Posts Tagged ‘wealth of knowledge’

Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which…

My thanks and gratitude to you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society for the Wealth of knowledge I received. By reading the Neothink literature, as taught me to know the value livening.
Over the months and years since started reading the Neothink literature am truly a changed person in my life this enabled me to see my condition their is not enough words to describe my path of livening before reading the, literature , my mental attuned towards understanding may path in my life as taught me much,
Knowing this that integration is the path to honesty regardless of whom the person might be make life for me much hipper in livening ,
Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which I believe will inspire hope in and happiness in the lives of many others as this wonder full writing’s did for me .because in everything I happen to be doing I can
Do with a feeling of happiness from within yet there are many that county to live under the burden and Stagnation why is that? There is a wonder full way to know, I call your action to James J Hill a Genius of Society many years ago who was well on his way to mottling the stander of livening for order people?
Taking care of every need until he got healed down by the Movement regulation his story represent all Genus of society.

and this is Ruth TESTIMONIAL,

best regard thank you.

Hi Mark Hamilton


Larry Johnson from Jersey Central

Consciousness seeking the knowledge to understand one’s self and the realities that exist around each and every person in the universe to understand reality as it exist without illusion from “higher authority, neo-cheater and mystics alike. Mysticism is the creation of problems where none exist. I can now see threw the illusion that the Anti-Civilization have us trapped in, weather it’s the current economic crisis that been created by Neo-Cheaters to steal our money. By integrating the 12 vision into one’s life you can see threw illusion everyday on TV in newspapers or local issue in our local areas of day to day living. The time is rip to show other and the world the truth and honesty that exist to teach others and the world to become self leaders and help build the C of  U  to help build a parallel society  that free of the of the ills of the Anti- Civilization to rise up and make real change for our love one’s, and future generation to come. To become the foot soldier that spread the message of change can start right now in one’s life. The prime Literature has been a wealth of knowledge. I had bits and pieces of knowledge that I thought was correct. Well the prime literature has confirmed some of that knowledge and systematically added new knowledge and insight. The contact with others in the Neothink Society has been rewarding and very stimulating. By using the tools in the literature (FNE) “Power Thinking is made possible because of the min-day schedule. The min-day schedule allows one to complete your work in a record time and open up this new dimension of integrated thinking-power thinking which allow one to be creative. The contact with other members has been  re-warding, by using the tools in the literature. By exercising Discipline Thought and Control  and removing limitation that stops one from actualizing his ideals has been great.

One example would be the thur nite coordinator call  by participating I had a ten second  miracle of pulling  together a eastern regional super clubhouse meeting. The response from rick was make it happen. I reach out to other A-Teams on the East Coast, They was as excited as I about the ideal of getting together. We immediately instituted regular  conference calls to get down to the nitty gritty details to create something that had not existed before. And on September 27th 2008 it became a reality. I’m presently working on a concept that came to me in the middle of the night.

Circle of Creator’s
I am presently power thinking this concept  with Jersey Central-Team in alliance with Tri-State A-Team the purpose of the circle of creators to up hold Neothink foundation and apply Neothink the tools that leads to integrated thinking and power thinking. The purpose of Circle of Creator’s will be the keepers of the flame. The keepers of the vision to always uphold honesty and integrity in NEOTHINK SOCIETY certain Qualification must be met to be a member . level 12 mentor, taken a ideal and actualized it.  have formed a A-Team be a coordinator. Participating and running a program on the national level.

Thanks    Larry Johnson

have four books from Mr. Mark Hamilton.

I have four books from Mr. Wallace & Mr. Hamilton. The knowledge shared in these books are as valid as a Harvard MBA, The Holy Bible, and a seminary would offer. It cares about people, and it shows in its offerings that can take the average mind, even a college educated mind like myself, and put business apps and practices pass the sky. I recommend this library, and wealth of knowledge to anyone I felt had potential to excel in life and in business. The information is so good I would prefer to keep it in the family.
Robin M

I have four books from Mr. Mark Hamilton.

I have four books from Mr. Wallace & Mr. Hamilton. The knowledge shared in these books are as valid as a Harvard MBA, The Holy Bible, and a seminary would offer. It cares about people, and it shows in its offerings that can take the average mind, even a college educated mind like myself, and put business apps and practices pass the sky. I recommend this library, and wealth of knowledge to anyone I felt had potential to excel in life and in business. The information is so good I would prefer to keep it in the family.

Thank you Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I just wanted to leave you a Testimonial about how you have helped me and gave me the tools to create a life that is truly worth living.
Mark from the depths of my heart and soul the literature you have devoted your life to be more valuable that all the wealth this world could ever offer!
My life has changed so for the better and continues to grow and develop in ways I never imagined was possible. I cannot for the life of me look back and see how I had spent my life , only forward looking and expectations now fill my days and nights. Your personal attention care and wealth of knowledge will forever continue creating great values in my life; my daughter and two grand kids now have the possibility of truly having a prosperous happy loving future because of you and your literature. I am deeply Grateful and Honored to be a part of this Great Evolution in neo think, it’s the Greatest and Historical even to come into this world in many of thousands of years. I know without a doubt any person alive today will benefit enormously from the work you do being a member of neo think and having Mark Hamilton in their personal lives. I see the universe smiling down on you for the Great effort you have devoted your life you. Yes I am a neo think man and very proud of it. No more sacrificing for others or misleading illusions will ever again cloud my thoughts, I have the tools to live the life I was created to live and share in enormous values for myself and society as a whole.
The Twelve Vision Party now launched around the country is the most remarkable event to hit this world since the founding of America in 1776!! This will not only assure me of a lasting prosperity happiness as well as REAL FREEDOM in a totally honest Government doing what it is meant to do. Protection only our country to finally FULL FILL ITS GLORY !!! it will not only allow us to Prosper like never before but will Change the whole WORLD .
We were never created to live under suppression and deception, never to be ruled over by Mad Men corrupt and only allowing special interest to ever actual prospers. The Twelve Vision Party in the only and I mean ONLY way for HUMANITY to reach a Higher Cause and live in a world of total Honesty and Value Creation for everyone which has never been seen before on Earth! The Twelve Vision Party will and cannot fail or this world is DOOMED to fail in a miserable END!!! we are at the Final Crossroads of Life or Death scenario , either we MOVE FOWARD WITH A TOTALLY OPEN AND Honest Government under the Leadership of Business Driven Honest Men and women of The Twelve Vision Party who are dedicated to make the world a Better place for each and every individual no matter race creed color religion or person status in life . I can only TREMBLE with the thought if our Government keeps the same path they have for 100 yrs trying to take total control of the Greatest Country ever created on this planet America the Great!! let us pay Homage and Tribute to our original Founders and GO FOWARD TO FULL FILLING THEUR DREAMS TO FINALLY MAKE AMERICA THE LEADERS OF THE WORLD HEADS HELD HIGH AND HEARTS FILLED WITH LOVE FOR ALL HUIMANITY !!
To paraphrase one man’s words in American History, Neal, as he stepped down on the surface of the moon, THE TEWELVE VISION PARTY CAN PROUDLY ANNOUNCE “ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN ONE HUGE LEAP FOR MANKIND”
Thank you Mark Hamilton, I’m Honored to be a part of your dreams for America and the World as a whole! Looking forward to our SUCESS in the WHITE HOUSE!!! THE TWELVE VISION PART CREATING VALUES FOR EVERYONE FOREVER!!!!!
A PERSONAL NOTES FOR ALL MEMBERS, Never in my life have I experienced such LOVE from anyone outside Neothink, wow it fills you with such incredible energy and happiness. HONESTY LOVE AND GENUINE VAALUES .GREAT WORK MARKS!!
Sincerely from the heart Wayne H

Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which…

My thanks and gratitude to you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society for the Wealth of knowledge I received. By reading the Neothink literature, as taught me to know the value livening.
Over the months and years since started reading the Neothink literature am truly a changed person in my life this enabled me to see my condition their is not enough words to describe my path of livening before reading the, literature , my mental attuned towards understanding may path in my life as taught me much,
Knowing this that integration is the path to honesty regardless of whom the person might be make life for me much hipper in livening ,
Mark Hamilton literature has the only message which I believe will inspire hope in and happiness in the lives of many others as this wonder full writing’s did for me .because in everything I happen to be doing I can
Do with a feeling of happiness from within yet there are many that county to live under the burden and Stagnation why is that? There is a wonder full way to know, I call your action to James J Hill a Genius of Society many years ago who was well on his way to mottling the stander of livening for order people?
Taking care of every need until he got healed down by the Movement regulation his story represent all Genus of society.

and this is Ruth TESTIMONIAL,

best regard thank you.

March 2025