Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

The Twelve Visions Party is where we can make a change for the average person like me and you

Hi everyone:

                    My name is Allen M. I am 51 years young I’ve been with the Neothink Society since 2005. The one thing that I learned and has had a profound influence in my life is we don’t know what we don’t know. Quite frankly I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I know more now than what I thought I knew the first 46 years of my life. I say this humbly. Because we never stop learning and growing. One of the first things I learned was  to take responsibility for everything in my life good or bad. I won’t look to blame anyone for the things or situations in my life. If they are bad I can change them and make them good. If they are good I can still grow and make them great. I am a self leader. This in turn has made my relationships with friends and family 100 times better. I am always meeting people and enjoy the experience very much and I always treasure the times I have with close friends and family. At this young age of 51 I used to think about how much longer I have to retire.  Not anymore life is to be lived to the fullest. I have been, and continue to study copywriting. I expect by the end of this year to be making money from my home doing something that I enjoy. That isn’t all I am looking forward to possibly writing a book. Maybe even a screen play. Now that’s living life to its fullest. Let me say that Mark Hamilton is a good man who generously shares his practical knowledge to help others be the best that they can be. Through honesty and integrity. The Twelve Visions Party is where we can make a change for the average person like me and you. Of course the media will try to convince you that the 2 governing parties are all there is. They will say untrue things and you will be skeptical about the T.V.P. and that is understandable, but you can go to a meeting and find out for yourself. And if you are like me and I think you are. Just go and check it out and you will see for yourself. Thank you for listening. Neothink has been a life changing experience for me. It has been all positive and I am truly grateful for all that I have received.

Kindest regards to all at Neothink Society, Most of all thank you Mark Hamilton for your honesty and integrity and your continuing perseverance to care about us all.

Allen M

I am extremely proud to be a member of the Neothink Society


I am extremely proud to be a member of the Neothink Society & knowing Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton & his literature has helped me see & build a future not just  for me, my children, their children, & future generations. Also for this country.

I firmly believe Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, & the Twelve Visions Party will bring amazing values to this country, Which this country has seemed to have lost & forgotten.

If you silence Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, & the Twelve Visions Party, you will have silenced any hope for this country. Let’s face it this country is going down the tubes fast. Our only hope is for Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society & the Twelve Visions Party to continue their work.

Could you live with yourselves knowing that you not only silenced but also destroyed everyone’s future? I thought not! Maybe someday in the future, you will be glad you didn’t. And thank Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society members, & the Twelve Visions Party.

All of us from the Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party, invite all of you…

All of us from the Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party, invite all of you to Google Mark Hamilton, read about us. Read all of the Individual Testimonials that have been written sharing what Mark Hamilton has done for us , so we can do for ourselves.  The Value that Mark Hamilton offers all of us is truly Immeasurable.. Hope to see you at the TVP Party Convention in your State Soon.  LOL Rev. D. R

Twelve Visions Party Platform

Now with New Jersey having its Historic TVP Convention on March 20th, and inviting the Mainstream Media of which is a good thing until the ESTABLISHMENT realizes it is being threatened, after becoming familiar with the Twelve Visions Party Platform, the Mainstream Media will also discover us, then we will have the PRESS disliking us, and the AUTHORITIES attempting to Silence Mark Hamilton.

The Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement

Greetings everyone I am Reverend Dale R of the Church of the Universal Life. I’ve been associated with the Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement for about 3 years now. Mark Hamilton has been My Mentor, a very dear Friend in Deed.  I am a very Proud owner of Mark Hamilton’s Manuscripts.  Over the past 3 years I have , along with the other “original 300” members’ have listened to Mark discuss his visions of the S.O.S. Clubhouses , future Advertising, and bringing together the Twelve Visions Party.  The Extent of Passion, Love, and focus, from Mark Hamilton towards this Puzzle.  Pieces for bringing in the Twelve Visions World. has been  no less than outstanding.  There is no Doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has our best interest in mind. Mark Hamilton also comes from His Heart.  I always tell everyone that I speak to ,to ALWAYS  speak from the Heart, listen from the Heart, and come from the Heart in all things.

Mark Hamilton is about to put forward The Twelve Visions Party

To start off we must go back to where it started for me. When I became a member of the society, I can say for a fact it has changed my life completely and for the better. Mark Hamilton and his literature or should I say his essence is without a doubt the only way I could have ever started to live my life to its full potential. I cannot express in words how grateful I am to this man.

The movement which Mark Hamilton is about to put forward (TVP) is without a doubt going to benefit mankind in so many wonderful ways. It is going to create values, jobs, and things that we only dreamed of but were to afraid to do. Believe me when I say this “This is the only thing that is going to benefit mankind one-hundred percent.”

If we allow the authorities, government, politics, and trust me they are not even worthy of this title to silence this wonderful value creator then I can tell you “ALL IS REALLY LOST.” I want you to think back to when you were a little kid and all the values and all the good things you wanted to achieve for your fellow-man, for your mom and dad or even your whole family to benefit. Now think about if you could go back to that time that “dream” and now you had the resources to make that a reality. What would that mean to you? To make it all come true and achieve your impossible dream.

I can tell you that is what this value creator (Mark Hamilton) is all about, this is what the Twelve Visions Party is all about; His movement, “our” movement, for a better world. I urge you to give this a chance. I did and I can tell you now I do not regret it not for one moment. It has given me new hope, not only for me but for my children to live and achieve their dreams. And without the Neothink Society I would be lost. So I invite you to be apart of something so great so wonderful that it will change your life forever. So take a deeper look so that we can join together and create values, jobs, and dreams for a better future. I hope to see you there.

C. A.

The Twelve Visions Party has gotten me excited and motivated

Reading the Neothink literature, learning about the Twelve Visions Party has gotten me excited and motivated to really be apart of something that could change our world for the better, for the better of everybody. Every human wants to be free and be happy. The Prime law is the key to your freedom and happiness.  Neothink allows you to fulfill that dream. A dream that will become reality. I am so grateful to be a part of Neothink.

Many thanks to Mark Hamilton

Many thanks to Mark Hamilton for keeping I and my family motivated to change this world into a Happy, Value Creative Neothink world where the humans can become rich and even the poor!!!!!  His Neothink Heirloom truthful Literature still keeps us keep on keeping on in a corrupt, Anticivilized, bicameral, jealous society.  I had to retire early from a school District in Orange County California due to a jealous, anticivilized, bicameral minded supervisor.  I am a fighter not a quitter and now I have more time to focus my energies on the anticivilized world.  You have invited me to many areas to help while others the Anticivilized have dumped me because I won`t believe what they are doing is right!!!!

We the People will soon prosper thanks to Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions and the Prime Law.  I would like to invite all to visit his web sites such as,,

 Live Long & Prosper!!!!

Sanford (Mike) C

Who I am

I am a ( Being ) of ( Light ) that came to Shine brightly on you., Thanks to the works ( Mark Hamilton, The NeoThink Society and The Twelve Visions Party ).,The light of ( Unity )is smiling on you, The power of ( Respect ) is on your side., The power of ( Justice ) is standing Strong., The Power of ( Life ) is Growing while Glowing infinitely on ( You )., The power of ( Love ) is in the ( Air )., The power of ( Honesty ) is ( Prosperous )Yours., The power of ( Kindness ) was meant to ( Be )., The Doors is wide ( Open ) for you to walk through and become the person you was meant to ( Be ) in ( LIFE )., This is the most Honest, loving, caring society I know, that has your best interest at heart., Welcome to the world of Reality., Look past the ( Illusions ) that is constantly in your face., Avoid the ( Neocheaters and Value Destroyers ) that only want to harm ( you ) and suck the living entity that is ( you ) out of ( You )., Cherish your creations., Protect your ( Life )., ( Love ) yourself, Look through the ( Illusions ) that is all around ( You )., On a personal note, I am glad I came in contact with ( Mark Hamilton, The NeoThink Society and The Twelve Visions Party )., They change my ( LIFE ) forever., I am a ( Being ) of ( Light ).


New Jersey TVP Convention Mar 10

I attended the Twelve Visions Party of New Jersey’s 2nd Convention and was not surprised to find so many smart loving people. The presenters, entertainers, the workers at the hall were all bubbling with energy and hope for America before the day was over. We were joined by Steve Rapella and a video address by Mark Hamilton, founder of the Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party. What loving men and mentors. They spoke of each of us in America becoming self-leaders yet following the party to success for all the People to join the greatest get rich program ever! It truly is. We will see prices drop and quality improve as America’s government is returned to its proper function of protection only. Not a social good country but one of individual freedom as planned by our forefathers. Mark Hamilton has the love and passion of our forefathers. He believes in men and women and knows how we can all prosper and live happily as we are supposed to. Thank you Mark Hamilton for believing in America and freedom for all. We must return to a place of prosperity or we fall harder than we now have.

Sincere thank you Mark,
Jill Reed


March 2025