Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

Gratitude to Mark Hamilton


My name is Mike C  I want to express my deepest gratitude to Mark Hamilton for saving my life Neothink society and the twelve visions party changed my  life forever It wasn’t easy for me as a preacher of the “word of god” deep on mysticism confuse looking for answers that never came to me. I spent more than a 1/4 of century in Christianity might be I related to Tracy Alexander with the difference I spent more years.  The journey that I toke began  in  2005.  The journey that I never went back A JOURNY  of HOPE at least for me Mr. Mark I believe in you in the beautiful work you doing is unbelievable  for the human kind, Mark we are with you in bad TIME or in GOOD times MR. Mark thank you thank you for saving my life from death.  WE WILL “SUCCEED” Mike C

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go…


The Twelve Visions Party was formed by people just like you and I that are tired of politicians lying. Fed up with them creating a crisis to get us, the citizenry, afraid enough to vote for laws that though sound good on the surface but in all actuality limit our own freedoms, and then over taxing us, many into poverty, and then not being financially responsible with the money.

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go there and read, cover to cover, the TVP platform to learn for yourselves what the mission of the TVP really is, regardless of what you may have heard or read.

I look very much forward to doing my part in bringing to fruition the goals of the TVP and look forward to you joining us in that mission.

Have a Fantastic Day!

Steven H

Mark Hamilton has devoted many…


Over the last two or three years, I have purchased and read many books that have been written by Mark Hamilton. His Neothink philosophy has meant a great deal to my own thoughts and beliefs, and I recently joined the Neothink Membership here in Western Australia.
His Teachings have helped me to put a much clearer perspective on many things happening in our world today.
His Twelve Visions Party is the best news I have ever heard in many years. It actually brings hope and faith for a much better future on Earth.
Unlike any new religion or cult, The Neothink Society has firm roots in Scientific facts, and will deliver a much better society for all of us.
Mark Hamilton has devoted many, many years to writing about the Neothink concept, and is regarded as a wonderful Mentor by all in the Society.
I am very excited about the future, and my children’s future, thanks to the Twelve Visions Party and Neothink.
Stuart L

Join-in with Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party


HI, My name is Ralph Menchaca.

I belong to the Neothink Society, and I’m inviting you to come to a Neothink Clubhouse Meeting and Join! Next, I welcome you to Join-in with Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party <TVP> and make everyone RICH! Including the Poor.

A new FUTURE awaits everyone, come and see.

At this time, as a participating Neothink Mentor, I can tell you,- Come and live the Life your were Meant to live! for that Something More.


Ralph M

next evoultion


Time flies when creation happens,its been such a dream , reality check,new awareness, common sense approch to whatever you want and need. peace, love;,enjoy work, family and friends, FlH,AND Twelve Visions World tvp


To whom it may concern,                                                                                                                                                                                  I would like to testify to the whole world that I am supporting Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  Mark Hamilton has open up my mind to a whole new way of thinking. Thinking of good things to come and have hope for the future.  Who else in this whole planet that is teaching that there can be a world without diseases?  Who else is teaching that there is a form of government that can make everybody rich even the poor?  Who else is teaching that human being should live to live and not live to die?  Who else is teaching that man can overcome death and never die through biological immortality?  All messages of good hope.  I thank you Mark Hamilton.  I am and will support you with everything that I have and all my being.                                                                                                                                                                                      Yours Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kauvaha T




Some times this term is associated with people like Notre Domes and his far reaching predictions. Or even Einstein, who had ideas for inventions far beyond his lifetime. This is what the Neothink Society and their Twelve Visions mean to me.  I truly believe that every Citizen in America is thinking that “there must be a better government available to our great county?”

Many Grassroots parties have tried in the past to penetrate the standing Parties [Democrats and Republicans] but they are too powerful for mere mankind to put asunder. None of us have the needed VISION that all people would BUY INTO for the leadership in the United States. Until now, with the Twelve Visions and the afforded PROTECTION of the rights of the people it promises, there can be something more powerful then the current administration that can gain the majority vote.

After reading about the Neothink Secret Society finally breaking through to the common folks like us, I was moved to buy and read their materials and books. I want to be a part of the winning plan. If I am a member of a team I want it to be the best team, and lead by a TRUE VISIONARY. I think that person can be Mark Hamilton. For many years I have been looking for someone to look to for help – to correct the inequities that exist in our World. In the reading of his WORDS and his Visions for the SOCIETY, as a whole, I believe they have finally arrived. No I am not talking about a GOD or Mystic but a “Man with a Plan” to improve all of our lives into the future.

Do you want this SOCIETY for your families? Do you think there is a better method of Leadership out there? Can our People once again be the best governed nation in the world? After you read Mark’s Book on the 12 Visions you too can look beneath the Illusion set in place by our government. See a new brighter future for all people that can lead to open minds and lack of fear, so that our great minds can achieve what we were meant to invent for the survival of mankind.

I hope my testimonial is the KEY you are looking for.

V. J. B


hello  my name is Sean from new York city the Neothink society is very impressive as in what’s going on in society today it also opens your mind to a better way of thinking mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality  it will be very helpful for family and friends once it is put into action it teaches heath, wealth, happiness, discipline, honesty and control plus how to be a self leader when I first got the literature it was something exciting to learn especially since I was intoxicated by deception in the ac with no hope whatsoever  I don’t know everything still learning and still have mysticism’s but I will like to thank mark Hamilton and everyone else in the society for giving me a thinking process of calmness and different  knowledge thank you


When I got in the Neothink Society my life was down. Now my life has change in so many ways. There are three things that did it Neothink, Mark Hamilton, and his literature. The twelve visions in the second heirloom, I open my mind and clear. And my movtivational in many ways my family and work. Oh yes my life is going to the right path. Now I have not fullest my life yet. But I know it is coming to me soon. Thank you Mr. Hamilton you gave me.
Robert D


Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me Neothink.  Neothink has taught me my life belongs to me and I am responsible for it.  This knowledge has set me free from external controls and I feel the power of freedom.
     With Neothink, I live a value-filled life of honesty and happiness.  As a Neothink Person, I go within to bring beautiful feelings to each moment.  I am in a wonderful journey into fully-integrated honesty.  My relationship with my family and friends is one of love and joy and much pleasure.
     Mark Hamilton’s literature is a treasure, which will give us the Twelve Visions Party.  This Party recognizes that the purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily and that the function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.  The Twelve Visions Party will guarantee those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract.  The comfortable establishment leaders will lose their supervisory roles over me and everyone.
     This Neothink world will bring us so much health, happiness and values that I plan to live to 120 years and ask for more.
Kay S

March 2025