Posts Tagged ‘walks of life’


Hi, my name is Ralph Menchaca. I belong to the Neothink Society, and also belong to Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party. A Visionary, member.
I have read Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature, and I can state that the Literature/Writing’s, create for the reader a limitless amount of Values, and Advantages, that one can use for Personal, as well as for Business, Solutions/advantages/techniques/value/money creations and self-fulfillment. Through the Heirloom’s Prime-Literature, a person generates the power, and wealth, that one may live the life he/she is meant to live, and become the person he/she is meant to be.
The founder of the Twelve Visions Party, Mark Hamilton, invites you, me, members and non-members, the media, and anyone, and everyone of all walks of life, to Join-in the Twelve Visions Party, and see for yourself what is offered, and take advantage, for Wealth, Health, and Prosperity. To make everyone RICH, INCLUDING THE POOR!
As a participating member of the Neothink Society, I acknowledge Mark Hamilton, as a great Value Creator, and contributor of that Value, to the America, and society that we live in today!
There is no illusion here. I suggest that you contact one of the Neothink, clubhouses, for leadership, and to Discover that Something More to life. A new Future awaits you, Join the Twelve Visions Party!
and make everyone RICH, INCLUDING THE POOR!
Ralph Menchaca

Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer

Thank you for your time and please read on: Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer and I must say, a brilliant clairvoyant also. He has taken his time and opened my imagination to the possibilities of the entire universe and if you can fathom it with your ingenious mind, the existing universes also. He has opened my mind to the possibilities of other political parties out there especially the twelve visions party. First of all, let us start with the neo-think society of which I am a part of , since I am ahead of myself. The neo-think society is comprised of many brilliant, wealthy, members of societies from around the world. We think of helping mankind and his future on this planet in the highest of all regards. If you join the neo- tech society, you will find wonders of camaraderie, wealth, futuristic thinking from folks of all walks of life, such as brilliant scientists, actors, and all other wonderful folks from around the globe.
Mark Hamilton formed the twelve visions party and it offers many different aspects of uniting the world, and among other great aspects of serving mankind, starting with the American people-moving forward into the future beginning with the speeding up of this century’s technological revolution without any government’s suppression. The twelve visions party offers many aspects of movements to uplift us all from centuries of suppression.
So, I am asking you all out there, please continue to read the blogs about Mark Hamilton, the neo-think society, and of showing interest in the twelve visions party and all it has to offer as opposed to this stagnant political world.
Faithfully yours, Krishna T

Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer…


Thank you for your time and please read on: Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer and, I must say, a brilliant clairvoyant also. He has taken his time and opened my imagination to the possibilities of the entire universe and if you can fathom it with your ingenious mind, the existing universes also.  He has opened my mind to the possibilities of other political parties out there especially the twelve visions party. First of all, let us start with the neo-think society of which I am a part of, since I am ahead of myself. The neo-think society is comprised of many brilliant, wealthy, members of societies from around the world. We think of helping mankind and his future on this planet in the highest of all regards.  If you join the Neothink Society, you will find wonders of camaraderie, wealth, futuristic thinking from folks of all walks of life, such as brilliant scientists, actors, and all other wonderful folks from around the globe.
Mark Hamilton formed the twelve visions party and it offers many different aspects of uniting the world, and among other great aspects of serving mankind, starting with the American people-moving forward into the future beginning with the speeding up of this century’s technological revolution without any government’s suppression. The twelve visions party offers many aspects of movements to uplift us all from centuries of suppression.
So, I am asking you all out there, please continue to read the blogs about Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and of showing interest in the twelve visions party and all it has to offer as opposed to this stagnant political world.

Faithfully yours, Krishna T

Modus Vivendi

To whom it may concern,

As a fairly recent contactee by the Neothink Society I have been asked to offer my opinion of aforementioned society. Entities from many walks of life are constantly asking me for money so that “they” can help me get rich. One day I was contacted by Neothink Society via U.S. Postal Service. This so called Neothink Society prided itself in knowing me (can you believe that?) and promised me the Rainbow. “They” had contacted my friend a couple of years earlier and I wondered when my turn would come up. I had found a very interesting book at a thrift shop in Kauai, an island that is part of the Hawaiian island chain. The book was titled “Poker A Guaranteed Income for Life, by using the Advanced Concepts of Poker” Mark Hamilton’s father. 8th Printing March 1976. After a few minutes of reading, I immediately recognized it as a work of genius, and stashed it away for safekeeping. So when I was finally contacted by Neothink Society I was fairly confident that their words were real. I believed and sent in whatever money they asked for. Here is the crux, because I did get something in return, something tangible and as it seems, tailored for me. Was it worth the hundreds of dollars? That I will leave to others to decide for themselves, as for me, I really liked their approach, their originality. My opinion is that I could have done a lot worse with that money. Has their knowledge and friendship transformed me or the life I live for the very best, I don’t know.

Your Servitor,

Eagleclaw Messier

The Neothink Society is a group of business men and women…

Myles Conefrey Testimonial

Neothink Society

Myles Conefrey’s testimonial about the value of the Neothink Society and their willingness to reach out and help people everywhere in all walks of life:

          The Neothink Society is a group of business men and women who operate every type of business known to us today.  Their marketing masterminds or like-think minds come together for limitless wide-scope integrations to produce evermore competitive values for others and society.  Business demands greater and greater integrations achievable only through Neothink methods, and supported by the Neothink Society.

          In addition to this, they support the newcomers through the Business Alliances training programs.  They mentor us with those conscious minds of knowledge show us methods and ways to improve our jobs or business ventures.  They are a very loving and caring group of individual business owners who are sharing the Neo Tech System that identifies the fundamental natures of business (i.e., integration) and man (i.e., thinking), when properly brought together, they bring on something so synergistic (i.e., integrated thinking) so that the ordinary person experiences success and wealth.

          The Neothink  Society helps develop new concepts and ranges of integration, and brings conscious thoughts into separate groups and those groups into new units of knowledge and concepts, and they share these new knowledge and concepts with the ordinary person to help him/her advance in their present job or to venture into a side business of their own.

          The Neothink society works close to their Mentor “Mark Hamilton” and the many Society Teams throughout the United States and around the World.  The Neothink society uses the proven Neo Tech System that allows you to remove all current limitations in your day by day routine and thinking and you begin to acquire an integrated power that takes you into the new experience of rapid forward movement toward making money, and evolving into a Neothink mind with strong Entrepreneur power.

          I, Myles Conefrey, have enjoyed the support and training I’ve received from the Neothink Society members and the knowledge they have passed onto me as great value creators.

With Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party – TVP, things are going to be much different

For too long Religion and Politics have been crippling the minds of people all over the world.  Here we have a man Mr. Mark Hamilton who through his writings is allowing men and women from all walks of life to free their minds from the brain washing that has been going on for far too long.  It is just mind boggling to me how so many of our present leaders; be it Political, Business, or Religious are so unscrupulous and no one in the media or anywhere else is doing much to shine a light on the deception of these leaders.  Twelve Vision Party – TVP wants for everyone; health, wealth and happiness.  It is a party that is based on honesty, which is lacking in most organizations out there today.  Why would anyone want to stop a movement like this?  Could it be because it may just bring an end to the control they have over the masses today. 

Mr. Mark Hamilton whose name is synonymous with Neothink & Twelve Vision Party – TVP must given the opportunity to be heard.  TVP is nothing but a breath of fresh air, when considering what we have at present.  Candidates hired by you to carry out your business and seek your interest are not thinking about how best to represent you, but how they can best cement their place in the position the find themselves by taking bribes and kickbacks.  With Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party – TVP, things are going to be much different.  Give TVP and Neothink a chance where peace, prosperity for all, long life and happiness and above all protection of person and property will be paramount.  Thank you Mr. Hamilton for all your effort.


March 2025