Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I want to say that although I have not been a member of Neothink very long, I am a Level 2 member, I can say without any doubt whatsoever that Neothink, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society are absolutely the best thing that ever happen to me in my life. I am growing everyday with Neothink and with everything that I have read and seen. I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for having been chosen to be a part of the Neothink Society. I feel that since I became a member, it has become absolutely crucial to my life and my existence to be a part of this organization. Words cannot express deeply enough how strong I feel about this. To say that everything I have experienced, read and seen is amazing, wonderful, breathtaking and fantastic would be putting it mildly. I feel honored to be a part of something that is so amazing and better than anything that has ever existed before in the history of mankind.

The Neothink Society and everything and everyone related to it, must ALWAYS continue to exist. I feel that without it, conscious life would have no value. That would be terrible to say the least. The only thing worse than a conscious life without value is no conscious life at all.

The Neothink Society is more than just an organization. It is my family. It is the only society that I can really feel close to and mean so much to me. I can never be a part of the anticivilization, not after my eyes were opened to Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. How can I ever go back. That would be like modern man reverting back to the apes. Unthinkable.

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton for having chosen me to be a part of your society. My wife is a very strong minded God-fearing christian woman. I want to tell her what I have found and the Neothink Society, but fear that she may not agree with it or me. But I feel that even if she doesn’t agree with me, I will continue with the Neothink Society. Even if my wife said to me that she is sorry but she can support me or agree with me with it, and even if she wanted to leave me because of it, I would still continue to be a member of the Neothink Society and continue to grow in it, at any cost, including my marriage. I feel that strongly about it and it means that much to me.

Mr Hamilton, Thank you so much for the difference you’ve made in my life. I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge. You ‘ve truely been an inspiration to me and I’ll never forget you. Be blessed in all your endeavors to make life better for everyone in all areas.

-cynthia g

It is with great pleasure and appreciation

Dear Mark Hamilton:
It is with great pleasure and appreciationthat I write this testimony of what you, Neothink Society, the literature, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) has done for me.  In the year 2007, you and the programs literally saved my life.  After years of working diligently on improving my life through education and surviving an abusive marriage, where I left and raised my boys on my own for over 20 years, I was ready to give up.  Then the readings and information from your programs gave me the insight and clarity to continue.
The dishonest U.S. government continues to take my freedom away and control me through unjust taxes and laws that only reward the politicians.  Even with a Master’s Degree, it has been impossible to live a life that I was meant to live.  One only needs to take the illusionary veil off the current criminal system to clearly see what cheating acts it is committing.
I encourage anyone that questions you (Mark Hamilton), the Neothink Society, and TVP to simply read the literature and decide on their own accord  (don’t be swayed by the created crisis junkies) and evaluate what amazing benefits and the truth that exits in Mark Hamilton’s programs.
I owe my life to Mark Hamilton and I am very grateful for his mission, along with our paths connecting.
Your apprentice,

Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society

To Whom It May Concern:

Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society came into my life about 4 years ago when I received a piece of mail with some interesting information enclosed.  I chose to request more information and over the past 4 years I have received so much enjoyment and helpful training from the information I have received.  Mark Hamilton is a selfless and visionary thinker with the concept of a better life for everyone throughout the world. 

Anyone who is reading otherwise is being misled and that most likely is coming from covert sources within our own government.  Most of these people who want to keep us “like sheep….just go on with things as they are….don’t rock the boat”, but I think most of you reading and checking out Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and the TVP (Twelve Visions Party) will quickly realize that the people you want to watch out for are those in our own government that have been pretty much just watching out for their own interests (not the public), and doing what they can to discredit anyone who brings up new information or presents a new and better way to live.

I have had my eyes opened so wide over the past few years and I have come to realized how much I have depended on a government that is not watching out for me.  I learned that I need to watch out for myself and find a better way to live this precious life I have.

I highly recommend you don’t listen to the people who are trying to “badmouth” or “discredit” Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  I suggest instead you do some research and find out how awesome the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton are.  The visions for a new and better world are fantastic and hard to believe, but they are possible and millions of us are working for this change.  It is coming!  I just hope you join us, and share the fun and excitement of making it happen!

Best Wishes to all, and to a fabulous new future!


Mark Hamilton has been a huge mentor in my life

Whom it may concern,

Mark Hamilton has been a huge mentor in my life. He has made me see the 12 visions and to apply them in my life. I thank Mark Hamilton for the opportunities that he presented to me, the life changing books he has publish for us as an honest society to learn and apply, and to make us the person we were meant to be. This information changes people’s lives to make us honest<,happy<,positive about life,<helping others<making the world a better place<and to love yourself and love life to the fullest. I am so glad i have received this information in the mail to get in the society and the 12 visions. Finally I’m honored to have Mark Hamilton as my mentor.

                                                                              Thanks so much,

                                                                                       William O

What our members say

The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton have empowered me to live the life of my dreams.  The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party and The Twelve Visions World are powerful puzzle pieces regarding everyone everywhere living the life that we are meant to live minus the dishonesty!

To everyone curious about Mark Hamilton

I know the name “Twelve Visions Party” may seem a little “hokey” to those not familiar with Neothink literature, but have a little “vision” of your own and read Mark Hamilton’s description of what the Party is really about. If a person takes the time to read the information, I don’t see how they could not get excited about the TVP! This could do more for the “average” person, and our country as a whole than anything since we became an independent country. This type of thinking would then most likely spread around the world as others saw what it did for the “average” person in this country.

To everyone curious about Mark Hamilton, Neothink, The Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) – do yourself possibly the best favor you’ve ever done for yourself – DON’T LISTEN to the media, the politicians, or any “talking heads”. Take charge of your own life, use your own amazing mind. Read the Neothink literature.

No matter how smart you think you are, don’t make the common mistake thinking you have nothing to learn (I see this in many of the technical professionals I’ve worked with).

Thank you Mark Hamilton for spending the biggest part of your life putting it all together and coming up with Neothink. Life is now awesome!!!


Phil G

Twelve Visions Party is the answer

Dear Mark:

I was introduced to The Neothink Society by Martin H.  I have only been with the Society a few months, but I am already beginning to see the difference the books are making in my life.  They are teaching me how to integrate, power think and utilize my mini-day schedule to become more productive and successful.  I have met several Neothink Brothers and Sisters through the website, face book and the WA State A-Team.  I have a ways to go to finally understand all of Mark Hamilton’s teachings, but as I continue to read his books, integrate his lessons, I am able to grow my essence.

Twelve Visions Party is the answer to bringing our country back around to a state of stability.  I love the fact that TVP involves all the people, not run by one political party.  There will be no more poverty.  We will be able to live harmoniously among ourselves.

Silencing the truth is wrong!  Mark Hamilton is on the right path to bringing government back to the people and away from the corporation with the Twelve Visions Party.  Through the organization of the TVP, Mark Hamilton integrates the truth and empowers others to grow their essence.  I believe Mark Hamilton is on the right path to turning our country around with the Twelve Visions Party.  I support Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party without blinking my eyes but with my whole essence.

Thank you, Mark for the opportunity to share my testimonial with you.


Sheila F

I was going through the Twelve Visions Information

Dear Mr Hamilton,                                                                                                       Just a week or so ago I was going through the Twelve Visions Information, and I experienced a wave of Exhilaration that was beyond joy. I haven’t kept up with my reading and I feel Like Kicking myself. The combination of the Twelve Vision Party and Neothink is a powerful tool for creating a bright future for everyone, Individually and Collectively.
Best Regards,
Shawn L.

To: Mark Hamilton
From: Steven A W

Hello Mark, remember it is normal for people to be negative. This is what they grew up with. The media concentrates on the negative because this is what they think sells. The government feels pressure because they feel threatened, they know change is near. And it is normal for the you to feel nervous. This is an exciting time for Neothink and the 12 visions.

Wait till this goes public. All those people that were not brainwashed by societies normal way of thinking (follow the leader) this will change the world almost immediately.

Remember, we are the leaders of future change by helping individuals become leaders of their own destiny. And no matter what, one person or a few million people who may be against Neothink, well, this is Bigotry of freedom, economics, race, gender and all we stand for. We do have protection against bigotry.

All my best for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year,

Steven A W

Thank-you Neothink

The Neothink philosophy and the many publications, especially The “Twelve Visions Party”, have had a profound impact on my life.  Especially in the areas of getting more accomplished and being a “truth seeker”.  Reading between the lines and lies perpetrated by so called “authority” figures and self appointed “do gooders” for the people.  If more and more people could see through the “matrix” like deceptions we are being fed and educated with, this country and more of the peoples of the world would be prosperous.  We could solve virtually every problem and in a short time frame.  Thank-you Neothink.  Lets hope the powers to be continue to respect the 1st Amendment!  Sincerely,

Dennis A

March 2025