Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

Neothink society means to me a new hope!!!

Neothink society means to me a new hope!!! A new civilization full of HAPPINESS  free of rulers FREEDOOM Ho!! what a joy!!!!

 TVP is the road map that will take us to the Twelve Visions World where we belong Mark I can see the light of the liberty the bell is RINGING WE ARE READY.

 This testimonial was written by 67 years old NTWARRIOR


Little did I know that the world’s greatest author and legend was about to captivate my heart with some of the most genius values ever created. My life would never be the same again. I am proud and most honored to introduce to the world” Mark Hamilton”. Throughout his literature Mark stresses the importance of creating values. Let’s take a look at some of the values he’s created. Mark Hamilton’s literatures, The Neothink Society, The twelve Visions party political movement, The Prime Law. These value creations were creatively designed by the mastermind genius” Mark Hamilton himself!

One of the most important value I’ve received is to help mark further  his genius valued creations, as much as possible. I believe in Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party political movement. Deep in my heart I believe in these values Mark Hamilton has created and I’d like to join forces with those who also feel the same and want to unite as one and help Mark with his” unstoppable”, “Untouchable”, value creations. You can’t help but to love Mark and the brilliant values he’s created.

  I can’t imagine the excruciating rage and pain I would feel if I were to ever hear that Mark Hamilton and his literatures, Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party political movement filled with creative values were gone, taken away or destroyed by some deceitful scheme that had been plotted against Mark, ruining our only hope for saving America, “Mark Hamilton”. My heart would be shattered into a millions pieces. Mark wants to protect and heal this badly wounded economy.. We need to give Mark a chance to heal this economy. We’ll be making a huge mistake, and tremendously sorry if we don’t give him a chance and hopefully it won’t be too late by them. The only hope we have is Mark. We need Mark and his creative values now!

The twelve Visions political movements platform is to make all the people rich, even the poor. The Twelve Visions Party makes politics only about protection not  about power.  Give Mark a chance to fix the mistakes that both Republican and Democratic party created” the fight for political” power ruining our economy tremendously financially. These senseless affect has affected us and now our economy is paying for both Democrats and Political parties’ mistakes.

Let’s swallow our foolish pride, let by gones be by gones and put all our differences and mistakes behind and move on. Give Mark a chance. We owe it to ourselves and we owe it to our country, and this falling economy. It’s just a matter of time until our economy crumbles and tumbles down to the ground. Give Mark a chance to save this economy now! Mark is Americas only hope…


                   Marcia our economy severely. Devastating!

With the Twelve Visions Party and the TVP Movement, Happiness, Peace, and Security…

When I got my First Invitation from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I was dealing with Depression and Anxiety. I opened the letter and read it, and at first I felt its just another sales ploy, but as I read the letter, I felt like there’s something interesting about this, I felt if this can help me to feel peace and self-assured, that would be great. So I got the literature and read it, and studied it and I’m amazed. I’m happier, more at peace and the future looks brighter and promising. I’m not prosperous yet but I’m working on it and I know by using the Tools in Mark Hamilton’s Literature, I can confidently succeed. To have enough financial freedom to have and do the things I only dreamt of, and feeling never ending pleasure in achieving my agendas. Right now, my family is happy to just see me being more pleasant and cheerful and equally so, they look for that lasting future. If everyone could receive the same benefits from this Literature of Mark Hamilton and Neothink Workshops, then everybody could live, with lasting Happiness, Peace and of course Security. With the Twelve Visions Party and the TVP Movement, Happiness, Peace, and Security will be achieved for everybody. Even the poor will have Peace, Happiness and Security and never ending prosperity throughout the world. Otherwise, without the TVP Movement, the Twelve Visions Party, and the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton’s Literature, things won’t get any better, probably worse. Thank You Mark Hamilton and Neo-think Society for everything.                                                                                      Greg K.

The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me

Anwser: The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me
to a self destruct, greedy, one tract mind, self centered society of idiots.
The world has gone crazy, I’m free with my own thoughts and answers to a better
place to live and work and hope for my Grand Children and future generations.
It also has presented solutions to change this crazy world, not just me.
To have wealth, health, love, peace and respect for each other is the goal of the
Neothink Society through the formation of the Twelve Visions Party this is very real.
Last: I’m 81 years old and it gave me reason to live to be a 100′
Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Melvin G. Cornwell

Mark Hamilton and all his vision

When I was selected to become a member of the Neothink Society I sent for the 1st Heirloom thinking that it would answer some questions that I always wanted to know about  And as I read it did I finished reading that one as I had time I’m a Trucker and don’t have much free time  then sent for the next one and keep reading and sending till I had read all 4  I learned a lot that really helped Me to understand the big picture of what is happening in this country and the world and I also realize that the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party are the only thing that is going to make the country and the world  get on the right track and if it wasn’t for Mark Hamilton and all his vision and hard work  and determination we  wouldn’t have this and I want to see this work  so we all need to stand  behind Mark and make it work

The Twelve Visions Party will create a protection only government

The Twelve Visions Party will create a protection only government, allowing for the end of the ruling classes and the creation of a civilization where justice and equality prevail.  A civilization where business, science, and art produces never ending values for its’ citizens.  A civilization where efficiency goes up and the cost of living comes ever increasingly down.  This may all sound a little “too good to be true” but let’s all make up our minds when we see what can really be done with Neothink and the TVP.  Nothing so far has worked and the more I investigate and explore my membership in the Neothink Society the more I am convinced these are the best Ideas I have heard concerning changing the system and living in a world free of fear and pain.

Be smart and read the literature and decide for yourself

I would warn you some people will try to portray Neothink, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party as a scam.  Do not let them decide for you.  Make up your own mind.  Be smart and read the literature and decide for yourself.

Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have enriched my life

Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have enriched my life in so many positive ways: renewed hope and belief of a future in America where our children live free and prosperous lives, where everyone has the same rights ( for real ), and opportunity and justice for all have real meaning in our everyday lives.  The Neothink Society and Twelve
Visions Party, created by Mark Hamilton, stand for these real values and have dedicated real time and money creating a genuine movement.  For thirty years Mr. Hamilton has worked to bring the value of Neothink to the masses, worldwide.

Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Neothink means a new way of thinking to be a self leader, this is nothing new to me,
I have always tried to be my own man self educated, self starter and a leader, but looking back on my life there seems to have always been limits imposed by society, limits beyond my control. So what has the Neothink Society done for me?
It has shown me how to get around those limits and provided me with the tools to cut the chains that bound me to a self destruct, greedy, one tract mind, self centered, all for me Society of idiots. The world has gone crazy, but I am free now to live with my own thoughts and answers with out guilt. I know a better way to live and work and have hope for my Grand children and future generations. It has also presented solutions to change this crazy world, not just me.  The goal of the Neothink Society is to have Health, wealth, love, peace and respect for each other, this is possible through the twelve visions party.  I am 81 years old and the society has given me reason to live to be 100.
Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Melvin G C

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party…


Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party, I can now look forward to the future of the USA.  It seems to be obvious that our elected officials can no longer think for themselves, and just follow the leader (the sheep syndrome).  When politicians only vote their parties line, it is time to vote them out.  I do believe the TVP will bring forth candidates that think for themselves and make decisions based on the good of America.  However I will do as Mark Hamilton has taught me to do.  I will look at all candidates and vote for the one I think will do the best job to make America great again.   Thank you Mark Hamilton and the TVP.

Dave L

March 2025