Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’




Logo Contest – from Buzz McCulloch


Good afternoon, Mark,

I want to thank you for the Honorable Mention I have receieved for my submission for your logo contest – as well as the payment sent along with it! I admit, I am extremely honored to have had the opportunity to be involved, and to have had my submission considered so highly. It means a great deal to me…

Furthermore, I also want to thank you for keeping me “in the loop” regarding my status with our NT family. Your consistent communiques’ over the last two years during my “absence” has shown me that I am still thought of and considered part of the ongoing happenings. You have no idea how important it has been, and is, for me to remain with you on our quest to obtain the Twelve Visions World – even though I have been unable to be actively involved – for I have missed greatly the awesome interactions provided!

Though I have been physically absent for this (much too long) period of time, you should know that I have “been involved” in my own personal ways; and have not forgotten nor lain aside the important teachings and mentorship you so freely gave to open my eyes and start my life on a new path. I have, in fact, achieved a life-long goal during this time as a result! Ever since my childhood I have had the desire to write a story…a book…and present it to the public. I made the attempt a couple of times, but never did follow through – as I found “time” to actually be an obstacle. It was through your mentorship and eye-opening teachings that I was able to implement my mini-day schedule…and succeed! Not only that, but I was inspired by your own tale of Miss Annabelle, and also developed a faction story that is a “teaching tool” within itself. Even though the storyline is fictional (fantasy based), it brings to light many of the principles and values I learned from you. Actually, as with Miss Annabelle’s story, it builds itself more upon fact than fiction…with the basic structure lying within reality…and with the fantasy part as an intriguing “wrapping” to make the story more enjoyable.

As a “Thank you,” I would very much like to send you a copy. Please let me know where I can send it to, to get it into your hands. If, by chance you would like a preview, the following is a direct link to see my “product description…”

Here’s the link:

With this result of my achievement, I will soon have the ability to once again join with you and our NT family. As already mentioned, I miss the physical involvement greatly, and look forward with bright and excited anticipation to again being a part of this wonderful movement to bring the peoples of this world into the Twelve Visions World! Thank you, Mark, for the incredible enlightenments given to me and so many others. Your achievements are phenominal…and I am extremely happy to call you my mentor – and friend.

As always – I am your brother in the Twelve Visions World…

Dave “Buzz” McCulloch {Krystian Knight – psuedonym}

Author- …Comes the Light

Precious Moments with my Family


Something clicked inside me as I read vision 12 of the Twelve Visions in Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts – the foundation of the Neothink® Society: The story I read connected with something inside me at a deep emotional level. As long as we are living in a mortal world that specter of death will haunt us -> the only way to make peace with that reality is to give everything we’ve got into living this life as best we can – to fill each moment with the preciousness and love for life and our loved ones.

Since reading that incredible vision by Mark Hamilton I have found myself trying just a little harder to be more present with those I love… I have so far to go, Mark Hamilton was absolutely right: I know that I will only ever be happy if I keep trying.

Thank You so much for all of the other incredible materials in the Multigenerational Manuscripts that make the challenge of actually doing it as easy as possible.


Mark Hamilton


When I first got a letter from Mark Mamilton on the Neothink Society I didnt know what to think but I whent with my gut and orderd the book, when I recived the book and started to read it I couldnt put it down. Along with the Twelve Visions Party they have put me onto a new path on how I look at each day and how I do things on a day to day basies,our goverment needs to get out of the pepoles lives and start going by and liveing the Constitution of the United States and to let the pepole prosper like they should and Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party can see this thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.Jeff Cotton

When You Love Something


Where did this feeling of Love and Protection and Nurturing come from!?! I feel this burning urgency to protect and help the Twelve Visions Party grow and survive!

There is this remarkable experience and I wish that more people would have it: When a person comes across something really … really GOOD – something clicks, it’s like a wake up call. You often see this with people as they first get involved with something – maybe a political party, or a home based business opportunity. They FEEL that same desire to grow and build and … DO SOMETHING really REALLY GOOD!

The more people that have that feeling, no matter WHAT inspires them to have it, lifts us up a little bit more. Each person who is woken up a little bit more carries those good feelings out into life, and such people can’t help but lift those they meet up, even if ever so slightly.

Now today, ENTER the Neothink Society, Founded by Mark Hamilton, author of the incredible multigenerational manuscripts; here is an idea system and an application system that is so remarkably GOOD that nearly EVERYONE that puts in the effort to SEE THE VISION of what this literature represents will be transformed, those good feelings crackle like Lightening!

I just wish more people would make the effort to see it – they don’t know what they’re missing!


the hamilton’s world


when I joined the Newthink Society I didn’t know much about Mark Hamilton in fact that I didn’t know much about the purpose of my existence , but after reading the multigenerational manuscripts and joining the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party I became very much knowledgeable of Mark Hamilton as a founder of the Neothink Society and what a great discovery it was and still to discover my self through the these great multigenerational manuscripts and movements.
thanks Mark

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing…


Hello Mark

I want to mention here how’s my journey with Neothink and Twelve  Visions Party.  Before I do that I really want thank the author  and founder of these integrated honest societies.

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing the Hamilton’s world thru these noble societies, he meant it for all mankind, he sacrificed a lot of his efforts and assets to achieve the awareness of mankind and my involvement with Neothink and TVP is making me who I’m today ,I’m  almost living the life I meant to live and living the child of the past, I can say that I’m playing to make living, truly these are the most missing things in our lives .

And for you out there, don’t take my words, get involve ,read Mark Hamilton’s  lecturers  ,start seeing beyond the created illusions     ,start living the  life you meant to live ,like millions of people who’re finding their child of the past ,who’re making living playing .

I can tell you this the findings by reading Mark’s lecturers are limitless, after all we’re in the Neothink and TVP Society living the Hamilton’s world.

Thank you Mark for fathering us.


Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me opportunities to learn and grow.


As I grow more in love, I see the need for others to be happy and prosper, too.  I want to share two (2) of my video writings that are less than two (2) minutes each.  Please take a quick-break from your busy day and reflect on the pleasant life you once lived by clicking this link: The other writing shows the stark reality of not living the life you are meant to live.  It contains a few sad scenes, as life does today, and can be viewed by clicking this link:  After you view them please consider joining thousands of other happy encouraged individuals in the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.   Thank you for your time and consideration and thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me opportunities to learn and grow.

Thank you Mark!!


Just a few short years ago I was one of those who had no idea where to go, where to turn, what to do!

I had retired from the Navy and reverted to a civilian life – what a social change that was! I had gone through a divorce, losing contact with the children I loved. I had lost my job, lost my friends, felt there was no reason or purpose left in life.

Then, along came Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! I was skeptical at first, but on reading the literature I began to see hope! I learned and grew, applying the new thinking (neothinking) to m life, and began to see hope and love again!

I was one who woke up each day with the first thoughts of “damn — another one”; and now I wake up each day excited and anxious to make further progress, learn more, do more … and create value for myself and those around me.

What a wonderful change from the greatest mentor I have ever known! Mark has become more than just a “teacher”, he has become my “brother”, and my greatest respect goes out to this wonderful individual and the Neothink Society, as well as the Twelve Visions Political party he has envisioned and created!

Mark … I love you, and look forward to the day we can meet face to face, and hug each other like the brothers we are!

Twelve Visions® world – needed NOW


Our countries’ and most other political systems worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions® movement, created by Mark Hamilton, is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.
To improve my life and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of The Neothink® Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…
Accordingly, I and other Neothink® Society members believe and will actively work towards achieving, through the Twelve Visions® Party, the one and ONLY valid purpose of government…
PROTECTION… against initiatory force, coercion and fraud.

March 2025