Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

To Mark Hamilton


I have been trying to write this for about two years. Thank you for inviting me to participate in the super puzzle, through your heirloom literature, Neothink® Society, and the Twelve Visions® Party.  I have received great value and have many new like minded friends. 

I have been with the Neothink Society for several years and have grown considerable.  I have used integrated thinking all my life.  It is wonderful to have friends that understand me.

I am helping establish the Twelve Visions Party® in Oregon, because, TVP will fulfill a need to empower the people to take back responsibility and control of their own lives.  The Prime Law Amendments into the Federal and Oregon Constitutions will and help to make all the people rich including the poor.

Again thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

Judi C

Mark Hamilton helped me realize there was more to life…

Hello my name is Many L. and I have been a member of the Neothink society for less than a year and have learned so much already. Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink Society have meant so much to me in so many ways. The Twelve Visions Party will mean so much to, my loved ones, and to the world. HE has shown me what I am missing in my life, and pointed me in the direction of what I want to be and do in this world.  Before becoming a member I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and never really thought about it. Mark Hamilton helped me realize there was more to life than a dead end job or the same boring rut every day. He is teaching me that you can make any job successful l and enjoyable.  I have never been this happy at my job, and it’s all thanks to Mr. Hamilton and Neothink. 

When I started reading the material I was given I was twenty pounds overweight. And after following the eating habits instructions I lost all that weight in just a few months. I have never looked or felt this good in my life. I owe my happiness to Mr. Hamilton and Neothink. All of the different things you can learn are priceless and very important to the history of mankind.

There is a better way and that is the Neothink way

I want to let the world know that that you (Mark Hamilton)  and the other Neothink Society Members that there are Great things  you and your friends can attain to a better way of doing for yourself.  It is a better way in the Neothink way for a healthier and wealthier.   You can become the person you want to be from a better stand point.  And with the Twelve Visions Party once in place you will not have to worry about any more taxes as well.   There is a better way and that is the Neothink way.   This is coming from a person, which is me that has been a member of the Neothink Society for 2 years and discarding the Old me for ever, and not looking back at all.   Come join us its the best place to be.  I want to thank Mark Hamilton for what he has  done for me.                                                                                       

Yours and a Member of the Neothink Society for life,                                                       

Wolfgang  Lettenbauer

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, Neothink and Twelve Visions World

Hark Hamilton,

I am so happy to be here and a part of some of the most beautiful minds in this world. We are all very grateful for the wonderful vision that Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions World is giving us to help create the Twelve Visions World. There is something going on very special inside of me right now. I got the right information on life and how we got in this mess and how to get out.

It is a true blessing to find Mark Hamilton and Neothink. I do not know if you understand the law of attractions but it has a lot to do with why you are reading this and why you are here searching for the truth. There is something in life that only each of us can find. It lies deep inside of every one of us. 

I am pleased to find you reading this and honestly I have to say it may have something to do with the truth about life and how to keep it here on this earth

I know understand why and how my thoughts got compromised thanks to Mark Hamilton, Neothink and Twelve Visions World. I have never been so happy and the feeling is a little strange as I have never felt like this in other happy times? It is a happiness very deep inside that is pushing it’s way to the surface of my being. The soul is pushing up and into the REAL me. The person I was ment to be.

Thanks Mark Hamilton,


Twelve Visions World

My we live forever,

Renee Maira


I cannot stress enough how Mark Hamilton, Neothink and The Twelve Visions Party are essential…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

It goes beyond words what Neothink has done for me and my life. It has been absolutely without any doubt that Neothink has improved my life for the better. To say that it is incredibly amazing is putting it mildly. I find it very crucial and essential to have Neothink in my life just like food and water. Through everything I have learned I have been able to see past illusions to see the essence of what really is. Especially the illusions of career politicians and congressmen and other big government agencies. Big government and big corporate executives thinking only of themselves and how much power they can get instead of thinking of the people. I have learned how to be a self-leader and not be swayed or moved by external authorities who try to make us think they are only doing things for the “social good.” Mark Hamilton and Neothink is the best thing to come to society, humanity and mankind. I am glad to be a part of it and the next higher thinking of mankind. I cannot stress enough how Mark Hamilton, Neothink and The Twelve Visions Party are essential and crucial to not only America but to the entire world. I will always be eternally grateful to have Neothink in my life.


Walter L. Burton

Neothink is simply a new way of thinking


my name is Dominic Leonardo and I am here to welcome Mark Hamilton and the neo-think twelve visions party to extreme. Neothink is simply a new way of thinking nothing more. without Mark Hamilton and the tvp we as adults will not have another chance to achieve our true goal in our life time, lets do it for not only the ones we love, share space with or live with but for our children thank you for this opportunity

Twelve Visions World

Thank you Mark Hamilton.

You Have Created a very beautiful Reality which is being fulfilled, step by step, day by day, into that which be known as the Twelve Visions World, where people will want to live forever in a state of love, peace, joy, happiness, wealth, and perfect good health, instead of today’s world, where people are so lonely, and miserable, that they would rather put drugs into their bodies, suffer, and die than go on living in this messed-up politicized, beaurocratic, contradicting, dogmatically religiously controlled world.

Mark Hamilton. I am thankful to you beyond words, because the Twelve Visions World has already begun, in which people all over this planet have started behaving in the spirit of love and honesty, and I am loving it.

Mark Hamilton. I personally want t thank you, AGAIN, AND AGIAN, AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

with Love,

Patrick L.

Kingman, AriNeothinkera

The creation of the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Mark,

I am a very practical person and I won’t participate in something if I don’t get results from it.  I have found the literature, website, mentoring meetings and clubhouse workshops very valuable and enjoyable since 2005.

 The most valuable part of the literature has been, 1) the Mini day Power thinking system that has enabled me to be more organized and productive, 2) the opportunity to broaden my view of how our society could improve.

 The mentoring meetings made it very real to me that together, with your leadership and vision, I and other Neothink members could really make a difference in our and others lives.

 The opportunity to meet and learn from other members throughout the United States on the Neothink website was not only enjoyable and educational; it was profitable for my business.  I gained customers and distributors for my products.

 My passion in life is to help myself and others to be successful in every area of life.  The clubhouse meetings and workshops have allowed me to experience that.  I founded the San Francisco Region Clubhouses and often lead the workshops.

 The final piece of the puzzle that is Neothink is the creation of the Twelve Vision Party.  It is very exciting to me that you encourage members to think about how the country has been run and how we could make a difference by participating.  I believe it is important to take care of our own country now, rather than continue to rescue other countries, thereby wasting our money and people with no results.  The TVP can help our citizens to be more active in stabilizing our economy and helping all of us to be more prosperous.

Thank you Mark for your vision, compassion and caring.


 Sharon Willenborg,

Recently I joined with Twelve Visions Party…

To, Mark Hamilton 

From, Pervin
Date, March 6th—-2010
  Dear Mark,
Hi, this is Pervin. I am writing to you about Neothink world. I read your several books also i am RIBI registered too. Over this decade too many things went on me, still going on. But i never stopped read those books, because i know one day i must win with you and your associates, only this reason i never stopped read as i can alive this society. Mark you are genius, nothing wrong with that. Every bad things happened from my unknown way, as i did some thing wrong with destructive government, now i know who they are and what’s they are doing against any innocent person. Although still they are forcefully involve with my personal to other area of life. But i am sure they must eliminated by Neothink Society. Their every active is very painful, as i am getting by them. Recently I joined with Twelve Visions Party as you advised to me, i see how real world people are happy, other way how traditional world people are getting trouble by authorities. So far two world people, and both never mix together, because both of two opposite psychological minded people, one is up side down world, and one is straight stand up world. So NT only one way gets the new world.  Mark, i am assure you, you must be win. Because your literature open my mind and showing to me every aspect of life. Destructive government and political govt. taken away my job, money, love and other area of life. Their illusion made me pain full life, which is indescribable, but it is continuously happening. Only NT is my protection, sometime slowly, sometime don’t work. Another way TVP open my eye, like why life is not control, how can control every day of life. However, one day public must support MH and his literature, and TVP, when they will see those nature of destruction. And that time is not so far from now. One day everyone must know about their destructive formula, how they are flourishing in this world, and killing ordinary people’s life. So I advise to all other non read NT people, please read the MH’s NT literature and experience about this world, where we are and NT society where taking us. Neothink world is very exciting world than the old unhappiness world, wherever we are sinking in their hoax. I believe my self and Neothink society. Thank you.

The Twelve Visions Party will bring the new world in!

Thank you Mark Hamilton. I am so behind you 100%. I love reading and rereading your literature. The Twelve Visions Party will bring the new world in! I can hardly wait to see my friends and family happy and rich. The government have no place in business. It should be the other way around. I am sick and tired of what the government do to the people. My friends, family and myself are so ready for the change. Bring it on! I am in so much control since I have read your literature. I now have cash flow. I now have a house and new sports car. Things just keep getting easier for me. Let the new world come in! Thank you Mark Hamilton.   Russel Creamer o

March 2025