Posts Tagged ‘wild animals’


… Yes … we need “refounders” to bring back what our forefathers gave to us.
Our ancestors fled persecution and enslavement to the feudal system, packed onto small wooden vessels and sailed a great, unknown sea to find a place to call their own (and hopefully not be killed by wild animals or wilder Indians!)
Our forefathers stood up to the mightiest nation on earth to break the bonds of taxation and slavery; a rag-tag bunch of farmers and businessmen, armed with hunting rifles, against the biggest and best armed force up to that time.
I spent 20 years of my life (1/3 of it) also defending this great nation, at the cost of my family and friends. Thousands of others past and present can say the same!
Now we hear our elected officials tell us we are “too stupid” to know how to take care of ourselves, it’s up to them to do it for us. We see our jobs, our homes, our livelihoods taken away for the basis of “equality” — like Robin Hood, our elected officials think they have the right to take from the successful and give to the lazy and incompetent!
Yes … we need, nay … we MUST refound our individual rights and freedoms. We live in the greatest time in all of history! We live in the greatest nation in all of history! It is time for the greatest individuals of all time to stand up and defend the rights of freedom, happiness, health and wealth for all. The ONLY way that can be accomplished is the TVP … check it out here:

and here:
Come join me and my hero/mentor — Mark Hamilton and the TVP in freeing the individual and rebuilding the once great nation … the US of A!

March 2025