Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

My Amazing Life With Real Honest Values


Hello, my name is Brian T. McCarther and I have been a Neothink® member since June 2006. I want to personally thank Mark Hamilton for all that he has done with his Neothink® members and especially with the Twelve Visions Party® that will surely be something that everyone in the United States and around the world can look forward to.

As for a little background about my life, I have mostly been a quiet and reserved individual who did what I was told so that I would be able to be successful, particularly in school. I however realized fully later in my life that I was someone special and that I really wanted to accomplish all my dreams while also being as happy as possible. Although most of the people who were involved in my life including most of my relatives, they seemed to me that they didn’t and in most cases still don’t understand the real purpose of how a person is really supposed to live life and how life can be much more than what most people see it to be.

Anyway, when I received the invitation from Mark Hamilton to become a member in the Neothink® Society, I knew my dreams and goals could really be accomplished in my lifetime. I knew that I had been truly awakened into understanding what the world is really like and how people and society and supposed to function. Even if many of my peers and relatives don’t comprehend how my life has changed for the better, I know one day they will also be able to realize just how precious and magnificent life can be and ultimately should be for every kind human being on this planet. I know that one day life on this planet for everyone will change for the better (and continue to get better) and I am gratefully thankful that I can take part in accomplishing that dream.

Thank you so much my mentor and friend Mark Hamilton for letting me become a Value Creator in order to bring real and honest values to the world.

-Brian McCarther

RECOGNIZE!…Mark Hamilton…My Neothink Society family…and Our Twelve Visions Party


For all you haters out there that doubt us….Mark Hamilton is a genius and my mentor in life. He taught me..(but i think i can speak for all of us in the neothink society)how to break threw boundaries however massive. his manuscripts is on another level, beyond anything I’ve previously known or read of in my whole existence. I know that very soon Mark and his twelve visions party will take society to that next level of living. He is just that great and me and all my people believe in his vision for a better world..theres nothing you anticivilation people can do to stop us now. we are trying to change the world for the betterment of all. Our movement is growing and I’m..(along with the rest of us)is willing to stand on the frontline to see Marks vision fulfilled. I am willing and ready to go to war to end your dumb anticivilation..i will fight the media with mark and do anything in my powers to see to it the neothink society thrive and survive. so for all you haters out there…hate it or love it. who cares!!..CHANGE IS COMING!! Mark Hamilton, Neothink, TWELVE VISIONS PARTY.. Take it N BLOOD.. hahahahaha

More Valuable Than a 4 Year College Degree


My fortunes changed to such a high degree I consider Mark Hamilton and his literature to be more valuable than my 4 year Microbilogy degree. The techniques are real, easy to understand and apply and extremely valuable. You become your own Self-Leader no longer looking for others to help you. Also the Twelve Visions Party is making all the peo0ple rich, including the poor. Thanks again to Mark Hamilton and the TVP.

Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a…


This will be short and to the point.  
Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a society that will accomplish what our forefathers first conceived, yet fell shot of bringing completely to fruition.  
I believe totally that the Neothink Society supported by the Twelve Visions Party will bring complete prosperity to America first and then the entire world.  
I have always believed that we as human beings are capable of conceiving and creating anything, plus nature can provide everything we will ever need.  
I also believe that becoming a Twelve Visions World is definitely an achievable goal and one that has always been our destiny.
Thank you Mr. Hamilton, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for helping to make all of this possible.

Douglas W. H

Mark Hamilton Brings Value


Mark Hamilton’s teachings are VALUE LADEN. By reading his books he changes the way you think. This new way of thing is THE ANSWER to our current problems we are experiencing economically.
The information is so BADLY NEEDED right now world-wide, but especially here at home. I am grateful for getting to know this information. It has been invaluable. My business has done well despite current conditions.
His work is so value laden that I could not say enough about it, but the manuscrips must be read, studied and made second nature. Then nothing can stop you, period.
Seriously, his hard thinking allows him to provide us with a doable framework for getting us out of the current economic mess, and go FAR beyond. Here is someone who actually has a workable solution. Have you head anyone with a REAL SOLUTION?
Therefore, the Twelve Visions Party is the only solution for us currently. The incumbents have worn out their welcome.
It is time for leaders to spend wisely and follow through on their promises while acting with integrity, regardless of party.
It is time for each person to take their power and lead themselves. Hamilton shows us how. Thank you so much for that.



Dear Mark Hamilton
Thank you very much for the three multigenerational manuscripts Package.I just finished reading it last night.
The best years fo my life has started,when I read the multigenerational manuscripts the third time.
What exited me the most was the love of the Twelve Visions World.
I learned to keep a cool head and not be negative,since I will not complete my quest in that state of mine.
I am very greatful to you for changing my life forever!
I now want to live forever.
I have lots of work ahead of me and will help in any way possible.
You are my hero Mark Hamilton!
The LOVE in the Twelve Visions World,which I am in now is awsome.
I was in a downword spiral for years,because of the anti-civilization
Everything is changing so fast.
I will be working closely with Raymond Desmarais here in Canada.
You are the best my friend.
The Twelve Vision Party will flourish in my Country very soon.
The love is outstanding in the Twelve Visions World.

Warmest regard,Robert C

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for this opportunity, Thank you for your courage; And to whom this may concern, I Theodore L have formed a relationship with Mark Hamilton my mentor and the “Neothink Society” This is a open honest relationship that to my experience have held true to the directions, principles and integrity promised, to deliver positive growth in Business, Society and Health.
The honesty is accessible to all that are willing to use the Twelve Visions World. The new thinking is bringing order into the lives of many people blessed with the vision of TVP. As The Twelve Vision Party dispel the  laws of unhappy gravity, by employing the laws of  liberating, civilizing lift. Here is the New World Now!

In the bond, Theodore L

I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton…


I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink S0ciety has meant to you.  I also want you to tell your story of what the success of the Twelve Visions P@rty will mean to you, your loved ones, and to the world.  Contrast all that value to what the silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the TVP movement would mean for you, your family, and the world…Neothink political structure of government.
I have been a member of the Neothink Society since the spring of 2009.  
I have purchased all of the Manuscripts that were for sale, I was surprised to learn that others were thinking just as I was.  It gave me the feeling that I am not alone.  
The Twelve Visions Party gives wonderful in site into how fair and just it will be when that comes into reality……….  The beginning  is now a reality.  
There is still a long way to go and I will be proud and happy to be counted among those who are in support of Mark Hamilton.
There are different areas of interest in which you can participate in the Neothink Society.  Some are: Joining or starting a clubhouse, business, aging (my interest) and more. Mark Hamilton has done a wonderful job Neothinking this plan for a newer, richer existence for us all regardless of race, color or sex.  

B. Finch

Love to read!


Dear Mark Hamilton
I have read the three heirloom packages, three time so far.
I change my life from stagnation to the Neo-Think mode and it feel great to be alive.
The child of the past is shining in me my dear Mark.
The TVP is a excellent idea to dump the goy politicians for good.
What a waste to my family, which I love very much, but want to stay behind, since there are Jesus freak.
I know who the real Is reality Jesus is, since he light up the power of our consciousness.
TVP is like a moth to a flame.
TVP is indeed, the prime law
.The fundamental protection of all our cousin in the Twelve Visions World.
Again, Mark Hamilton is the best.
Good night my friend!

WOW! The puzzle picture just got bigger


Wow, I just had the most amazing and scary perceptions this morning.
Forgive me for not being on the Neothink or the Twelve Visions Party conference calls this week. I’ve been at the Tapping World Summit every evening. It’s been an amazing journey of self discovery studying the Blood and Geno type sciences, the  Neothink manuals, Integrations from out Teacher Mark Hamilton and now Tapping. Tapping is definitely a means in which to find that child within us.
My thoughts about Wide Scope Accounting just got wider. This puzzle picture forming in my head has gotten so large that it now extends beyond my head. Like the atmosphere around the earth. Being held tight by not gravity but sheer will and desire. I can’t believe I just said that. It scares me, Forgive me if I just scared you. I’ve had integrations like this all my life but have rejected them because How I am perceived by others is important to me. You must think I crazy now. I do!
I can see now that It will be difficult separating my message of Wide Scope Accounting to Businesses and everyone else. I have developed the Neothink marketing approach for businesses. Now I must think about how to reach and stimulate each individual as well.
I really must work on getting the outline and thoughts so far, for this book , out of my head, put it on paper and see if I can attract a publisher and Get a commitment so I can work on this book full time and not worry about my ever pending financial doom.
This puzzle is much bigger than I ever could of imagined. I wonder, if man had known about all the complexities of consciousness ahead of time. Would we have chosen to go there? I think I would of in spite of the difficulties because These integrations are so exciting. I’m beginning to see some connections between all of this and the universe around us. Just maybe, our Teacher Mark Hamilton might be onto something when he describes Human consciousness being the missing link in the unifying theory.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
Love, Carl

March 2025