Posts Tagged ‘way of thinking’

would like to thank Mark Hamilton…

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening up an entirely new world of wonder and contentment. They have opened my eyes and my heart and made me realize that with neothink, the TVP, true honesty and dedication we can change this crazy mixed up world for the betterment of all. The world needs to see that love, honestly and a new way of thinking can and will change everything for the better, as it has in my life as well as my family.
I am sure that there will opposition, people who will try to make us look like a bunch of kooks. We are not, we are a proud group of ordinary people who have discovered the truth about society and it’s hoax. The hoax that drags you down to make you believe that you can’t make a difference. Believe me you can! You can be, do or have anything and everything you want. All you have to do is BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!
Very Sincerely,
Kimberly J. C

A new life


Thanks to NeoThink, a new way of thinking and Mark Hamiltion as our mentor. We all will become wealthy in the cilvilation of the universe.

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton:

The Neothink Society has been a life changing experience for me and my family in a positive way. Our way of thinking has been enhanced to see a clearer picture of where we want to go instead of where we were headed. Without Neothink and the associated people and prospects that we have been exposed to, the outlook we had did not look very promising. We have found many positive and similar thinking people through this life changing adventure. This is what this Country needs right now, millions of positive, like minded people. If people have not found out by now that the Government does not have their best interests in mind, then I do not know what will wake them up. Maybe reading messages like this one they will see that there are many people out there that have found a better way to deal with life’s issues and challenges. People need the support and encouragement of their fellow man to help achieve happiness and success, and that is what can be found in the Neothink Society. Instead of people trying to hold other people back or hold them down in a mind set of non-achievement.

Like you said in previous correspondences, the media will try to discredit Neothink and that is unfortunate. People should not make up their minds about something without actually checking into it for themselves. I believe most people would prefer to see something for themselves than just follow the lead of a media that is driven to slant the real truth just to make headlines. The public is starting to wake up as to what is really going on in this country and the world as a whole. I just hope enough people will become interested in finding the truth to a better way of living through an organization and people like that in Neothink. Being involved in Neothink has introduced me to people and opportunities that would not have been possible without it. I truly see that there is a better way. Life is not without it’s challenges and there is no free ride. We must all pull together in a common cause and help each other to achieve Health, Wealth, Peace, and Happiness. Thank you for continuing on with your father’s work to to educate people that there is a way to make life a happy, loving, and adventurous experience. All they have to do is open up and allow a new positive way of thinking to enter into their lives, which can be found in the Neothink Society.

Hopefully this letter will let a few people open up and see that any negative press you and Neothink will receive is not true.

I hope all is well with you and your family through the Holiday season.
Kevin T
New York


Kimberly J. C


I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening up an entirely new world of wonder and contentment.  They have opened my eyes and my heart and made me realize that with neothink, the TVP, true honesty and dedication we can change this crazy mixed up world for the betterment of all.  The world needs to see that love, honestly and a new way of thinking can and will change everything for the better, as it has in my life as well as my family.
I am sure that there will opposition, people who will try to make us look like a bunch of kooks.  We are not, we are a proud group of ordinary people who have discovered the truth about society and it’s hoax.  The hoax that drags you down to make you believe that you can’t make a difference.  Believe me you can!  You can be, do or have anything and everything you want.  All you have to do is BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!
Very Sincerely,
Kimberly J. C

Grateful …

I am grateful to Mr. Hamilton and to the Neothink Society because the manuscripts did help me to reevaluate my outlook of where I was and where I desired to be and realize that my way of thinking was holding me back from blessings that God desired to bestow upon me; through persons that he would send into my life.

It did not give me a false hope it only helped me reevaluate my way of thinking toward a positive outlook.

With Gratitude,
E. Thompson

I have been a student of Mark Hamilton for about 4 years now.

I have been a student of Mark Hamilton for about 4 years now. I read his literature on a regular basis as well as listen in on the recordings of all 3 weekly meetings the following day.  I am not the best with words though I’m sure all the testimonials already submitted will do.  I always knew that the human mind didn’t think correctly. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts now I know why and it can all change for better.  Mark Hamilton is more than a mentor. He actually wants to better mankind. The entire human race needs the twelve visions party.

The political establishment for the past 2000 years has only hurt mankind, not improved it. The old way is not working. It is time for the anti-civilization to step out of the way and be gone forever. The Twelve Visions World is the way all individuals were meant to live.

Most people believe the first gossip they hear on a particular issue because they are looking for the easy answer.  The mystical one.  They want other people thinking for them so the first answer is the easiest one to accept without doing their own research. That way of thinking will soon be gone forever. Our minds are meant for more. Nothing can stop an idea who’s time has come.

Sincerely,                                                                                                                                        Anthony G

The Neothink society and Mark Hamlton has opened my eyes…

To Mark Hamilton

The Neothink society and Mark Hamlton has opened my eyes and changed my way of thinking and my whole outlook on life. I wish I could have learned this when I was in school.I would like to see this taught in schools today. Just think of the possibilities when it does happen,I know it will. So let us end the anti civilization.

Thank you

Louie Kosegi

I am an apprentice of Mark Hamilton

My name is Dan C.  I am the CEO of Cates Sheet Metal Industries.  I am an apprentice of Mark Hamilton and I have read thousands of pages of text, sometimes over and over, but I am now assured that the Twelve Vision Party is the only way that America will survive.  The culmination of my decision came from the writings of his father Mark Hamilton.  It hit me very hard to think that the Muslims may have already won the “War of Two Worlds” as explained by Mark Hamilton.  This book made me research the Muslim Religion and I was amazed at what I found.  In Europe 90% of all the immigration is Islamic.  By 2025, one out of every five will be a Muslim.  In 39 years France will be a Muslim Country with nuclear power.  Currently one out of every five people in Russia are Muslim and 40% of the army is Muslim.  By 2025 one out of every three children born in Europe will be Muslim.  Today there are 52,000,000 Muslims in Europe, that will double in less than ten years.  In the USA, there were 900,000 Muslims in 1970 and today there are 9,000,000 and growing.  The really scary situation is that our President is probably Muslim, let alone a Socialist.  It is clear to me that Conservatism/Liberalism is a thing of the past and the only answer is Neo-think/Neothink.  This is the basis of the Twelve Vision Party and it cannot be argued with.  It is a new way of thinking and a new way of technology that will propel us ahead of all opposition that wants to destroy us.  The Twelve Vision Party is the only path that America can take.

Sincerely – Dan C

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way…

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way Of Thinking, And Has opened My Eyes To See Through The Illusions To What Is.”

Hi, Mr. Hamilton

    I just want to say thank you for all that you do, you really mean a lot to me as far as a mentor.

Every month I get so excited, because do to the monthly meetings with you; I know that your going to bring value, stimulation, and knowledge that is new and refreshing.

The value and true knowledge that you have shared with myself and all of your apprentices has done something that no-one else has been able to do.

That is to awaken the child-of-the-past that is buried and lying dormant deep inside of each and everyone of us.

We were all searchers, looking for that something better in life that we knew was always there, but didn’t know how to find it.


Loosing you as a mentor means loosing all this value-creation, and that would be a tragedy, because no-one else can bring this to us.

Now getting to your literature, I have always enjoyed reading, but your literature is very powerful and life changing.

Every time I read through and study your literature exhilaration rises up within me from the truths that are brought to the forefront, and as far as I’m concerned that’s priceless.

I am honored to have had the opportunity to own this literature that you (Mr. Hamilton) have made possible for anyone in the world to have.

So, not having this literature is not an option.

Being a part of the (Neothink Society) means a lot to me because of it’s many advantages: one being the secret-website, which allows you to interact with like-minded people within the society.

Now, the (Twelve Visions Party) is something I’m looking forward to and means everything to me and my family as far as the country’s future. The world needs all the benefits from the (Twelve Visions Party) such as: prices dropping in every industry; which will make all the people rich, government being used for protection of the people only; which will allow the people to live as individuals and think for themselves, better health-care and the best doctors,etc.

Thank You For Everything Your Doing For Society (Mr. Hamilton).


     Marvin C

I 100% support the efforts of Mark Hamilton

I can’t say I am surprised that the media and government officials are looking to silence the voice of Mark Hamilton.  The man is an obvious threat to their way of thinking and so they will do anything in their power to stop this movement.  As someone who is knew to this new way of thinking, I can’t say that I am totally aware of all the benefits that will be brought to society as a result of these new ways of thinking, however I am intelligent enough to realize the path we, as a people and a government, have been on is one doomed to failure and disenchantment for the vast majority of people.  We have got to find a new way of approaching Life and from what I have read in the documents I have obtained, I am convinced that this new approach is one that would ultimately benefit everyone.  Therefore, I 100% support the efforts of Mark Hamilton and his company in trying to help people in finding a new way of living.  Besides the obvious 1st amendment implications of this effort, I think that any society that cannot allow a difference of opinion, does not deserve the support of its citizenry.  For anyone to say that this is a scam or other such type of business fraud, means that they simply do not understand or have bothered to investigate for themselves, what this movement is all about.  I will continue to read and try to absorb the materials that I have already obtained and hope to eventually become much more active in the movement itself.  Right now I am at the student level and don’t feel knowledgeable enough to try to teach anyone else about what this means.  But, I am far enough along to understand the implications of this new way of thinking and living.  Keep up the good work and the good fight.
Bill W

March 2025