Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

I am looking forward to The Twelve Visions Party


At first I was amazed to hear that there are organizations endeavoring to close down the Neothink movement, and then I got to thinking – there are a lot of ignorant idiots in this world.

Although I am a comparative new member, I can see the good work you and your team are doing by teaching people to think “outside the square “and inviting others to relate their experiences and how Neothink has helped them with their problems.

I am looking forward to The Twelve Visions Party and find it difficult to understand why anyone should try to block its success.

Why people try to discourage organizations from helping people to improve their standard of living and make them successful is beyond me.

I hope you can overcome this obstacle and continue with the good work you are doing

All the best


Ian M

Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the…


Dear Mark,

Over the years I have watched our country gradually erode.  Our freedoms have been systematically taken away from us by corrupt, greedy politicians of both parties who care more about lining their own pockets than serving the people that they supposedly represent.  The economy of our country has fallen and now struggles in the quicksand of government regulations.

Then about a year ago a glimmer of hope appeared on the horiZon of my experience.  There before me was something different; a group of people who stand for real change.  The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party offers a way to get out from under all the guano that our over regulated country is mired in.  This organization represented a chance to live in a free country once again.

Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party stand for integrity and personal responsibility.  They are spearheading a movement to restore American freedom and improve the lives of all the people everywhere.  This effort should be supported and encouraged.  They care about everyone, not just the privileged few.

Thank you Mark for your courage to stand up to the established, entrenched power brokers; you have my full support.

Kindest regards.

Robbyn S

Mark Hamilton is a wonderful person!


Mark Hamilton is a wonderful person!  He spent all that time creating those heirloom packages. As an author myself, writing my first book, I can appreciate all that hard work.  They are the greatest books I ever received!!  They have changed my life! Because of those wonderful works, I have hope, and  I am a value creator today!

Mark Hamilton didn’t stop there.  He created a political party, The Twelve Visions Party. It is my party of choice, because it advocates in its platform, to make everybody rich, including the poor.  I also like the protection-only government, so people can achieve their destinies, and increase their potential.

Mark also created the Neo-Think Society.  I appreciate the fact that there is a place where like-minded, integrated  thinkers can meet each other!  I talk to them on the conference calls, and in Facebook!  It makes me happy that I have such wonderful friends I can talk to every day.  I no longer feel lonely.

I know I took action to make this all happen.  I believe I attracted that letter from Mark.  It seemed to come to me like magic.  I know better today.   It was my destiny!  I discovered my Friday Night Essence, which like Mark, is writing!  If I hadn’t received that letter, I have not realized my true potential.  Thank you very much for sending me that letter, Mark!  It changed my life!

Love, Peace, Joy and Abundance,

David V

Twelve Visions Party To The Rescue!


Thank you Mark Hamilton for starting the Twelve Visions Party. I am so glad to be a part of something so life changing and wonderful.

This country needs a new political party that is For the people and By the people more than ever! The TVP is finally the cure to the corruption and abuse coming from Washington. Finally We, the people have a voice to represent us.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and TVP!

Jeff Smith

Mark Hamilton’s Chaos cure


Our countries’ and most other political systems worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions® movement, created by Mark Hamilton, is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. To improve my life and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of The Neothink® Society, founded by Mark Hamilton, is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change… Accordingly, I and other Neothink® Society members believe and will actively work towards achieving, through the Twelve Visions® Party, the one and ONLY valid purpose of government… PROTECTION… against initiatory force, coercion and fraud. More info ? see

World Freedom and Peace through Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Vision Party


I always feel blessed to be discovered by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. At times I sit back to imagine where I would have been today without the valuable helps that Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society have blessed me with. If only Americans will realize and understand the visions of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve vision party, I hope total peace will be realized in America first and the world as a world. The Twelve Vision Party is as I can imagine the party that will empower very Americans to realize their full potentials of who they are meant to be as its principles as taught me by Mr Hamilton have empowered me to realized my full potential in achieving what ever I want and wish for in life. I have been with neothink society since 2006 and have learned a lot and still learning and can honestly say the journey have been a truly life changing for the better. I have the opportunity to know and understand what neothink and Mark Hamilton is offering the world. A valuable knowledge that have given me total peace and love for my fellow human beings irrespective of their race, nationality or culture. This peace within I can realized is all that others also feel when ever they are around me. I feel respected and loved every where I go. I have realized self responsibly of my own well being as every day turn to be always very exciting full of what is lined up for me to accomplish. I will encourage everyone who will have the chance to be invited in knowing about neothink should find him or herself blessed and to grab the opportunity with both hands. I was lucky and thank God I didn’t missed the chance you may be next to experience a true life changing knowledge with the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party


Back in July of 2009, I received my invitation to receive the manuals from Mark Hamilton. I, like others, have seen and have been approached with offers like this that seemed too good to be true. However, this was a little different. The letter felt like it was written to me and not just a form letter. So I responded and received the package. I have to say, I have long held the same belief’s as the
Twelve Vision Party and thanks to Mark, I know there are others out there who have the same belief’s and truly want to make a positive difference. I worked for a national company several years ago who I felt was taking advantage of people. People, who were financially challenged. Through the time that I worked for this company, I came to realize that there was a circle going on. One where these people were taking advantage of a program designed to help them, and the circle continued as the company took advantage of these people. When I really understood what was happening, I had to leave the company so that I wasn’t part of the problem. I really hope that more people will start seeing what is really going on in this country and become part of the solution and not the problem.

Mark Hamilton


I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me to learn a new wave of thinking called neothink. The literature has inspired me to live life to the very fullest with the knowledge of learning how to play and to be happy. This movement brings on a tab of freedom. Without Mark Hamilton’s visions we will be lost without his guidance. He has taught us to look ahead into our future and to move on with the visions we see. Hamilton is a great inspiration to me, and I am very fond of him as the author of Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party which contains powerful thoughts. I love what the future holds in this world through him and his true value. The whole world can progress through honesty, which unfolding a business, science/art, and civilization on Earth. Thank you again Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to reach for my true self.

Thank you,
Eva C.

about the society


i have been a member Neothink for thirty years it has changed my life for ever it is the best thing you can do for your self and your family and you fellow man and woman i order too see through this world the way we should see this world you haft too be open too a different way of seeing things you trust your thoughts too make sense out of something but you will not see the forest through the trees until you step out of your own shell and realize you don’t know or can see things in another light or different thought i hope I’m getting through too all the negative people that don’t understand how great the society truly is and will be forever when we get the ball rolling on the twelve visions party and the rest will fall into place so stop the hate and start changing the way you see us please , love and peace steve, langridge chicago il.

Life Changing Material – Mark Hamilton


I learned to be a self-leader as a result of Neothink®. Before Neothink® and the subsequent TVP I was a loser going nowhere. I took responsibility for myself and made myself a better, healthy, wealthier and happier person as a result of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink literature. Anyone can do that by learning these easy practical techniques for living. Instead of philosophical intangible opinions and quotations, the forces of Neothink® and Twelve Visions Party (TVP) are real, long-term and help individuals with hundreds of life lifting advantages and techniques.

March 2025