Posts Tagged ‘whys’

Freedom found in Mark Hamilton’s writings.

The current political system is anti-civilization, It’s agenda’s are widening the gap between classes, the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer. Democracy is a huge threat to an elite class of people who manipulate using their vast amounts of money. The U.S. Constitution affords Americans the opportunity of freedom. Freedom opens avenues such as free speech, free enterprise, etc. and the end results are new ideas, new products and new jobs.
Big government, while offering a hand also takes away freedom, because someone else makes vital life choices for you. It is one of the best ways to repress individuals and their creativity. Creativity is processes that take place in each individual, individually and when you bring individuals with their creative processes together and integrate their ideas, something new is learned, something new is created.
Big government is designed to keep the rich, rich and the rest of the people subservient to them. Greed being, is the ever termed “anti-christ” of our world, it is greed and dishonesty (particularly with one-self) that can truly lay claim to the freedom of every individual alive. We are all meant to be value creators because we have individual consciousness, it is our birthright. If that is taken away…we wither and die.
Through Mark Hamilton,The Neothink Society, and The Twelve Visions Party a promise is waiting that is full of hope. The mind in its search for the, “why”, is on a quest for new knowledge as it travels its path to individual genius. Conscious Awareness of our life, our journey through it, and our effect on the world is the gift of a honest integrated mind. An integrated mind creates and grows ideas that become more valuable to the universe, and continually contributes to its greatness. It is in the face of adversity, facing the bad, experiencing the sad that we become the most aware of our responsibility to question the
“whys”. When we question we’re open to create ideas and experiment with ways to move forward. In asking , “why”, we can imagine. Through honesty we can create a world full of life, quality life, moving in the direction of peace, happiness, and success for everyone. We can imagine everyone we know thinking the same way. A universe is waiting and we have so much to learn.
Personal responsibility is a natural law for conscious beings and makes pointing the finger, or laying the blame and exercise in futility. Universal peace, happiness, and success for everyone starts with individuals honestly living their lives, dreaming their dreams, creating ideas, and emanating thoughts that harmonize with the wonders of life and the universe.
America needs to continue along the path that our forefathers began. We have been driven away from our freedom by the greed of elitists, and the co-dependent relationship of big government and its people. The private sector operating under the concepts of honest integration does not require a heavy hand by government, which cuts the operating costs of government. People can then use the money that government doesn’t need (because it is smaller)to create new ideas, new products, and new jobs. Your individual right as a human being to choose what is best for you is your birthright. What you honestly want, what you honestly feel, what you honestly think are all relative to the world around you, your happiness, health, and success are a part of the whole happiness, health, and success of the universe that is spoken to over and over again in Mark Hamilton’s writings. Wrap yourself in the love that was meant to be and the rest is a piece of cake!
This is what Mark Hamilton has written about, what The Neothink Society promotes, and what the Twelve Visions Party brings to America’s failing political environment.

I want personally thank Mark Hamilton for presenting a genuine

I can recall at the age of eight I was swinging on an old iron gate in front of my grandmother house. The southern mid summer heat was stifling. I found times like these perfect for pondering deep thoughts about who am I and why am I here. I found myself engulfed in my own childhood objectives. Even though it was exciting to explore my since of being, I felt somewhat isolated in my thinking because no one else around me appeared to be interested in the whys, what’s and ifs of life. I continued to seek answers to all the questions in my head.

Being entrenched in a neocheating and bicameral minded environment that flooded my family, school, church and community, there was no place to turn and no one who understood my search. When I attempted to challenged the status quo, I was quickly reprimanded. From those young years to this date, much has materialized.

I have been a member of Neothink Society for two years. Prior to my membership I found myself pushing against anti civilized concepts.  I explored and researched information related to human existence, our relationship to the universe, metaphysics, how God fits into spirituality. I even went so far as to write a children’s book to help children develop a new outlook on how to approach earth’s journey by opening up their minds to their own inner power.   I was in pursuit of further knowledge and wisdom as well the desire to meet more people of like minds.  Since I have become a member and had the chance to read the writings of Mark Hamilton I have had a new enhanced awakening of how man is designed to actually live the life he/ she is meant to live on this earth. I have obtained deepening thought of the earth becoming a sphere of light and life.

I want personally thank Mark Hamilton for presenting a genuine intent to help mankind understand his/her purpose and meaning, to elevate the conscious mind into a Neothink mentality. He has help mankind to understand there is no need to live under external control, no need to be poor, no need to grow old and die no need to not experience happiness and harmonious romantic relationships.

March 2025