Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

As a TVP® Warrior, I am an extension of Mark Hamilton’s values

Value Shield:
As a TVP® Warrior, I am an extension of Mark Hamilton’s values.
He and his Neothink® Society have provided me great value.
I am honored to have been selected by Mark Hamilton to represent his beautiful Twelve Visions Party®.
Because of my teacher Mark Hamilton, I am more disciplined and able to focus my energy on what matters most now in our world.
I have started the “Military School of Genius’s” and give full credit to Mark Hamilton.
His literature is what will enlighten others like me to step up and become self-driven leaders.
Kind Regards to my friend Mark Hamilton,
Ralph Merritt

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party means the world to me

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party means the world to me. I can hardly begin to explain in words the values that have been provided to me through this society.I used to be a searcher. Always looking for the real meaning in my life. I never accepted a lot of ideas and ways of mainstream society. I intuitively always felt that things weren’t right on many levels in our society. But, I couldn’t figure out what it was. So I had a feeling of dissatisfaction and malaise while always wondering what it is I was searching for. I was looking for answers. Then came Neothink. It was an epiphany for me. I was never the same. Everything I read and learned made sense to me. They answered the intuitive unanswered questions I was looking for. Life now had meaning for me. I had a new found hope. I hope that the Neothink society can continue to grow and eventually be accepted by mainstream society. We will all be better off.I want to live in a Neothinking world, like in the novel “Annabelle’s Secret”, which is the best book I ever read. Nothing would break my heart more than to see this all this destroyed.Mark Hamilton is an awesome guy and would make a wonderful leader one day. Please give him a chance. You know how corrupt our government and media is. You can’t trust what they say. Marilyn Siddiqi

I just want to thank you to Mark Hamilton for everything

I just want to thank you to Mark Hamilton for everything he is doing for this world, for all of us, for our wonderful future. He is fantastic mentor whom care about our happiness, health, wealth and peace. He is our loving father, he is showing us the right direction without any mistake .When we will follow his ideas we will live like in heaven not in this political disaster. I believe this fatal error will end very soon and all people become free and happy. Twelve Visions Party is only the correct way. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
with love Zuzana

Mark Hamilton has showed me…

Dear Mr. Hamilton
Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has been a great benefit to me I have been able to get the confidence that I need and I have been able to see things in a different way. Mark Hamilton and Neothink have taught me to see things from other peoples point of view. Mark Hamilton has showed me that no matter what you are doing you have to love what you are doing in order to be happy. No matter what it is happiness and love is what neothink as met to me. Before neothink my thinking was all mixed up from a head injury that I got in 1988. Since neothink my think and thoughts have been clearer and more along the line as it should be. Honesty and love has been the real story behind neothink. If the world would just be honest and love each other this world would be a better place and isn’t that what we all want is to live happily and fulfilled lives. Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s literature has been a blessing to me. If Mark Hamilton is silenced then this world would never see happiness and love. We would all be living for nothing. Neothink is the most wonderful thing I have seen and I want to thank Mr. Hamilton for showing me a new prospective on life. Love and Happiness is what we all want and should have.
Thank You
Donnie M

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark;
I wish to thank you for ALL that you have done for me and my family through Neothink and the Neothink Society. My life has blossomed more than I could have imagined through the use of this thought process. I am so looking forward to the success of the Twelve Visions Party. Our country (and our world) are in such need of the fundamental concepts put forth in the Constitution of the Twelve Visions Party. We have strayed so far from the intent of the Founding Fathers of our country that it is
The ideas that “no government, group of people, or individual will commit initiatory force upon another individual,” and that “the government shall use force only in the prevention of that initiatory force” are ideas that are necessary if we are to survive as a nation and continue to develop into the protectors of the individual that we, as a nation, created.
I know that you and the Twelve Visions Party will be attacked maliciously and dishonestly by the state controlled media and others who will do anything to maintain their power and control over us. So, I want anyone who reads this to study and learn on their own what you and the Twelve Visions Party are TRULY
I also want you to know that you can count on my continued support and efforts as we do all that we can to reestablish the sanctity of that most precious thing in the universe: the conscious human individual.
Randolph B

Hi Mr. Hamilton

Hi Mr. Hamilton,
I will do everything I can to help you through this just as you have helped me and many others. Thank you for all your dedication.
I have already sent you my testimonials last month but if you want I will send it again. I can’t wait until the Twelve Visions Party is a success.
Good luck to you. Let me know if I can help any other way,
Lucine K

I will support the TVP every way I can

Dear Mark Hamilton:
I am sending a second note to tell you what I like about the Twelve Visions Party. The TVP as I like to call it, is the best movement that could happen to this country! It will take us back to the constitution and fix all the problems this country has now. We have these problems because we have let our country move away from the values embodied in the constitution. We were founded on the love of Jesus and individual freedom and that is what the TVP is all about. I will support the TVP every way I can and am trying to find more ways to help.
Martin A Randolph
DeLand Fl.

I can honestly say that Mark Hamilton is honest and sincere

Thank You Mark Hamilton
I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have done a great deal of research on Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society and I can honestly say that Mark Hamilton is honest and sincere. I believe that the Twelve Visions Party will show us the most positive and uplifting change in history. I would suggest doing your research and giving Mark Hamilton a chance before you pre judge him because of the media, ruling class and professional politicians. As a society we suffer from economic problems, war, crime, poverty, and more. I honestly believe the Twelve Visions Party can turn all of this around. If you really research the Twelve Visions Party with an open mind you will see the truth. I’m only asking you to think for yourself and to not let the media and ruling class think for you. I am so grateful for people like Mark Hamilton that have so much honesty and integrity in their heart that their willing to stand up against all odds and do the right thing. All throughout history people in positions of power and influence have tried to stop people with such great integrity and love. I say we support the Twelve Visions Party and change our course of negativity and destruction to positivity and freedom.
Thank You Mark Hamilton for standing up and having such courage. You truly are a hero.
Sincerely, Brian Whitney

It is actually hard to imagine my life without Neothink

Dear Mark
I am sending this message in way of expressing my deep gratitude for the tremendous values that I have both received and am continuing to receive from the Neothink Society in general and yourself in particular. A number of my most cherished books were written by Mark Hamilton and these writings have gone on to help form the template of my life. Taking into account the intellectual, emotional and social values gained it is actually hard to imagine my life without Neothink and how much poorer my friends and I would be. It is therefore of the greatest importance to me that the fledgling movement that is the Twelve Visions Party not only continues to prosper but achieves its ultimate aim of depoliticizing America. Furthermore, I say this as a UK citizen who is obviously ineligible to vote in a US election but look forward to the day when the TVP is launched in our country also which is something that I would aspire to be actively involved in.
Kind Regards

The Twelve Visions Party is an important…

Mark Hamilton
The Miss Annabelle’s story was the most touching and inspirational story I have ever read. The story touched my soul deeply, at times I cried and by the end I was filled with such happiness and hope for the future. Miss Annabelle is truly my hero I deeply love her. I can not convey the emotions I feel as I write this. In the end I thought it was just a story, until I was introduced to the Neothink Society and was able to experience the vast integrations from other people, that I realized the Miss Annabelle’s story would be actualized out of the Neothink Society. This society would change the world and bring about the Twelve Visions World. The Twelve Visions Party is an important puzzle peace to expose the great values of the Twelve Visions World to the people.
Thank You
Jon Quigley

February 2025