Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

The value of Mark Hamilton

In my mind, and in my heart, the greatest value any individual can have is honesty!Honest Health, Happiness, Successs, knowledge, and LOVE, comes from from honesty. Thinking, feeling, honesty and acting upon that honesty is how anything tangible is created. Indeed honesty is the greatest value.
Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party, on levels, is this honesty!

Most Honestly written by

The Value of Mark Hamilton

In my mind, and in my heart, the greatest value any individual can have is honesty!Honest Health, Happiness, Successs, knowledge, and LOVE, comes from from honesty. Thinking, feeling, honesty and acting upon that honesty is how anything tangible is created. Indeed honesty is the greatest value.
Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party, on levels, is this honesty!

By His Fruit Shall You Know Him!!!

I am thankful for the Neothink Society and its multigenerational manuscripts. The information that I have learned definitely brought value to my life. Mark Hamilton the founder of the Neothink Society and author of the Neothink literature desires a Nobel Prize because his writings positively transform lives throughout the globe. Everyday in the news the masses in unison constantly demand change. The Twelve Visions Party is the exciting puzzle piece to manifest that change we need because it will Make All The People Rich Including The Poor. The time has come for Mark Hamilton, The Twelve Vision Party and The Twelve Visions World.

Many Thanks To Mark Hamilton!

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I will never be able to repay you for everything you have done for me. Reading your literature and being a part of your Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party has completely changed my life.

I am an entirely new person since you stepped into my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you, however I know I would not like that place in the least bit!

Learning your knowledge and applying it in my life has given me countless blessings. You are a truly wonderful man who deserves world wide recognition and the Nobel Peace Prize if you ask me.

I feel so blessed and lucky to be part of your Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have finally found my home after decades of searching.

Thank you,
Jeff Smith


I can’t be thankful enough for the marvelous text that I received from you. My life is full of adventure now.
I don’t live like have boundries. My income has increased. I have enough to have money for rest of my life with savings. I’m doing more of the things I really want to do. I’ve kept all the books. Each reading brings new visions.
Thank you so much.

The Twelve Visions Party

When I first learned about Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party, I learned that the only purpose for government is to protect its American citizens from violence, initiatory force, and fraud. The Prime Law shows us how our government is like a business, and as such will be run like a business – producing values for the people and increasing our means of living. As a business owner, a father, and a friend to many like-minded individuals, I discovered the value of making myself a better person every day. Through choices I make and accepting responsibility, I value using my mind, or Neothinking, how to be a self-leader, and also being a part of something our children will look back on and be grateful for what Mark Hamilton is doing and this priceless information. The best part is anyone, regardless of their situation, can benefit by getting the literature and reading it for themselves. Then everyone, including the poor and the elderly, can discover for themselves how life will be with the success of the Twelve Visions Party!

Adam H.
New York

Mark Hamilton is

What has changed in my life since being introduced to Neothink, and especially Mark Hamilton is:  I am learning to take 100% responsibility for my life.  This is true FREEDOM!

I am learning to implement my “Friday Night Essence”  or dreams into everyday reality.  I have the tools now to live much more efficiently in business and other areas.  My health has improved.  I am stronger, leaner, and more flexible.  I have more passion, focus, and optimism about my future.  My thinking is more integrated and I am obsessed with learning and reading now.  Neothink Society is a diverse group of individuals who are learning to become integrated self leaders. We want to be all that we were meant to be and add value to this world, including through the launch of the Twelve Visions Party.


Michele W.

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party.  I am not even 6 months with you. What a journey! How much I have learned in that time!  Mark Hamilton with the literature and training in the Neothink Society has given me a new lease on life (65 years).  The Twelve Visions Party is given us a new society based truly on the people and totally founded in reality.  What a concept!

Waking up without fear and worry, knowing that with our own creativity we can build our business, provide for our family, becoming wealthy in the process – not poor and unfulfilled and bitter.  I could go on and on…..but please look at the websites.  The world – all of us –  move between half truths and lies. Here is the place for us to change it in our lives.

Grateful for All of You, Samantha B.

The Twelve Visions Party is the only party that…


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have been a member of Neothink for about two years. Since I have joined Neothink my personal life at home has been taking an upward swing in a positive direction. Through my associations with other people that I have met by being a member, my personal and financial situation outside the home are on an upward direction as well. The literature I have been exposed to has been life changing and the journey so far has been an exciting experience. I have been looking for something for many years  and feel I have finally found what I have been looking for. Some people on the outside may not see these things right away. If they were to just open up a little bit they would see what can be obtained from being a part of this.

The Twelve Visions Party is the only party that is really trying to put something in place that will cause this country to get back to what our founding fathers wanted. Other parties claim they want to do that but none of them will put anything into writing to state how they will go about it. That to me is the first step for a party that is serious about making such changes. The way politics has been run is to tell the people what they want to hear then do what ever you want once elected. With something put in writing a party would have to adhere to what they say, or have a very good reason to change, and then make a strong case for that change.

Keep up the excellent work. The more people that are exposed to this the more they will see the direction this is going and that it is the right direction.

Thank you for the positive trend you and your Neothink Society, and the associations there from, have put into my life.

Kevin T
Neothink Member

Thank you Mark Hamilton


Kauvaha T

Friday, September 11th, 2009

To whom it may concern,                                                                                                                                                                                  I would like to testify to the whole world that I am supporting Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  Mark Hamilton has open up my mind to a whole new way of thinking. Thinking of good things to come and have hope for the future.  Who else in this whole planet that is teaching that there can be a world without diseases?  Who else is teaching that there is a form of government that can make everybody rich even the poor?  Who else is teaching that human being should live to live and not live to die?  Who else is teaching that man can overcome death and never die through biological immortality?  All messages of good hope.  I thank you Mark Hamilton.  I am and will support you with everything that I have and all my being.                                                                                                                                                                                      Yours Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kauvaha T

March 2025