Posts Tagged ‘vision world’

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I sent this to Judge Stephens, Maryland Clubhouse Coordinator, to submit to you, however, I am not sure he understands the importance of this matter. My apologies if you have already received this.
Problem: On the twelve vision world website there is a statement that the national parks would be sold to industry right at the time a national movement is taking place to save the parks from industrialization. , seen by the PBS week long series on defending the parks land and wildlife, the Sierra clubs nearly 100,000 signatures pledging to protect them, and other conservation groups efforts. This is a significant number of voters.
Solution: Instead of selling off the parks and perhaps other National Treasures, such as museums why not turn the parks over to the Audobon Society, (the original caretakers) the Sierra Club and similar groups for management of these lands and wildlife?
Groups use donations and fees for maintenance; government appropriations through taxation are not needed. The groups function through donations and member fees; administrative political actions they are involved in such as, lobbying, mobilizing voters, etc., takes alot from their budget. This plan would allow the money they presently spend for legislative reasons to be transferred to operational management of the parks and museums. Plus the entrance fees already available to the daily operation and through volunteerism the Parks are funded.
TVP has less opposition from voters. Voter image would be that the TVP are conservation advocates who see the prime law of protection as encompassing our indigenous wildlife and national parks. These lands are of such natural beauty no single adjective can fully describe them; people view them as national monuments and a birth right. Besides the fact ‘going green’, organic, conservation, sustainability and responsible technology is in, its everywhere!
Government regulatory beaucracy is no longer required. Because not just one group owns the parks, their regulation ( administrative duties, expenses and needs) are pretty much ensured. They’ll police each other.
Cons- Personally, I cannot think of any argument against it so I’ll leave thinking up these to the national committee members
Best Regards,
Clara T

Learning a New Life

When I first was approached by Neothink, I was intrigued and looked forward to seeing what the Neothink world consisted of.
I did not ask questions. I waited impatiently for the first book to arrive. I read the entire book in three days and went on to reread it twice more, while I waited for the next semester at UAF to start.
I am a social work student at UAF. I work in human services with severely emotionally disturbed children.
When I see how bad the world treats children, I look forward to the coming of the TVP and the new world that will come from it. I see so much pain in the children I work with that I try to offer emotional support to them so they feel someone cares–that they are not abandoned by their parents who can no longer deal with behaviors that they created in their own children.
My vision for the new world is a world where children will no longer be emotionally scarred by those who are suppose to care for them and that those who have been scarred can find healing in the new world order.

NT Warrior


Greetings to all. Let me start by making a long story short full of honest facts that are not taken out of context. Neothink, Neothink Society, or the Twelve Vision World is the universal, and honest way to all aspects of life. Without fear to mention ther is a war or battle between to worlds; the dishonest antcivilization vs. the honest Neothink civilization. I have recapture this new world and way of thinking honestly from birth as a child eleven years ago. I am rebirth back to my origin as a human being and my mind is free from the lies and illusions of that fake, powerless, leeching world and the corrupted ones with their false authority to control others. Thanks to Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society the battle can be won beyond victory. Neothink is life and shall prevail over death.


I take this over due opportunity to say a very big thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton, the neothink society and the upcoming twelve vision world that is being initiated by the Twelve Vision Party. The noethink society has really changed my life at a 180 degree. In fact, for the many days of my life that I kept on asking myself of many questions as why almost everything in the world seems dishonest with no regards to honesty, Mark Hamilton and the neothink society have provided me with the perfect answers. How do I prove that the information I receive from Mark Hamilton and neothink are the perfect answers? Jesus said it in the Bible that we should know the truth and the truth shall set us free. I have been a Christian and in church through out my life, have heard many messages from different pastors, evangelists and ministers all in search of this truth, but can honestly say that non of such messages have really set me free as my inner self could bare witness. Not until I was fortunate to be invited to the neothink society, that I really realized what Jesus really meant by being set free. It is really a different feeling! It is exhilarating! At times I really feel sorry for many who might not be fortunate to have the opportunity which I had or who might have it, but thrown it away for one reason or the other. At times I wonder if even the pastors and religious leaders who have a duty to lead humanity into this salvation really understand the messages of Jesus to humanity or they do but just choose to go the dishonest and broad way. This point also gives me the exact explanation why again Jesus said, “Not all who call my name” will enter the kingdom of my father” The kingdom that is manifesting through the TVP. Oh really, it is true what the Bible said – “ In the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions” I believe we are in those days when the likes of Mark Hamilton and the fortunate members of the neothink society are manifesting the sayings above through the twelve vision party. Neothink is not about becoming wealthy and powerful in a mystical way as some might think, but achieving these states by principle of discipline, thinking by researching for information and integrating those information, self control and hard work. Living by these principles without a compromise, really can make anyone to achieve what ever he / she wants. These are the understanding Mr. Mark Hamilton and the neothink society provide to its members as myself. These are the passion of the TVP, that all other people who might not be fortunate to be invited as me, will also be set free as I am.
I pray that the world will understand and follow the visions of Mr. Mark Hamilton, the neothink society and the twelve vision party. These are the only ways we can find solutions to crimes, fraud, abuses, recession, depressions, terrorism, wars and all that humanity is fighting without victory.
Once again I say a very big thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the neothink society.

March 2025