Posts Tagged ‘woman and child’

I am becoming stronger in my new life…

I would like to start off by saying, I have not fully, or for that matter, not even partially comprehended the information to which I have received from Neothink. There is so much to grasp that it will take a very long time. However, as I read/use the information in my life, I know it is manifesting in ways to which I am not aware. The information when consumed in the soul, takes on a whole new life. It is not information one is use to receiving from the current establishment- anti-civilization. So as I feast on the new knowledge, to myself, I am becoming stronger in my new life which is being created; but only new to me because I have been living in darkness. Now am I beginning to see the life I was meant to live and I am walking in that life with a renewed self-confidence. My ability to see/vision myself in the Twelve Visions World is catching momentum, and I am all for a place in existence when the poor can become rich and live a life of freedom.
Riches, knowledge, and happiness for every man, woman and child.

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

My fellow brothers and sisters,
I understand how difficult these times are and how precious your time is. I know how hard you work every day to keep yourself or family afloat, therefore I feel it of the utmost importance that I plead this case to you. There are in this world today a number of people who have labored to find answers to the problems we all see daily. By learning from these people, I have changed my life from one of ignorant conformity, to one of unlimited potential for our entire universe.
When I look at the leaders today, I do not feel confidence. They all talk the same and end up doing the same. Believe me when I say there is a solution. It begins with a new way of thinking. First and foremost, it gives hope for the world to move forward and take the next step towards the future.
This way of thinking is coming, and it is sound. It is the natural next step for conscious human beings.
It is this progression which our founding fathers were expecting our country and the world to move towards. We have been caught up in a control the masses mentality from our religious leaders, to our own government.
The people I speak of are your neighbors, co workers and friends. They had all yearned for answers. And in their search found Neothink and Mark Hamilton. It is logic which should rule. It is for the benefit of every living , conscious human being that these ideas should be given thought.
There is at this time a movement which you too can be a part of. It is political in nature only to the extent of making politics a thing of the past. It is revolutionary yet so simple, but it does desperately need your support. I would ask you to put aside your social heredity for a moment and look at the possibility’s . Can you be open to learning something so new it would change the direction of the world in which we live. It would give every man woman and child an unlimited potential for happiness and well being. The ideas are here. They have only been hidden. They have been hushed and censored by the powerful.
The movement I speak of is called the Twelve Visions Party. It is a political movement to give all of us who scream from within for a correct path for this country and world to walk. One which stops terror. Stops coercion and brings true civility to our planet. A great man proclaimed His dream.
Another taught that Heaven was in our midst. Someone else stated, Ask and it shall be given. And believe me there are many more which are true and in desperate need of being sincerely taught.
All these simple truths are being constantly manipulated and disguised. Our children should be learning the secrets to happiness and success. Every single one is unique and so unbelievably precious. Yes there are facts which should be taught, but in line with the interests of the individual child.
So I ask you to please read the platform of the Twelve Visions Party with an open mind. Forget for a moment the doom sayers who see only the negative. Look at your inner child and ask what if . This attempt we take is a long shot. It is a dream. It is similar to what our founding Fathers sought when they stated the pursuit of happiness. We all have a right to progress. We all have a right to happiness.
Whatever benefits the individual, benefits every one of us. We have before us choices. To keep doing and thinking as we have in the past which leads to some horrible massive life loosing scenario in the near future either from terrorists or medical crisis , or to slowly change the very basic way in which we think and feel and welcome all the positive life benefiting rewards due every one of us.
I have been so blessed by learning there is hope for every single individual. That there is a logical, sound plan by which we can move forward into a bright future.
I , playfully, always looked at the show Star trek as a possible bright spot in mans future. To go where no man has gone before. That statement is here now and possible for every just, loving sincere person to take a small amount of hard earned money and read exactly what this plan is. If you have ever thought what legacy can I leave my children for them to know I cared for their future, then read this, think about it and if you too agree that it is about time we take the next step, then join this movement of trust and belief in the future. It is but a small contribution to give for the massive potential benefits we shall all realize.
With my heart felt hope, sincerely, Tom K

Life Changing

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton founder of the Neothink Society. He has lovingly worked for years to bring a message of wealth, health and peace to our world. With the creation of the Twelve Visions Party, that message can be brought to every man, woman and child in our wonderful country. I am proud to be part of such a message of love.
Peace to all,

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


Peace has always been for me something hard to imagine, especially in a world today that is ruled by political agendas and wartime uprising. If it wasn’t for Mark Hamilton and his literature, I thought I’d never see actualized in my lifetime a day and age where all people, from the super-rich to the poverty-stricken poor, can live like millionaires and be at peace with each other. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be a part of history and to share this new message and new way of thinking, called Neothink, to every man, woman, and child. Everyone should order these books! Thank you, Mark, for all you have done, have accomplished, and will accomplish.

Adam H.
New York

Our Savior


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.
My name is Michelle A. I have been a Member of the Neothink Society for 3
years now. When I first received Mark Hamilton’s Multi Generation Manuscripts I was going threw a really tough time, at that time. But by reading those Multi Generation Manuscripts… I over came my problem’s and figured things out for myself, I was deeply depressed. I was going through an abusive relationship, yes he is an alcoholic.
And the courts took my kids away illegally 18 years ago,and I still have not seen them since. I would like to give my greatest respect to Mark Hamilton for letting me see the light, and a complete look at what this government has done to people, without them even realizing it. And now with the help of the twelve vision’s party, witch I am part of! Thing’s are only going to get better than what people think they are, yes it is very hard to trust people, but what other choice do we have right now, none. This government has ruined every ones life.
The twelve visions party is our only hope that this world has, then we can turn around, the things that Obama has
done, if not things are only going to get worse, we cannot afford to let that happen.We will do everything that we
can to help every Man Woman and Child, to succeed in life. I love you Mark Hamilton and so do Million’s upon Million’s of people!

Thank You Once Again!
Michelle A.

Peace and Powerful Literature

Peace has always been for me something hard to imagine, especially in a world today that is ruled by political agendas and wartime uprising. If it wasn’t for Mark Hamilton and his literature, I thought I’d never see actualized in my lifetime a day and age where all people, from the super-rich to the poverty-stricken poor, can live like millionaires and be at peace with each other. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be a part of history and to share this new message and new way of thinking, called Neothink, to every man, woman, and child. Thank you, Mark, for all you have done, have accomplished, and will accomplish.

Adam H.

When I look at the leaders today, I do not feel confidence.

My fellow brothers and sisters,

  I understand how difficult these times are and how precious your time is. I know how hard you work every day to keep yourself or family afloat, therefore I feel it of the utmost importance that I plead this case to you. There are in this world today a number of people who have labored to find answers to the problems we all see daily. By learning from these people, I have changed my life from one of ignorant conformity, to one of unlimited potential for our entire universe.

    When I look at the leaders today, I do not feel confidence. They all talk the same and end up doing the same.  Believe me when I say there is a solution.  It begins with a new way of thinking. First and foremost, it gives hope for the world to move forward and take the next step towards the future.

This way of thinking is coming, and it is sound. It is the natural next step for conscious human beings.

It is this progression which our founding fathers were expecting our country and the world to move towards. We have been caught up in a control the masses mentality from our religious leaders, to our own government.

  The people I speak of are your neighbors, co workers and friends. They had all yearned for answers. And in their search found Neothink and Mark Hamilton.  It is logic which should rule. It is for the benefit of every living , conscious human being that these ideas should be given thought.

  There is at this time a movement which you too can be a part of. It is political in nature only to the extent of making politics a thing of the past. It is revolutionary yet so simple, but it does desperately need your support. I would ask you to put aside your social heredity for a moment and look at the possibility’s .  Can you be open to learning something so new it would change the direction of the world in which we live. It would give every man woman and child an unlimited potential for happiness and well being. The ideas are here. They have only been hidden. They have been hushed and censored by the powerful.

  The movement I speak of is called the Twelve Visions Party.  It is a political movement to give all of us who scream from within for a correct path for this country and world to walk. One which stops terror. Stops coercion  and brings true civility to our planet. A great man proclaimed His dream.

Another taught that Heaven was in our midst. Someone else stated, Ask and it shall be given. And believe me there are many more which are true and in desperate need of being sincerely taught.

All these simple truths are being constantly manipulated and disguised. Our children should be learning the secrets to happiness and success. Every single one is unique and so unbelievably precious. Yes there are facts which should be taught, but in line with the interests of the individual child.

  So I ask you to please read the platform of the Twelve Visions Party with an open mind.  Forget for a moment the doom sayers who see only the negative.  Look at your inner child and ask what if . This attempt we take is a long shot.  It is a dream. It is similar to what our founding Fathers sought when they stated the pursuit of happiness. We all have a right to progress. We all  have a right to happiness.

  What ever benefits the individual, benefits every one of us. We have before us choices. To keep doing and thinking as we have in the past which leads to some horrible massive life loosing scenario in the near future either from terrorists or medical crisis , or to slowly change the very basic way in which we think and feel and welcome all the positive life benefiting rewards due every one of us. 

 I have been so blessed by learning there is hope for every single individual. That there is a logical, sound plan by which we can move forward into a bright future.

  I , playfully, always looked at the show Star trek as a possible bright spot in mans future. To go where no man has gone before. That statement is here now and possible for every just, loving sincere person to take a small amount of hard earned money and read exactly what this plan is. If you have ever thought what legacy can I leave my children for them to know I cared for their future, then read this, think about it and if you too agree that it is about time we take the next step, then join this movement of trust and belief in the future. It is but a small contribution to give for the massive potential benefits we shall all realize.

   With my heart felt hope, sincerely,   Tom K

The Neothink Society and especially the writings of Mark Hamilton…

The Neothink Society and especially the writings of Mark Hamilton, to me, have become the most important and enlightening literature I have ever read. The knowledge gained in these materials has led me to a place of total optimism for the future of mankind. The values taught, the honesty reflected and the love expressed in these writings, has truly affected myself and my children. We see the value of every human being and recognize the true value of every self. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party, Americans for the first time in many, many decades finally will have a choice in governing ourselves and controlling our own destiny. For my own self, to know that our hope is for every man, woman and child to know exactly who they are in relation to the universe and with integrated honesty be able to fulfill there purpose on this planet. To be able to become what our forefathers saw when they wrote the terms and conditions of what this country was to become and to know how far away from these standards this reigning political system has led us all away from, is to me the biggest crime of all time. When the pursuit of happiness becomes the burden of life because of forced backed taxes and personal agendas of the political elite to get richer and richer at our experience, then I say it is time for a real change. Which is why I support the Neothink Society and especially the Twelve Visions Party. Without Mark Hamilton and the TVP, we can be assured that the Democrats and Republicans will continue with “business as usual” until they run this country into the ground. Some day knowledge and not blind faith will take over all realms of existence. Thank you,      Donald G

Mark Hamilton has envisioned this life for all of us

I am a very proud member of the Neothink Society. I have read all of Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature. Mark shows us in his writings that life for man-kind is suppose to be a healthy, prosperous, fun filled adventure…where we all love our fellow man, our freedom, and our earth.  Mark Hamilton has envisioned this life for all of us and he has envisioned what its going to take to get us to where we are suppose to be. We have been suppressed for thousands of years due to neo-cheaters. We live in an anti-civilization and we will remain there if something isn’t done and done soon!!

Mark Hamilton has spent his entire life writing about his visions of a world of hope, of love, and prosperity for every man, woman and child. But his visions haven’t stopped there. His visions told him what has to be done to get this world to that place of beauty, peace and harmony. His love for life and man-kind has led him to the understanding that the government is the place we must all start. That is when he founded the Twelve Visions Party. For the changes must start in the highest ranking fields in America….The White House, the presidency, the congress, the senate, clear down to the mayors of each city. We must take back our country from the neo-cheaters. With this being said I back Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party 100%.  With out them our world as we know it will self destruct and human-kind will exist NO MORE!!!

I believe that Mark Hamilton and the TVP is the cure to the fears, illnesses, depression, diseases, crime, pain, the poor, and a multitude of other ailments that this world is enduring. Mark Hamilton’s goals and desires are to bring this world to a place were happiness, love for each other and prosperity are rampant instead of crime.

Mark Hamilton loves people and this world so much that his ultimate goal is to bring immortality to us all so that none of us will ever have to feel the pain of loosing a loved one again. This is the  type of a man that I want running my country!!! He lives and breathes Honesty, who in their right mind does not want to live a life of pure honesty, love, health, wealth, and freedom!

I encourage everyone who reads these testimonials to get a copy of Miss Annabelle’s Story. READ IT!!!  It is so enchanting and real, it will send tingles down your spine. I am an avid reader and this book was the most exciting book I have ever read. I have read it over and over….I WANT THIS LIFE FOR ALL OF US!!!   Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party is our ticket to this life.

As I have learned through my readings of Earl Nightingale, Zig Zigler, Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. David Schwartz, Rhonda Byrne, and Jerry and Esther Hicks is you get what you think if we all think about this, believe in it and have faith in Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party we will get all that they are offering to us and more.

Have Faith and Believe my Friends and nothing or no one can bring us down!!
With Love and faith,

For those who happen to read this: All of your eyes, if you can read….because there are those who read, but still in doubt of what we are and what we are here, for?……As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…I’ve learned deep in my heart, that  ” THIS IS IT “….I’ve read the 3 Heirlooms, meet Neothink members face to face, listen to tele-conference, joined a business entity with NT members, a TVP CA visionary and in my own little way a warrior ( for life’s existence in a more meaningful ways ) with a secret weapon to protect myself and fight against those who takes advantage over me.

There’s nothing to be afraid of….Mr. Mark Hamilton….we are protected by what we believed is true….whatever happens….the Truth will come to surface….even if they are going to destroy us ( our movement ). We need the Change….only, majority are still blinded by their beliefs….and they will start seeing it more clearly when we are stop, we are destroyed, or jailed…..because, they will ask ( the public ) what are we dying for?

We Are Here For A Better World the Twelve Visions World. No more killings ( terrorist ), no more hunger / famine, no more diseases or H1N1 scare, no more corruption, no more recession / unemployment, and most of all; no more human made laws that protect the interest of those who are in the authority. NO MORE NEO-CHEATERS.

In my open testimonial to the public….we are not asking you to join us….just do something, in your own little ways to protect yourself and learn how to fight back against those who cheated you. You just made yourself…a warrior….seeking for a better world.

Jun D

March 2025