Posts Tagged ‘The Visions’

Mark Hamilton, it is a true honor. I love you man.

Mark Hamilton, it is a true honor. I love you man.
any recommendations? ways to put stimulations of nature and Twelve Visions World into music for our goals?
It may take a few weeks while I do this aside the 9 to 5 in the matrix.
If this is Mark, it is a true honor. I love you man.
I attached another song I need to redo in case you haven’t heard it. “Twelve Visions World”. Some in the society told me it was too early for this, but I’ve found that people that know nothing about NT like it. I think ideas ahead of their time are more acceptable in music and the arts.

I believe in the TVP

I believe in the TVP because it represents what many people in America believe in. We conserve and build for the next generation. Any Office worker, entrepreneur, or doctor, we all strive to make our world a better place one-day at a time. Achieving and striving is at the heart of all our efforts. As a Kansas native conservation and honesty are at the heart of all my efforts. Let’s make our world a better and safer place for all the generations that follow. Without the TVP we may never see honesty in business. The Twelve Visions Party is believing in ourselves and America for all it can stand for not adding to a government that I have worked for and watched decay. All my family members are entrepreneurs and I hope to make $$ at my home business soon.
HOPE (Christa Leigh W)

Dear Mark Hamilton, My brother and I…

Dear Mark Hamilton, My brother and I ponder your idea of coming out with an Ad in the Newspaper.
Follow your Vision, like in the Miss Anabelle Story. Let 1 or 559 people circulate in society for a year, such as David did. Preaching like David Did. You are much to valuable a player to be crushed by those negatives in the anti-civilization.
The MLM idea was the same. Good job in not going that route!
I am a Mother raising her son, Christa Walter, level 9 apprentice. I have the utmost respect for your Visions, they must live forever and take hold in this era. That will not happen if you do a head-on with the anti-civilization Man. As a Native of Kansas we are completely into your ideas and strive to be entrepreneurial in all our endeavors. With Respect. Ms. W

What does the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party mean to me?

What does the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party mean to me?
I’ve gone from thinking about everything I cannot do and stuck in a rut with no hope of finding a way out to thinking about what I can do and moving toward a dynamic career with unlimited growth potential. I see where I am, where I want to go and I’m confident I will get there with the help of the Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party.
My relationship with my wife of 10 years has been reborn. We are changing, growing and getting to know each other again.
I consider it one of the most important moments of my life when I participated in the first National Convention of the Twelve Visions Party in Chicago, IL as a delegate from the state of New York.
Bill W

Mr. Hamilton

Mr. Hamilton,
Just wanted to thank you for being my mentor and showing me a new way of thinking.
I am fortunate to be a part of the Neothink Society. Your visions and writings
provide valuable tools and methods to develop the path to fulfill our personal and national
destiny. Your intellectual work that stimulates the TPV movement which presents an unfolding
to a better future of our society.
Best Regards,
your apprentice..
Konstantin, C

We must get behind Mark Hamilton and his “12 Visions Party”

We must open our eyes. Open our stagnant minds and wake up to a “New Dawn”, The dawning of the Neothink Society.
We must get behind Mark Hamilton and his “12 Visions Party”. We are near the age of Destruction; we can make this choice and very soon experience “Joy, Prosperity,and Wealth.”
If we decide to turn our backs on this last change at these wonderful goals, we will continue to stagnate and suffer more from the corrupt and inept government we call “Politics” today.! Please wake up people.!

To All interested in the Twelve Vision Party

To All interested in the Twelve Vision Party,
A wonderful future is just waiting for us all. I can see it just there – – – waiting. It starts with the Twelve Visions Party. Wonderful things can and will happen with the start of the Twelve Visions Party. This is the Real Change we have all been waiting for. Please don’t let it slip away. I can see a world with awesome creations made possible by the freedom granted people from the Twelve Visions Party. Some of these creations will bring cures for disease. How awesome would that be! Creations never before seen or even thought of all to better our world. Wonderful entrepreneurs creating just for us instead of being suppressed as it is now. Please help us to free these awesome creators so that they can bring their values to the world. Creations and Values that would give thousands of us meaningful work and value to our lives. Mark Hamilton can see it and so can I. We want you to see it and believe it is more than just possible it is doable! So lets combine our efforts and make it happen! This wonderful world is just there – – – – – waiting – – – – – waiting for us to start. Let’s Start!
Here’s to Starting this Wonderful World Via The Twelve Visions Party,
Sheila H

Mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality

hello my name is Sean from new York city the Neothink society is very impressive as in what’s going on in society today it also opens your mind to a better way of thinking Mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality it will be very helpful for family and friends once it is put into action it teaches heath, wealth, happiness, discipline, honesty and control plus how to be a self leader when I first got the literature it was something exciting to learn especially since I was intoxicated by deception in the ac with no hope whatsoever I don’t know everything still learning and still have mysticism’s but I will like to thank mark Hamilton and everyone else in the society for giving me a thinking process of calmness and different knowledge thank you

Mark hamilton and his Twelve visions Party are above reproach.

Mark hamilton and his Twelve visions Party are above reproach. His late father, Frank R. Wallace was the author of Neo- Tech. I have been a Neo – Tech owner since 1987 and have found it very helpfull in my life and finances. There are amazing technologies just under the surface of our society which are just about to burst forth – 100% free energy for all men – commercial biological immortality and many others. We just have to get rid of those that are keeping it from us. TVP will do all this and more. Power to Mark and TVP!!
Chuck B

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Hi, my name is Jody Jay W. How would you like to change the world and the society we live in? By joining us in the Neo-think society and supporting our political campaign the “Twelve Visions Party” you can totally change this world you live in and dictate and control your own life. Mark Hamilton the creator of the Neothink society has given us that opportunity to do this. I am creating the life I desire to live. I now build my own furniture and create fantasy artwork on the pieces. These are a few of the things I have accomplished so far in the society. I control my own destiny and dictate my own life. We were not intended to sit around and wait to die and get out of this life. We are creators and are capable of doing anything we set our mind to. My next goal is to start a new self defense system to gear toward women to help them better defend themselves. I have also lived disease free for almost 13 years and do not have a need for medication or going to a doctor which I haven’t in the last 13 years. I live a good life and enjoy it. Would you like to join Mark Hamilton, me, and the rest of the Neothink Society and change the world where you can create the life you really want to live? Or do you want to be controlled by politics and religion and go to your grave quick and get out of this life.
The choice is yours to make. Join us for a better happier more fulfilled life, or sit around in a dead end rut job, miserable, and wanting to hurry up and die. YOUR DESTINY IS IN YOUR HANDS! SUPPORT THE “TWELVE VISIONS PARTY”!

March 2025