Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

Since reading Mark Hamilton’s literature…

Since reading Mark Hamilton’s literature and being a part of his Neothink Society, it has made me more aware of the need to work together with others to make this world a better place for all of us to live. I also believe that the success of the Twelve Visions Party will transform the chaotic direction that our government is trying to take us into a place that our loved ones can have peace and wealth without hurting others.
Government suppression is ruining the place we used to call the land of the free, it’s totally out of control and it’s taxing us to death.
Those that are trying to stifle Mark Hamilton, his literature and the Twelve Visions Party are cowards who are afraid they will lose the greedy power they’ve become accustomed to as they thrive on keeping Americans begging for a glimmer of hope. The Twelve Visions Party will give the power back to the people where it should be. Before you listen to the propaganda about Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, check it out for yourself and make your own decision, you’ll be glad you did.
Diane from Nebraska

Mark Hamilton and the TVP

I wanted to send you this email to say fear not nothing can stop this just know this in your heart I send you the golden Christ light to surround you with God’s ultimate wisdom and protection I was sent to you by your Father from the Twelve Visions World you need true people around you and as of the TVP you have your people that are the foundation for you and what you are trying to do Like I said you are more then welcome to hire me as your body guard I am trained Pro mixed maritial arts fighter I have personally survived many attacks in life and I still stand strong if I told you what I went through for the past 15 years it would bring tears to your eyes I am A suvivor and nothing the AC can throw at me can stop me they tried and failed I have more strength from the attacks we will win this battle its over already I am not saying it wont be hard I am just saying if we have to go to battle lets do this now I have no fear what so ever and I cover you in all that God has gifted me with life is a battle so lets not fear this lets take out those who chose to try to fight us they dont stand a chance we have to bring forth the light of the Twelve Visions World the people of the earth need this together we go forth to win the war GOD BLESS YOU MARK I AM GOING FORTH IN ALL THAT MY SPIRIT HAS WILLING TO LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR THE CAUSE THAT BRINGS FORTH THE BLESSINGS OF THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD!!!!

Mark Hamilton’ literature has given me hope…

I was a homemaker only until Mark Hamilton cued me in to my Friday night essence, which is what I should really be doing because that what I love to do. My Friday night essence is watercolor painting. It is a miracle to take a white paper and create a beautiful image of God’s beauty to share with people. It has made my life so much more enjoyable.
Mark Hamilton’ literature has given me hope that we can have a better world and now is the time to support him. His Twelve Vision Party will mean prosperity for all, even the poor, it will bring government for the people instead of for the bureaucrats, and it will bring genius schools for the children, better research so we’ll have better health, peace, happiness and National Security. I’m 86 and with the wonderful changes the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party will bring, I plan to live a long, long time.
If he is stopped by the government, this country will be turned into a third world country and we will all lose our freedom. Mark Hamilton is the only chance this country has of survival. The ONLY CHANCE.
Please support him and encourage your friends and family to support him in his Twelve Visions Party for the good of this country and the world.
Florence S

Who Am I

I am a( Being ) Who acquired great knowledge., Thanks to Mark Hamilton, the ( Twelve visions Party and the Neothink Society., I am now able to move into the ( FUTURE )., Mark Hamilton, the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society are ( PURE )( GENIUS ) they give you knowledge that will let you pierce through any illusion, that is in your way., I Love M.H., the Twelve visions Party and the NEOTHINK Society., and you will Too.

Mark Hamilton, The Multi Generational Manuscripts, The Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party, All means the Universe to my heart.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Neothink means “life” to me. It means absolutely EVERYTHING to me. Everything, Mark Hamilton, The Multi Generational Manuscripts, The Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party, All means the Universe to my heart. All of what I have gained here is beyond what everyone who is not yet a member will ever know. You will never discover it “out there”. You can and, on the inside, will discover the eternal values offered to you. The Society’s smartest men and women alive are here. No, that is NOT a “pitch”. It is THE real deal. I seriously mean that. You don’t know what you are missing outside the Neothink® Society. That is why, right now, I say to you, dear reader, is to please, check out what we have to offer. You can always go to and request FREE information regarding what we offer here. You can also request to become a member of the most powerful bond on earth today. The website immediately gives you a sneak peak at what we offer here, what we do here and what we stand for. It also tells you somewhat at what you stand to gain here. You stand to gain EVERYTHING here no lie, no bull, just honest values beyond what you can imagine as a non member right now. You can also immediately begin to discover what the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is about over at The value is enormous over here. If I can say anything about TVP or Twelve Visions Party, it will make ALL the people RICH including the poor! No, this does not exclude you for this includes you. But I will tell you, the society IS exclusive to all non members. If anyone wants the eternal values offered in here, they must become a member to receive the values. For example, the membership has a fee, but you get 1 multi general manuscript a month free. The live Neothink® Clubhouses’ social-life advantages and interactions are free and our website, that normally costs a fee to maintain, is free with membership. You can find the details at You can also request to become a member here as well. Back to the Twelve Visions Party or TVP. The TVP will make all ordinary citizens rich, healthy and safe including the poor and the elderly and unemployed. You will find free information on over at
What does this all mean to me? EVERYTHING! I learned to love life. I learned to deeply appreciate life! I learned to love and respect myself. I learned to CREATE VALUES! I learned to grow without limits which involves taking complete, 100% responsibility for my own life indefinitely! Mark Hamilton did this for me through his writings, specifically the Multi Generational Manuscripts of The Neothink(R) Society. I found my essence here in the society. I have discovered precisely what it means to be happy what it takes. You can be eternally happy and I mentor others here in the society to achieve it. I am a famous society insider. I am deeply happy and it grows every day. I have never been as smart and as integrated as I am right now. That will soon enough evolve beyond where I am at right now. I know I absolutely can be, do and have all I desire, period! Mark Hamilton is our prime mentor and has the honest power to mentor everyone into the creation driven life they were meant to live. That involves partly a life or romantic-adventure! I am living that. I have many, many friends all over the world who support me and I support them. I have a career, the living career of my dreams that I can only accept living indefinitely with for life. You can too in here.
I must only live in the 12 Visions world of extreme prosperity and TVP is making that happen. We are going to rid society of the corrupt ruling class of lazy and dishonest “rulers” and “leaders”, although the “leaders” in society are hardly worthy of that title. They abused their power for long enough and their power is coming to a permanent end. If only they could possibly see that through what is taught here in the society, they can make a LOT more money with each passing month. It happens for people and can happen for you and them, too. I feel most fortunate to have had Mark Hamilton as my mentor and as my “partner”. He empowered for the eternally happiest best and it cannot be reversed by anyone and anything, period. He demonstrated to me and the others that he is right on with a loving father’s essence. He earned my eternal respect and that is that. He taught me to play at life as an adult. He taught me to make Ten Second Miracles and now I am the Ten Second Miracle Mentor in The Neothink(R) Society. I am well known across the planet. He taught me to make major marketing breakthroughs. Because of me applying what I learned I now make money in business! That NEVER happened before learning HOW to do that in here! I love life, I know how to succeed and I am acquiring extensive resources. In fact, I have checks written to me in my name here in the society. A fellow Neothink brother invested over $1000.00 USD in me and him to acquire real estate in business for ourselves but not by ourselves indeed. We are shortly going to make our very first real estate deal. Envy and jealousy cannot, will not, and can never stop us now. Our prime knowledge protects us and forever empowers us to perform what others opinions say is impossible. I don’t understand “impossibility”. Cant anymore. Religious people would say, ”all things are possible with God”. Thank you my business partner, Terry. I love you brother. You did a lot for me and I return the “favor”. You are a genuine man who is worthy of great things and massive wealth. Now let go and do it more than we are now!!!
To make a long laundry list short: If absolutely necessary, I would step in front of speeding bullets for him. The Multi Generational Manuscripts contain the tools to make life eternally increase in the absolute best that I want. I am CREATING an increasingly happy life with this knowledge. I love learning! The Neothink(R) Society is my home and my baby. I am eternally protective of it. The TwelveVisionsParty (TVP) forever has my support for a long as we need it.
Lovingly and Sincerely,
Patrick B

The advantages of the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party are endless.

The advantages of the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party are endless. I personally have been self employed most of my life and have created many values for others. After learning some additional techniques available through the Neothink society, I have improved operations with my current business and have also started two other profitable and successful businesses. if you wish. There are many advantages both in business and on the personal development side by being affiliated with the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. I suggest you take a closer look at our society and take the step to living the life deserve.
Thanks,Eric D. G

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

My name is Andrew Y, and for many years my life has been pretty stagnant. My life was the same routine; work school and family. There was very little to speak of in romance and relationships. Money was fairly tight, my education was my only outlet to any socialization; other social outlets were internet sites, but that eventually came to just interacting with people who were not honest and open-minded. Three years ago, I received a pamphlet by Neothink; I did read it. I was a little skeptical but the information was very different than anything i read before; information based on reasoning and common sense that all fit together. I was very interested. I bought all three multigenerational manuscripts. Little did i know the material would have a big effect on my life. I always thought of myself as a hard worker and i love to help people, but not in such grand scale. I in the past two years, my life has improved a lot. I moved up in the company i work for, i am a lot more confident and my self esteem has improved. Now i have the knowledge and the ability to improve even more, also to help more people. Neothink is what i have been looking for in my life. With the Twelve Visions Party, everybody’s life will improve.

Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary …

Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary to say the least. A man of great honesty and integrity. I believe if I could somehow articulate the impact of his teachings on MY life, that it would read like some overstated fairytale. In reality, it would be understated fact. I couldn’t possibly thank him enough.
This man saw something special in me that I had trouble seeing for myself. Thanks to him, I went from seeing no possible way out, to seeing no possible way to fail. He gave me a knowledge that allows me to recognize deceit even if he himself were the perpetuator. Priceless.
Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party is something I believe we should ALL be lining up around the block to support. His belief in the equality and importance of EVERY SINGLE individual means that by default HIS success is EVERYONE’S success. So to is his failure.
I couldn’t envision how my life would be without being exposed to Mark Hamilton and Neothink. Well, actually I could, but why put myself through such misery? My outlook is so much brighter now that I have been. Yours will be too if you place a little faith In this man.
Mr S.D. W

The society has influence my way of thinking …

Hello Mark,
In the year 2007 I received my letter of invitation to join the society. The society has influence my way of thinking through the integration of knowledge. The true rapture, based on honesty has been a new awaking. I have implemented the concepts in every aspects of my daily life, and because of this I am able to control my destiny, my environment and this universe. We were all seekers and searchers when you found us. Now we are building and creating the Twelve Visions World. Ever thing now in my life has a purpose and true meaning. I am truly grateful for the change you have brought to my life. Peter S.

Everyone who has read Mark Hamilton’s literature …

Every story has a life and every life has a story. Everyone who has read Mark Hamilton’s literature has been on a journey. Each story is different but we have great hope our journey will change our country and then our world.
A few years ago my life fell apart. I was devastated when my marriage of thirty-four years ended. I became even more devastated when I saw how the judicial system worked during the divorce. It certainly opened my eyes on how a judge can let his or her personal views affect the rule of law. Thomas Jefferson warned no man can be trusted if he is protected from all accountability.
It was after I had moved back to Illinois to start over again that I received a letter from Mark Hamilton to join Neothink. I had been through so much that I really thought it was a joke. After a week or so I decided to order Mark Hamilton’s prime literature. To this day I am still learning from Mark Hamilton. I have used his techniques to plan my days so I can have time to help my elderly parents on the farm. Alternative health care is my real objective and I hope to help find ways for people to have a choice in this area if they so choose.
It is the Twelve Visions Party that will bring individuals the right to have choices without the government or other organizations interfering if they do not agree with the individual choices. It is through the Twelve Visions Party that honest people will become the value creators for the future of our country. It is the hope of all of us on this journey that it will expand to the people of the world. People that care only about their own power and wealth are holding back the value creators.
We must learn to think for ourselves and to question situations that we feel are irrational or dishonest. The Twelve Visions Party will open doors for all.
If you are seeking an answer concerning Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party do your homework. Educate yourself and find how the Twelve Visions Party can open that door for you to become a value creator and to live the life you were meant to live.
There is no doubt Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party will give myself, my children, and my grandchildren great change in our life times. Thank you Mark Hamilton for making me want to live again.

March 2025