Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

I want to thank you for sending me the invitation into the Neothink society back in 2005

Dear Mark Hamilton, I want to thank you for sending me the invitation into the Neothink society back in 2005. Since I have been a member of Neothink my life has improved in many ways. the Neothink writings that i purchased from you have advanced the powers of my mind, made me more intelligent, and have given me advantages in most situations, as you know my friend getting right to the essence of things, getting right to what is always makes things go much more smoothly. we do not want to create problems where no problems exist, that is a waste of time. we want to create values by getting to what is, like you so brilliantly wrote about in your Neothink books! I am glad to see that the Twelve Visions Party is moving forward. as you mentioned in your Neothink literature and the video on the Twelve Visions Party website the anticivilization is deteriorating rapidly. the catastrophic era is here and by using Neothink, going with my gut feelings, and getting into the intense meditations that I love so much i can see the collapse of the dishonest anticivilization coming soon. TVP is the solution to correct so many of the problems that we see now. your friend! jeremy

This is a great privilege for me and my time spent getting to know the Neothink Society

This is a great privilege for me my time spent getting to know Neothink Society
And what this stand for, the Neothink Society founder Mark Hamilton I received an invitation…and this came
At a time of great need I loved reading so regardless of what waste happening in my life the hurts deceit lies on the job Cannot figure out why certain conditions exist until after beginning to read Mark Hamilton manuscript the truth seen I Became excited for the first time for along time and will never forget this how i felt that this is real people that Think in such great ways,
Which my testimony to this great truth is life changing for me after all that I’ve learned and com to know The effect is lasting and as found great value in living and so much more this is realty ,because of the person iv become their is non other path that can measure up to this standard my children and grand children will com to know There is a true standard I’m not a politician but the TVP which is the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society founder Mark Hamilton Will succeed, because the function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose With the prim law no more rule of man.
Craig D.

Mark Hamilton is a wonderful teacher

I would start by saying that Mark Hamilton is a wonderful teacher, who have worked so hard to enlighten me on Neothink. The literature taught by Mark Hamilton , brought light and understanding of life to me. The Neothink Society taught me how to love which i have spread to my family. My family is united and love each other. I went back to School, got BSN and immediately proceeded to masters program and would complete very soon
I thank Mark Hamilton and the twelve visions party (TVP).


Having been independent-minded, I have seriously suspected for a long time that something was not right with this world. These suspicions were present even before I began accumulating Neothink literature over twenty years ago. The large amount of information from Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society/Twelve Visions Party has given me increasing: enthusiasm, independence, confidence and power. It is now so easy for any and all Neothink Society members to see what huge lies and absolute nonsense people have been led to believe for a very long time. Currently, it is not very difficult for almost anyone to be aware that “something is rotten out there”. So, if anyone is looking for solutions, you will find REAL and PERMANENT solutions in the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. Actually, REAL and PERMANENT solutions to the world’s growing problems cannot be found ANYWHERE else! The survival of the human race on this planet depends on MARK HAMILTON’S NEOTHINK SOCIETY and TWELVE VISIONS PARTY!! James G

The information is brilliant!

Hi, Mark Hamilton! how are you today? I have viewed the literature, heard the radio messages, and seen your video on WWW.TWELVEVISIONSPARTY.COM. the information is brilliant! I have been inspired by the new information. I have also been going to one of your newest websites I am through 9 pages on the Twelve Visions Party – TVP national platform now. I just got through reading the part about James Hill and the railroads, and now in just a few minutes I am going to page 10. thank you for the supplements and new information on these websites! take care! Jeremy

I have read Mark Hamilton’s literature on Neothink…

I have read Mark Hamilton’s literature on Neothink, and have to say that it has opened my eyes to many things. It helps you to see things as they really are and helps you to realize that there is, unfortunately, a lot of propaganda in the world. So far, I have found nothing dishonest in his teachings that I have read. Hopefully the time has came that the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party can lead us into a better way of thinking and to a more honest and wholesome life for all.

Before I ever met Mark Hamilton, read his literature, or found the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party…

Dear Mark,
Before I ever met Mark Hamilton, read his literature, or found the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party… my life was a mess. I was extremely depressed and didn’t understand why because I had a lot of really good things going on in my life- two beautiful children and a great husband. Yet, I found myself sad and depressed and wondering why I was here- on earth, what my purpose was and were my life was going. I felt completely worthless.
Since Mark Hamilton found me, and since integrating his literature, finding the NT society and discovering the TVP movement everything- every little part of me as an individual inside and out, and how I view my life has changed. Mark Hamilton has brought me into the light. He has showed me who I am as an individual and the power I posses as an individual. He has shown me the power of the mind. He has shown me that we can use that power honestly to take control of our lives and futures. He has shown me the power of the person and what that power can become when the power of the people join. I love Mark Hamilton as a daughter loves her father. Mark Hamilton is the “father” of this movement. His literature means the world to me. It will not only guide me but my family as well into health, wealth, and full and prosperous happiness. I now know with great certainty that I can achieve great happiness and great wealth. Not only do I know this with great certainty, but I know I’m worth it!! We all are. The Neothink Society has pulled me into another level, another realm of love and power. A level I never knew existed and now can’t let go of. Success of the TVP movement means freedom, prosperity and love not just for me, not just for my family, but for the world as a whole.
If, for some reason Mark Hamilton were to be silenced, his literature erased from the earth, or the TVP movement silenced…that would mean ever growing chaos not only for me as an individual, not only for my family and loved ones, but for the world as a whole. And that ever growing chaos would in fact lead to the destruction of our civilization and our world as a whole. So this movement is the MOST IMPORTANT movement in civilization ever. This movement is the movement to end ever-growing chaos and find and create ever-growing peace and happiness. This movement will change the world.
I know my life’s not perfect right now, but I know I can achieve my view of a perfect life with the knowledge, love, and consciousness I have acquired with the help of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Neothink Society. And through the TVP so can the world full of lost individuals.
Peace and love,
Rashelle P.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for Awakening Me

Ever since I received my first Heirloom five years ago and recently my second and third Heirlooms from Mark Hamilton, My thinking about life in general will never be the same again as i have absorbed the most Powerful Knowledge in our Planet.
I feel very Blessed to be Part of the upcoming Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Advantages for Unlimited Prosperity, Happiness, and Romantic Love Including The Poor.
Thank you Mark and the Neothink Society for Awakening Me, GOD BLESS.
My self and my family sincerely thank you.

Your ideas and the ideals of the society have given me hope

Dear Mark,
Thanks to your books, and the society, I have hope for the future. Your ideas and the ideals of the society have given me hope that the future will be better, if we all join in to make it so .
I am now living a life that may not be one that others will say is useful, but it does give me time and opportunity to do some major thinking on things that I’ve read in the multi generational books. I’ve seen things that when I stop to think about them, I can associate them with the thing that I’ve read in the books. And I can see the need for the society’s principals to be propagated throughout our society.
So I want to thank you, Mark Hamilton, for all the things that you and the society have taught me. I’m still trying to apply all the principals to my life and job. But I am learning, and hoping that I will see the day that these laws of life are used by all people to the betterment of all of us.
Keep the faith and the hard work moving right along, because I can’t wait to see the Twelve Visions World come into being.
Thank you, for choosing to mentor me and introduce this great idea and hope to me, and now all the world!
Your Student,

I want my Family and Friends to know this Beautiful TRUTH

Dear Mark Hamilton, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me into your Society. I knew right away I wanted to know more. I ordered and read all three manuscripts. I knew I would never be the same. It was like I had waited all my life for this. IT kept getting better and better my eyes had been opened to the real truth. IT was like some where inside I had already heard this many times before. IT had come from some where inside of me. Now Mark Hamilton from the books and tapes I am learning how to live the life I was meant to live. I want my Family and Friends to know this Beautiful TRUTH. Thank you, Thank you so very much for the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Parity. The Twelve Visions Party is in Actuality The World’s Peace Formula when The PRIME LAW TAKES EFFECT. Thanks Again, V. A.

February 2025