Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

How will they change from the Prime Law?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Existing benefits and health care for veterans will be honored by the government after the Prime Law. They will be managed by 3rd party private management companies which will be able to do more for the veterans than the government ever has done.

How will the Prime Law ensure minorities will have equal rights?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …The whole concept of minority rights is an illusion. There is only one minority- the individual. The Prime Law protects the individual and since everyone is an individual regardless of race, creed or color everyone receives equal protection.

How will Non Profit Organizations be affected by Prime Law? How will they evolve?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Non profit organizations will lose any political ties after Prime Law which will generally force them to become more independent, more fiscally sound, less corrupt and more of a value over all. They will evolve to fill market supply and demand better than ever.

What will happen to the national borders after Prime Law? How will the immigration laws change? How will the criminality aspect of them evolve?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …The Prime Law changes government to a protection only service which will focus on things like protecting the national borders. We will have much better protection while the citizenship process will become more efficient.

How will government change how it handles situations involving dissension such as peaceful protests and marches after the Prime Law is in place?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With government finally set up the way it should be, dissention will no longer be the issue it is now. If there were protests, marches or gatherings, the government would mobilize to protect everyone involved rather than possibly commit initiatory force like as in the past. And at the same time, the government would act as peace keepers and protect everyone who is not involved.

What will be the new protocols for military personnel leaving service whether it is considered honorable or dishonorable?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …After Prime Law, military enlistment will change radically to be more like a voluntary service. Military service will become similar to other jobs. People will not be forced to serve and if they break a contract it will be dealt with in court or by arbitration like any other broken contract. People who leave the military on good terms will receive full benefits and people who leave on bad terms might lose those benefits.

With the threat of pandemics, how will we ensure proper vaccinations or quarantines without force?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With the FDA removed freed medical geniuses will be able to find cures for diseases faster. People will generally be willing to take legitimate vaccinations brought to the market by free enterprise to save their own lives. They will generally be willing to voluntarily quarantine themselves if need be to help solve the problem. Government can only use force when protecting people. Objective protection will be used.

Will there be socialized medicine after Prime Law? And if not, how will the medical industry function?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …The medical industry will be depoliticized with the Prime Law and organizations like the FDA will be disbanded. Socialized medicine will be unnecessary because the medical industry will be revolutionized by geniuses who make costs plummet and service rise with rapid medical breakthroughs.

How will the Prime Law protect against the forced or coerced unionization of employees and businesses?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Free market competition will ensure proper wages, and treatment for both businesses and employees. Unions will change to focus more on creating better value rather than receiving more value.

How will the financing of prisons and the way they are run change after Prime Law?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Prisons will become more efficient with government focusing on protection only. This will result in less prison population due to the fact that only people who commit initiatory force will be there. Prison inmates will have more opportunities to better themselves while incarcerated. Private business will get involved but without the political ties that currently exist. Citizens will voluntarily pay for this efficient protection service.

January 2025