling guilty, if I put myself first, not anymore.  I take care of myself first, this way, I am well able to take care of others who demand my attention.  Also, I was an over-eater, now I only eat when I am hungry, and sometimes, I just forget, because I am too busy creating other things I enjoy.

I am a very happy person today, compared to before NEOTHINK SOCIETY, where I was always sad and depressed about something.  Now I wake up each morning ready to go, full of life and looking forward to the day ahead.  One morning, I woke up, and it seemed like their was nothing of the old negativity left in me.  I was free, free to live life my life, with nothing holding me back, ready to change the world for the better.  The things that I have learned in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, is the best information, the truth, that makes you free.  I wish this for every-one, so that no one has to endure the boring, routine rut life that’s in the world today.  Peace and Love to all.

Germaine M.

With development of the Twelve Visions Party finally coming to life…

With development of the Twelve Visions Party finally coming to life, I finally see hope for are country and the world as a hole. This is the only hope for the world to finally find peace and happiness! The literature and teachings nurtured from this party are uplifting and wonderful! There is nothing harmful or dangerous from these teachings, just pure simple logic being used for are benefit. The goal of the party is success for everybody and everything! To use are growing knowledge for the good all mankind. To make this world a paradise for all. Were there is no loss of anything that brings good to mankind.
The thought that this movement could be stopped is very saddening. Without the Twelve Visions Party I fear that the world will continue in its downward spiral and never come out of it. Death and war will flourish and the environment will be sacrificed and we will slowly destroy are planet and all its wonderful people, and all the beautiful places this world has to offer us all. The word that the party will bring us will be amazing and fun, fun, fun! The technology that will be developed by the nurturing of are great minds will be astonishing. Don’t stop the greatest thing we bring to this beautiful planet, are Minds!!
Michael O

I will promote the Twelve Visions Party

Hello I would like to tell you about my feelings on the twelve visions party. There is so much good this party has to offer. We all could live healthier be less burdened with finances. The ability to build better lives for all with having our own business. With a more financial free public there would be less stress which in turn would have healthier people. This could led to happier families with more stable love and have less divorces and with loving romance in the air people would be happier and get along which would mean less violence in the world PEACE is what we need I will promote the Twelve Visions Party It has what I’ve seen needed for years.
Jeffry B

Mark Hamilton is God’s gift to the world


Haven’t we humans come of age to know lies and dishonesty can never make this world a better place that we all dream and wish for? Isn’t it exciting to realize there are still people in this world of ours like Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who have the drive to get us all to a peaceful and fulfilling life? Lets take time to listen to what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party have for us all to get us to the world of peace and happiness that we are created to live. I believe Mark Hamilton is a chosen one to take us all on this journey.



While reading the Heirloom’s by Mark Hamilton the ice melted. The truth was right in front of me, I had been frozen by the mysticism and I had used it to govern my choices. Today, I am grateful for The Twelve Visions Party and everyone who challenges me to think a little deeper, notice a little more, and give back what I can. If America had a government that loved us in the way that Mark Hamilton and the TVP, a government that wasn’t afraid of empowering people, nothing would stand in the way of everyone being the most successful, healthiest and happiest people alive.

Personal responsibility is a natural law and makes pointing the finger, or laying the blame an exercise in futility. World peace, happiness, and success for everyone starts with individuals living their lives responsibly, dreaming their dreams, creating values, and emanating thoughts that harmonize with the wonders of life and the universe.

Simple truths, simple ideas, keep it simple! People don’t need more handouts, they need empowerment. Individual people who love themselves, love their life and follow natural law don’t interact in other peoples lives without extending love to them. It is my hope that the Twelve Visions Party is able to further extend the hope that Mark Hamilton has presented in his ideas and publications.

I have seen the current politician…political system, and as things spiral out of control it becomes very apparent that all this is happening because of a lack of, said control. “The Prime Law” presented by, Mark Hamilton, and the TVP returns control to “We the people…”, and takes it out of the hands of the politicians who no longer respect natural law. Freedom is a born right for every human being and it affords opportunities that lead, through honest effort, to a healthy, successful,and happy life. “The Prime Law” is a strong return to the original intent of our government and its constitution.

A Heartfelt Thank You goes out to all of you who are involved with Mark Hamilton and his efforts to empower individuals and involve them in a life of personal responsibility and a honest relationship with the world around them.

Rhonda Tiller

Jeffry B


Hello I would like to tell you about my feelings on the twelve visions party. There is so much good this party has to offer. We all could live healthier be less burdened with finances. The ability to build better lives for all with having our own business. With a more financial free public there would be less stress which in turn would have healthier people. This could led to happier families with more stable love and have less divorces and with loving romance in the air people would be happier and get along which would mean less viol ace in the world PEACE is what we need I will promote the Twelve Visions Party It has what I’ve seen needed for years.
Jeffry B

My Testimonial

While reading the Heirloom’s by Mark Hamilton the ice melted. The truth was right in front of me, I had been frozen by the mysticism and I had used it to govern my choices. Today, I am grateful for everyone who challenges me to think a little deeper, notice a little more, and give back what I can. If we had a government that loved us in the way that Mark Hamilton and the TVP… a government that wasn’t afraid of empowering people, there wouldn’t be anything stopping us from being the most successful, healthiest and happiest people alive.

Personal responsibility is a natural law and makes pointing the finger, or laying the blame an exercise in futility. World peace, happiness, and success for everyone starts with individuals living their lives, dreaming their dreams, creating values, and emanating thoughts that harmonize with the wonders of life and the universe.

Simple truths, simple ideas, keep it simple…people don’t need more handouts, they need empowerment. Individual people who love themselves, love their life and understand natural law don’t interact in other peoples lives without extending that love to them.

I have seen the current politician…political system, and as things spiral out of control it becomes very apparent that all this is happening because of a lack of, said control. “The Prime Law” presented by, Mark Hamilton, and the TVP returns control to “We the people…”, and takes it out of the hands of politicians. It is a strong return to the original intent of our government, it empowers people.



Hello Mark Hamilton

First I would like to express my gratitude for what you have shared with me and many others. To me what you shared with me is simply amazing. In the beginning my first thought was this is a lot of money. Now I would pay 100 times what I paid for your Multi-Generational Manuscripts. They gave me something money can’t buy. What a wonderful feeling to know you have control of your own life. Your Manuscripts changed my life gave me a wonderful new way to think. Integrated with honesty and love. What an amazing life I see for myself in the coming future. Even though I am a disable vet and living on a small pension at the moment. I believe in the COMING NEW TVP WORLD OF WEALTH HEALTH AND PEACE THROUGH OUT THE WORLD.

I can’t thank you enough for what you have shared with me. I’m in your debt till the TVP BREAKS THROUGH TO THE NEW TVP WORLD BECAUSE I AND MANY OTHERS HAVE HELPED MAKE THIS A REALITY WITH YOU Your NTWarriors

Thomas S

I would like for you to share this letter with those who would like to destroy your business and Neothink Society

Mark H,

      I would like for you to share this letter with those who would like to destroy your business and Neothink Society. The world as I see it. Our government was designed to take care of the people in our country and in the original constitution, it was written that if our elected did not do so, that we have the right to change that government Also, as I see it the government has designed a program,( called welfare, social services) that keeps our people down. Most of them never get out of the system. I believe in my country and its people, but I no longer believe in my government. It is time for a change. I see no wrong in anything that you have done. What you have done, is arm me with information, that will not only make my life, my children and grandchildren’s life, and the world a whole, a lot better, because we are given a chance for the first time, to have the knowledge to better ourselves. I also believe that by standing by Neo-Think, there can be world peace!   Imagine that!!!


                                                                          Leslie S

March 2025