Posts Tagged ‘wonderful group’

Love Led me here…

… me to this wonderful group of friends who have passion, love, happiness, and pride in what they do. When others are daily experiencing skepticism, doubt and are living discouraging lives, the members of the Neothink Society® are full of hope for the future.
The hope is the Twelve Visions Party® a grassroots effort of many who plan to bring “Wealth, Health, Peace” which contains “The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program for the Masses In the History of Mankind”. How will that happen? Simply, with a vote in favor of Individual Rights. If anyone reading this has skepticism and wants to do an analysis, please visit to understand how easy this will be and how the Twelve Visions Party®, founded by Mark Hamilton, offers the opportunity for men, women and children to finally be free.
As families share the Prime Law of Protection they will no longer be content with the Ruling Elite deciding how they spend their days. The Neothink Society® is scattered throughout the United States, and several foreign countries, and their teachings can show you how to step into the role you have always wanted. The life of your dreams. The movie the Secret revealed how powerful your mind is; now, you can use that knowledge to change the political structure in this once strong Country, too!
I am grateful to Mark Hamilton who is not anything like the scam artists, and hucksters that are out there in these times trying to make a dishonest buck. He is a loving, compassionate, honest businessman who is giving others a leg up!
Come learn more about us by going to
Jill A. Reed

Last November I received a letter from Neothink society


Last November I received a letter from Neothink society. It was fascinating ! I felt that at last it’s here. I started looking forward to hearing from this wonderful group of people. I’ve saved all of the letters and even the envelopes. I realized that the profound information, (The Heirlooms, the book, Pax NT and Cd’s on the laws of attraction) are all tools to freeing myself from bondage. Mark Hamilton has an exceptional natural capacity for creative original conceptions, a super genius! I have an over flowing feeling of appreciation and gratitude towards being a member of Neothink Society. I’m an apprentice and Mark Hamilton is a person that I truly listen to. He is empowering and I want to learn more. To look through the appearances to the essence of what is, Is very powerful almost magical and this is only one thing that I’ve learned there’s so much more to know and experience. Honesty is something I think about now more than ever. It starts from within myself. I feel that there’s a New World emerging into our very existence and the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for is the key. Yes! the key! Anew way of thinking. This is something that most all of us truly want. Just imagine, beauty arising everywhere and in all forms, a world full of super conscious beings. A world becoming what it is truly meant to be. (TVP,PN-T)                         Mark Hamilton, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!          Sincerely, Gina C

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton! What a privilege and honor it is for me to be involved with your Neothink Society. Being a member of this wonderful group is the “it” I have been searching for my whole life.

Reading the life changing literature has completely revitalized my life. I now have a specific direction, a specific purpose and an amazing new family filled with the best friends I could ask for.

I feel like the luckiest man alive to be where I’m at right now. I love interacting with other members of Neothink and I love contributing to the Twelve Visions Party.

TVP is the lifeline that will save this wonderful country which is slipping down the drain due to politicians, corruption and crime.

Oh, what a noble journey this is! I can’t think of a better thing to spend my time and effort on. The pride and exhilaration I feel when advancing the Neothink Society is incredible!

Thank You Mark Hamilton for creating the perfect world for me to plug into!

Jeff Smith

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society which has given me great insights

I have been a member with Neothink Society now for one and a half year. My initial reason to join this group was to meet and associate with people interested in self-improvement in order to reach a fulfilling lifestyle.

In this short time, I have gained tremendous personal benefits in terms of health, personal resources, networking and social connections. I am very intrigued by the sincerity of the group and its members backed by Mark Hamilton’s phenomenal literature. Based on the self-help principal with a vision; his books reach deep into the human need for honesty in order to find the proper connection with universal truth. 

I am fond of being a member with Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society which has given me great insights into the reasons behind my unfulfilled life and only partially realized dreams. It has given me a foundation for structuring my future vision and continues to give me what I need to transform my life into a prosperous, fulfilling and satisfying one. I invite anyone to be part of this wonderful group of Neothink Society people, but if you do not believe in the power of the mind and in the possibilities of manifesting visions among clear-minded and honest people, I guess this would not be the place for you.

As far as you, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party are concerned:

What I have gleaned from my studying of Neothink materials is that human beings are meant to be happy in life. The best way for the individual to be at his or her happiest is to create and produce values for society. Everyone should be forewarned that anyone who would interfere with that is essentially anathema to society and the individual. Be wary of anyone who would seek to bring about their agenda(s) at the expense of yours. Human beings no longer need external guidance to survive – they can do quite well without a plethora of external authority figures holding them back.

It is becoming more obvious lately that the politicians in Washington D.C. have no agendas other than their own. We need to start in 2010 to ensure that the term “Career Politician” becomes obsolete. We need a lot of fresh faces in government whose only agenda is the protection of the people and making sure that the governmental environment is suitable for business to prosper.

Warmest Regards,

 Jim Vail

Love Led me here…

… me to this wonderful group of friends who have passion, love, happiness, and pride in what they do. When others are daily experiencing skepticism, doubt and are living discouraging lives, the members of the Neothink Society® are full of hope for the future.

The hope is the Twelve Visions Party® a grassroots effort of many who plan to bring “Wealth, Health, Peace” which contains “The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program for the Masses In the History of Mankind”. How will that happen? Simply, with a vote in favor of Individual Rights. If anyone reading this has skepticism and wants to do an analysis, please visit to understand how easy this will be and how the Twelve Visions Party®, founded by Mark Hamilton, offers the opportunity for men, women and children to finally be free.

As families share the Prime Law of Protection they will no longer be content with the Ruling Elite deciding how they spend their days. The Neothink Society® is scattered throughout the United States, and several foreign countries, and their teachings can show you how to step into the role you have always wanted. The life of your dreams. The movie the Secret revealed how powerful your mind is; now, you can use that knowledge to change the political structure in this once strong Country, too!

I am grateful to Mark Hamilton who is not anything like the scam artists, and hucksters that are out there in these times trying to make a dishonest buck. He is a loving, compassionate, honest businessman who is giving others a leg up!

Come learn more about us by going to

Jill A. Reed

March 2025