Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

The Twelve Visions Party means to me a life full of happiness, wealth, health and love, all based on individual freedom.  By having the Prime Law in effect, we will all have the freedom our Founding Fathers wanted for our Country and for all of the future generations to come.  It will be freedom for everyone, down to the lowest individual, because no one is more important than anyone else.

I have learned from Mark Hamilton what the most important thing in life is…Happiness.  I have learned how to achieve that happiness by living a life of honesty, and being a value producer or a value creator, and putting more value into society than I consume.  I learned something from him that is so simple, yet has the power to change any life. That is, you must keep learning and growing in your life, because if you are not growing you are stagnating and slowing waiting for death.  For many people their lives are so boring they just want time to pass quickly to get to the end sooner, the end being death.  For death has been glorified so they think death will be their escape and better than the life they have now!

If these people would only read Mark Hamilton’s literature with an open mind, they would see the honesty and love with which it is written.  His literature teaches you how to be a value producer or even a value creator. …Creating values for your fellow man.  Then you are not wasting your life, and waiting for a hand out.  Then your life becomes too exciting!  You also learn just how important you are and how valuable you can be to the world. It teaches you to live your life right here on earth to the fullest.

The literature teaches you how to use your own mind to learn the truth in any situation, based on reality.  Our current leaders do not want you to use your own mind to discover the reality of a situation.  They want to use the smoke and mirrors to keep people from seeing reality.  They use the media to get their agenda across because they know that the masses do not have the knowledge or motivation to dig in and discover the reality of the situation.  We have been lead to believe that the media tells the reality of the situation, when in fact they do not, they pass on what they are told to.

Our Country is headed now to a Socialist/Fascist Country.  We are losing our freedoms every day, the freedoms our Fore Fathers fought to guarantee us.  The freedoms all of our Veterans fought to have for all of us.   The Twelve Visions Party guarantees those for all of us, for it would return our Government to its proper purpose.  …To protect all of the citizens from initiatory force, fraud or coercion.  Twelve Visions Party would mean I would not have to fear my Government any longer.  I would be free to live my life as I see fit, as long as I am not putting force, fraud or coercion upon anyone.  It would mean that I no longer have to pay taxes to a Government that spends my money for things I do not agree with.  The Government would be based on a business structure.  I would then be able to pay for the services I want, if it is a value I am willing to support with my earned money.

Without the burden of Government, technologies will explode as the computer industry did.  Prices will drop; this is what will solve our Medical/Health care crisis in this country.  …Along with the Government getting out of the Health Care business, and basing it on capitalistic business principles.  We will also be able to get the message out that diet & exercise are the best preventative care there is not X-rays and Scopes.

The Twelve Visions Government will make everyone responsible for them, as nature intended.  For we all have that ability within us.

Mark Hamilton teaches you that with love and kindness and occasionally a bit of tough love. Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

Teresa D


Patrick B

Hello there!
Wow. It has been a steady growing period for me in this wonderful and meaningful society.
I have been giving what is presented here a lot of thought. I wanted this testimonial to give a clear and accurate description to what my life is now being a beloved mentor in the Neothink(R) Society. I will tell what my support for the Twelve Visions Party is here as well. I will talk about what the Multi-Generational Manuscripts mean to me and what Mark Hamilton mean to me.
To sum everything up: This ALL means life to me. It means absolutely EVERYTHING to me. This all, Mark Hamilton, The Multi Generational Manuscripts, The Neothink(R) Society and the Twelve Visions Party. All this means the Universe to my heart. All of what I have gained in here is beyond what everyone who is not yet a member will ever know. You will never discover it out there. You can and on the inside, will discover the eternal values offered to you in here. Societies smartest men and women alive are in here. No, that is NOT a “pitch”. This is THE real deal. I seriously mean that. You don’t know what you are missing out on in here. That is why, right now, I say to you, dear reader, is to please, check out what we have to offer. You can always go to and request FREE information regarding what we offer here. You can also request to become a member of the most powerful bond on earth today. The website immediately gives you a sneak peak at what we offer here, what we do here and what we stand for. It also tells you somewhat at what you stand to gain here. You stand to gain EVERYTHING here no lie, no bull, just honest values beyond what you can imagine as a non member right now. You can also immediately begin to discover what the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is about over at The value is enormous over here.  If I can say anything about TVP or Twelve Visions Party, it will make ALL the people RICH including the poor! No this does not exclude you for this includes you. But I will tell you, the society IS exclusive to all non members. If anyone wants the eternal values offered in here, they must become a member to receive the values. For example, the membership has a fee, but you get 1 multi general manuscript a month free. The live clubhouse social of life advantages and interaction free and our website that normally costs a fee to maintain but is free with the membership. You can find the details over at You can also request to become a member here as well. Back to the Twelve Visions Party or TVP. The TVP will make all ordinary citizens rich, healthy and safe including the poor and the elderly and unemployed. You will find free information on over at
What does this all mean to me? EVERYTHING! I learned to love life. I learned to deeply appreciate life! I learned to love and respect myself. I learned to CREATE VALUES! I learned to grow without limits which involves taking complete, 100% responsibility for my own life indefinitely! Mark Hamilton did this for me through his writings, specifically the Multi Generational Manuscripts of The Neothink(R) Society. I found my essence here in the society. I have discovered precisely what it means to be happy what it takes. You can be eternally happy and I mentor others here in the society to achieve it. I am a famous society insider. I am deeply happy and it grows every day. I have never been as smart and as integrated as I am right now. That will soon enough evolve beyond where I am at right now. I know I absolutely can be, do and have all I desire, period! Mark Hamilton is our prime mentor and has the honest power to mentor everyone into the creation driven life they were meant to live. That involves partly a life or romantic-adventure! I am living that. I have many, many friends all over the world who support me and I support them. I have a career, the living career of my dreams that I can only accept living indefinitely with for life. You can too in here.
I must only live in the 12 Visions world of extreme prosperity and TVP is making that happen. We are going to rid society of the corrupt ruling class of lazy and dishonest “rulers” and “leaders”, although the “leaders” in society are hardly worthy of that title. They abused their power for long enough and their power is coming to a permanent end. If only they could possibly see that through what is taught here in the society, they can make a LOT more money with each passing month. It happens for people and can happen for you and them too. TVP is legally recognized in all 50 states. to see what I am asking go to I feel most fortunate to have had Mark Hamilton as my mentor and as my “partner”. He empowered for the eternally happiest best and it cannot be reversed by anyone and anything, period. He demonstrated to me and the others that he is right on with a loving fathers essence. He earned my eternal respect and that is that. He taught me to play at life as an adult. He taught me to make Ten Second Miracles and now I am the Ten Second Miracle Mentor in The Neothink(R) Society. I am well known across the planet. He taught me to make major marketing breakthroughs. Because of me applying what I learned I now make money in business! That NEVER happened before learning HOW to do that in here! I love life, I know how to succeed and I am acquiring extensive resources. In fact, I have checks written to me in my name here in the society. A fellow Neothink brother invested over $1000.00 USD in me and him to acquire real estate in business for ourselves but not by ourselves indeed. We are shortly going to make our very first real estate deal. Envy and jealousy cannot, will not and can never stop us now. Our prime knowledge protects us and forever empowers us to perform what others opinions say is impossible. I don’t understand “impossibility”. Cant anymore. Religious people would say, ”all things are possible with God”. Thank you my business partner, Terry. I love you brother. You did a lot for me and I return the “favor”. You are a genuine man who is worthy of great things and massive wealth. Now let go and do it more than we are now!!!
To make a long laundry list short: If absolutely necessary, I would step in front of speeding bullets for him. The Multi Generational Manuscripts contain the tools to make life eternally increase in the absolute best that I want. I am CREATING an increasingly happy life with this knowledge. I love learning! The Neothink(R) Society is my home and my baby. I am eternally protective of it. The TwelveVisionsParty (TVP) forever has my support for a long as we need it.
Lovingly and Sincerely,
Neothink(R) Society Inner-Circle Mentor,
Patrick B

Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party

Thank you so much, Mark Hamilton. Thank you for exposing me to the Twelve Visions Party. You have definitely changed my life for the better. I undoubtedly will never be the same because of you. For the first time ever my life is worth living. You’ve given me a new way of seeing the world. It’s not like I’ve been told what to do or to do anything differently. What you’ve done for me is to help me to be able to think in a totally different way. I now have a new way of approaching the world. And for the first time ever, I am in charge of my life. I no longer allow outside influences to influence me.

So many people have so many different opinions of what’s wrong with the school system. But it just amazes me thinking about what an incredible world we would be living in if, when we were children, we had been taught or just allowed to think for ourselves. Integrated thinking and total honesty is definitely our way out of the hell that has been created on this earth by dishonest, value destroying people. I’m so happy to have found the Twelve Visions Party. Thanks once again Mark Hamilton.


Steve S

What our members say

The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton have empowered me to live the life of my dreams.  The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party and The Twelve Visions World are powerful puzzle pieces regarding everyone everywhere living the life that we are meant to live minus the dishonesty!


An Education & Integration Program Presentation:

Someone famous said that.  It was even a book and then a movie about a President. 


Today, we are seeing the results of this adage.  The new/old powers that be are still creating the illusion that all is well.


TVP Visionaries see through the illusion to the common denominator of all the leaders:  greed: either power or money.


We will be having many of our visionaries stepping forward to be candidates in their local, state or national elections in the next 3-4 years.  We must prepare diligently for that occasion.


I have been tossing around what and where I would be best suited in this future venture into the governmental world.  I will not call it politics as we are depoliticizing our country.  I thoroughly believe in the Constitution of the United States as it was written by men who knew they would be killed for treason.


We face that very threat today for standing up and letting ourselves be heard amongst the citizens.  The reality of the election will set in very quickly as the new president takes his throne.  All the rhetoric is over now.  The illusion and deception will begin with a new leader.  As you and I have said to each other, “the same old, same old”.  No change, they say, we pay.


 Mark Hamilton wrote the Twelve Vision Party’s Platform without variation.  No Issues.  No special interest groups.  No axes to grind.




The platform is built on two premises:

  1. Free the existing geniuses and the many more potential geniuses of society by ending most government regulations.
  2. In turn, new technology would soar in all industries as already happened in the mostly unregulated computer industry, sending consumer costs to fractions…making the consumers – the people – wealthy.


We will be talking at the grass roots level of the citizens.  The local governments will be the first to start changing over to the new depolitizing of the cities, counties and states.  We will have candidates in every category up for election.  We will not have to go to a primary as we will have a candidate up to best represent us in the position.  We will have completed all the necessary signatures to be on the ballot as the TVP.


Mark Hamilton wrote as follows;

In my First Vision, I saw all people’s needs taken care of by the geniuses of society, rising by the many millions as I removed most government regulations.  Those freed geniuses rapidly drove technologies into new dimensions that brought undreamed of values to the people


My second Vision showed me that those soaring new technologies, in turn, plunged toward zero costs like the computer revolution.  That Great Technological Revolution made ordinary people more and more wealthy, like millionaires, as costs in all industries kept plunging to fractions.


In my Third Vision, I saw that the new technologies racing ahead in all industries also raced ahead in the medical industry without the destructive FDA regulations holding the geniuses back.  The geniuses eradicated disease after disease, and their soaring new technologies drove down medical costs.  People lived with nearly perfect health well into their hundreds.


In my Fourth Vision, businesses strove to keep up with the rapid progress of the Great Technological Revolution.  So everything changed as businesses, to stay competitive, concentrated on bringing out their greatest asset – the unique creativity of their employees.  Ordinary people experienced extraordinary entrepreneurial-like jobs; they loved going to work and they shared in the profits they created.


In my Fifth Vision showed me that the wonderful failing-in-love feelings in the early weeks of romantic relationships did not fade over time.  Why?  People were no longer sinking in stagnation.  Instead, they were successful and soaring in the livelihoods of their dreams.  With that ongoing source of happiness inside, filling them and overflowing into their romantic relationships, they could forever feel the power of love.


My Sixth Vision showed me ordinary people becoming smarter than today’s richest people.  Heretofore, ordinary people awaited their instructions in life from work, from the media, from the government, the church, the Establishment.  In the new Twelve Visions World, however, instead of being told how to live, ordinary people began integrating knowledge to lead themselves.  They began snapping together knowledge into growing success puzzles at work and life in general.  They could see through the matrix of illusions and no longer needed or wanted to be led by false authorities.  The need and desire for a government ruling class and its regulations became repulsive.  The old structure of government could not exist with that new mentality.


In total, I had Twelve Visions that showed me a new world of wealth, health, and peace.  I am here to take you into that new world – the Twelve Visions World.”


I’m becoming a contender in this political race because my campaign has nothing to do with political ideas.  I’m becoming a contender because I represent the next evolution of man, which has already begun.  Political structures, ironically, are not based on political ideas; they’re fundamentally based on man’s mentality.  Heretofore, our political structure along with the other basic structures of civilization like religion, education, marriage, enterprise were based on mankind’s mentality from the past, back to over 3000 years ago when people’s minds regularly hallucinated the voices of the gods emanating from statues, tombs, pyramids or other awe inspiring objects of worship, telling man what to do and how to live his life.


Today’s mentality still functions in that bicameral fashion.  Instead of voices of the gods, however, people let the voices of the politicians and regulatory bureaucrats tell them what to do and how to live their lives.  In short, the current and past mentalities seek to be told how to live by some outside authority.


But the next evolution of man has begun.  The dawn of a completely new mentality has arrived.  That new mentality seeks no further than one’s own mind for direction on how to live.  Man’s new mentality no longer looks toward external authorities.  He needs no authorization from outside.  The mentality of the future looks inside to one’s own honest, integrating mind for authority.


All those government programs for the so-called “public good” with politicians telling us how to spend our money, and all those regulatory programs with bureaucrats telling us how to run our businesses…none of these programs could survive in the new mentality that no longer accepts being told what to do…perhaps now you can understand that the Twelve Visions Platform of 1) removing al government programs that are on the offense telling people how to live their lives, and 2) reducing government to programs of defense only, protecting individuals from physical aggression…is not a platform based on political ideas per se.  The platform is simply a new political structure based on the new Neothink mentality of no external authorities telling us how to live our lives.  Therefore, as mankind makes its next evolution, the Twelve Visions Party will be the only political survivor.”


That, my friends, is the secret to this campaign.  Our next evolution into the new mentality has begun.  Now you can really understand where the issues of my campaign are coming from: the Solar-Eclipse Budget that eclipses over half of the typical budget in order to eliminate the solar-high spending programs for the “public good” and to eliminate the regulatory bureaucracies, leaving money for national defense and paying off the debt…well, now you can see that such issues are much more than mere political ideas; they represent a new political structure for the new mentality of no external authorities telling us how to live.


The results of eliminating a government of offense and all its burdensome regulations will be spectacular wealth for the people as the freed geniuses of society rise up.  In this day and age of high technology, they’ll drive technologies through the next level to create spectacular new values for us, and the cost of those spectacular new values will plunge toward zero as we’ve already seen with the computers and communications.  Ordinary people will live like millionaires – healthy millionaires who rarely get sick as the geniuses eradicate disease through soaring new medical technologies.


Business men and women who have no interest in political careers are joining my Twelve Visions Party across the country, I call this phenomenon the Great Replacement Program  as we’ll say good-bye forever to the career politician.  There’ll be no such thing as career politicians telling us how to live our lives in the new mentality of no external authorities.


Government programs for the “public good”, including the regulatory bureaucracies, will now go to the private sector, the Federal government will have a huge sale – selling off everything that has nothing to do with defense.  The trillions of dollars generated from the sale of big government will repay every American’s past contributions toward social Security with interest.  Then, when everyone is repaid with interest, the social Security program for the so-called “public good” will be terminated.  Social Security telling us how to save our monies could never survive in the new mentality of no external authorities.


The only government that could survive the rapidly approaching new mentality is a protection service, a government of defense protecting individual and property rights from physical aggression.  A Protection-Only Budget less than half the typical budget is all that is needed to do that.  The other money that goes to government on the offense, telling individuals how to live, will not survive the new mentality of no external authorities.


Of course, the budget today is bound by existing law that needs to be weeded out with new law.  That won’t actually happen until the Great Replacement Program sweeps through the mid-term elections.  Then Congress will appropriate funds for physical protection only.


The new government structure of defense will serve only Prime Law of Protection.  In fact, it’s so short, clear and indivisible, anyone can memorize it as his or her anchor to freedom and even recite it in about two minutes, anytime, anywhere to uphold it and forever protect it.





*The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. 


*The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose


*The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.


Article 1

No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property, or contract.


Article 2

Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article 1.  


Article 3 (SAY IT SLOWLY)

 No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.”


That is what needs to be said over and over again so people get it that we have nothing more than to free them completely from their prisons so those newly elected politicians get it that we are united on our platform and what we stand for to help ALL citizens.


We are not interested in power or greed.  We do not and will not corrupt the people.  The people will take back their own power and govern themselves far better than any political body will ever be able to do.  


United we will stand.

Why we need the Twelve Visions Party

Visionaries explain in their own words “why we need the Twelve Visions Party.”

Technically the Government will not be able to own real estate which includes Parks, How will this be handled in a TVP Government?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With the Prime Law in place, National and State parks will be sold to private industry. Free market dynamics will determine the proper maintenance, up keep and use of these properties.

Is it government’s responsibility to regulate age restrictions?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government has no business forcing people who have not broken the Prime Law to do anything, no matter what age.

There will no longer be government issued marriage licenses. How does this affect the rights of married people vs unmarried people?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Marriage will no longer be regulated by government. Free market business will rise to fill the demand for more efficient marriage contracts and better ways to solve marriage disputes.

What and where would the Prime Law assist you in your local state government’s attempt to become taken over by the Federal government?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Under the Prime Law the sole purpose of government is to protect people from initiatory force. Prime Law will make state vs. federal power obsolete. Government agencies will function in unison to eliminate all initiatory force. Any individuals within government who commit initiatory force will be held accountable.

March 2025