Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’


Just to know that there are a few honest people left in this world, is such a comfort. But to find an entirely new way of transforming everything through real, honest evaluation is an evolution into understanding my own life, life on earth, and how we all can be transitioned for brighter and more prosperous futures. This is possible through the NeoThink writings of Mark Hamilton. He has used the teachings of history-past and present, to convey ideas that have always been part of who we are as Americans. Our constitution was based on the freedoms of each individual. Mr. Hamilton’s new Twelve Visions Party is based on this founding premise.
How can a new political party have anything to do with honesty? Individualism? Find out for yourself by learning the facts. Turn a deaf ear to the usual attack & slander style politics we have become so accustomed. I have found a NEW group of positive, honest, friends in the NeoThink Society and Twelve Visions Party with Mark Hamilton in the lead. The future of America and planet earth will be great! Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Elaine O

Destination Truth

To all who read, I ask you to ponder how your lives are now? Do you feel truely free? or do you feel we are slowly watching our GOD GIVEN liberties being crucified for the profit of the few? Do you feel that you are oppressed by the powers at be? How many of you want a more fufilled life? Are you sick and tired of being a slave to your job, your government or circumstance? Are you seeking? Well, about four months ago in September of 2009 I prayed for answers because I felt as though I was living in bondage. I was living, but felt dead inside. I knew I was meant to do more, accomplish more and be more. I was searching for my true “essence” in life. Are you? If so, Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the TVP-”twelve visions party” have a message you need to hear. Four months ago I was miserable, I worried constantly, I was angry and frustrated, and I was always the victim. I hated everything. My life was out of control, but if you saw me today you wouldn’t think I was the same person described above. Mark Hamilton, the Neothink society, and TVP-”twelve visions party” have shown me how life is meant to be lived. I have begun to live differently, to live with “Fully Integrated Honesty”. Mark Hamilton writes about this in his manuscripts. I have had my eyes opened, so to speak. I now accept responsibility for my actions and live up to standards I set for myself and no one else. I now have goals and a direction in my life, which I can definitively say are a direct result of my studies of Mark Hamilton’s many works. I don’t know what I can say to you to show you what Mark Hamilton, The Neo-think society and TVP have done for me, as it is a personal journey with deep mental and emotional euphoric roots. What I can tell you, “the reader”, of this my testimonial, is that you are an exceptional person for seeking the “truth” or what we in the Neothink society call “Fully Integrated Honesty.” Maybe you should give it a try. I leave you with best wishes and many future blessings, James William Munn

My Story about Neothink Society

It has been a year now that I was hand picked to join the Secret Society, the Neothink Society.

I have not put Mark Hamilton’s 12 Visions to a test as yet. I am still thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I have enjoyed reading all of the Neothink Manuscripts.

The 12 Visions taught me to think for myself instead of letting others think for me. People have the right to think for themselves.

If the Government has it’s way they would regulate every thing we do. I thought this was a free Country, but it seems the new President thinks he should think for us and tell us what to do.

This Health Care Reform Bill is a very bad idea. First of all if we let the Government regulate our Health CAre then what else are they going to try to regulate. Who we can and can not Marry. How many Children we can have and what sex the child should be.
What kind of job we should have.

This type of thinking has to stop and the Neothink Society is just the Society that will pervail.

Mark Hamilton is awesome!!!

Before I read Mark Hamilton’s literature, my life was in shambles. I was in a rut, didn’t know what I was going to do with my life and didn’t know how I was going to change it. When I received my invitation, I jumped on the idea, because somehow I knew that it was right and pure. Once I actually read the manuscripts, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt free, happy, relieved and fearless. The dead beat people in my life were exposed and dropped. I pinpointed what my purpose in life is and I’ve been happier ever since. I got rid of my debt and cleaned up my credit report, I met new positive friends, who are like family to me, explored new aspects of my life that I was afraid to explore and learned a tremendous amount of new things, etc. I’m finally in control. I feel like with all of the disgusting things going on in the world, the Twelve Visions Party will be the answer and eradicate the corrupt, authoritarian section of our planet. Things would change rapidly for the better. I am truly thankful for Mark Hamilton because he isolated the problem and he’s providing us with the solution. Those who try to make him out to be a con artist are obviously sick and are a part of or have been effectively brain washed by the corrupt parasites that control this country and the world. Thank you Mark. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. You are truly risking EVERYTHING to pull back the curtain and unveil the lies. You are very brave. Your doing a tremendous job. Keep up the excellent work.

me and the Neothink Society

hello all
being in the Neothink Society founded by the Mark Hamilton the author of the greatest heirloom ever written and being among the Twelve visions Party all of this made me wanting everybody out there to be involve to experience the peace of mine,the happiness and the new integrated stage we’re in , just for people to understand what I’m talking about,please you people out there don’t assume that you know it all. allow your self to discover the path to the happy,healthy and wealthy life you deserve the new you.
without Mark Hamilton’s dedications to the Neothink Society and the twelve Visions Party we wont be here serve the humanity.
Thank you Mark

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton

It has been a while but I am here today to share in your project. Just a month ago, my husband and I made a life changing move and with the help of your Twelve Visions this move has become the best move we have ever made.
When we packed to move I did not pack the books away, I carried them with me. With the total honesty, my husband is the happiest he has ever been.  He started a new job about a week after we got here and all ready the owner is going to put him in charge and giving my husband a substantial raise in pay in this bad economy.
I am so honored that you contacted me a year ago and that I have had the pleasure in reading your books.  Like I said, I didn’t pack them away, I have them with me all the time. When things get tough I open them up and just start reading with no particular page of starting.
Thank you again for coming into my life and changing it for the better.
Tammy C

The Twelve Visions Party

When I first learned about Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party, I learned that the only purpose for government is to protect its American citizens from violence, initiatory force, and fraud. The Prime Law shows us how our government is like a business, and as such will be run like a business – producing values for the people and increasing our means of living. As a business owner, a father, and a friend to many like-minded individuals, I discovered the value of making myself a better person every day. Through choices I make and accepting responsibility, I value using my mind, or Neothinking, how to be a self-leader, and also being a part of something our children will look back on and be grateful for what Mark is doing and this priceless information. The best part is anyone, regardless of their situation, can benefit by getting the literature and reading it for themselves. Then everyone, including the poor and the elderly, can discover for themselves how life will be with the success of the Twelve Visions Party!

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton! What a privilege and honor it is for me to be involved with your Neothink Society. Being a member of this wonderful group is the “it” I have been searching for my whole life.

Reading the life changing literature has completely revitalized my life. I now have a specific direction, a specific purpose and an amazing new family filled with the best friends I could ask for.

I feel like the luckiest man alive to be where I’m at right now. I love interacting with other members of Neothink and I love contributing to the Twelve Visions Party.

TVP is the lifeline that will save this wonderful country which is slipping down the drain due to politicians, corruption and crime.

Oh, what a noble journey this is! I can’t think of a better thing to spend my time and effort on. The pride and exhilaration I feel when advancing the Neothink Society is incredible!

Thank You Mark Hamilton for creating the perfect world for me to plug into!

Jeff Smith


In the Society today, the freedom is less, because of more regulations and laws. Put the Society to advance less in technology, medicine, education. And the government have more control to the people. The people need a new change of government, and a new mentality, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party. of Mark Hamilton. To live the life we always dream. and have back our full freedom

The Twelve Visions Party

Mark Hamilton is an inspiration! He promotes, encourages, and shows how we all can live in Peace, Love, and Happiness – not just locally, but globally. When I discovered the powers of the mind, and how to use the mind to look through appearances to what is, my future began to transform before my very eyes. I had a dream last night, even, of the future and woke up this morning with a big smile on my face. Mark Hamilton showed me this through his visions and what the Twelve Visions Party will do for every single person – he calls it the Millionaire phenomenon. Thank you so much, and now our future seems bright!

Adam H.

March 2025