Posts Tagged ‘value creators’

Mark Hamilton and his literature and his NeoThink Society of strong supporters of value creators…

Posted by Member in What Members Say | No Comments
Seventy years of my life gone and all I want now is to learn more about Neothink Society and the Twelve Vision Party and the wonderful manuscripts of Mark Hamilton, and be able to apply these concepts (visions) to the remainder of my life. Also, to be able to pass it down to my children and grandchildren so, they can have the value of Joy, Happiness, Energy, Health and Wealth, as well as Romantic Love Relationships, as a solid reason for living.

All small and large Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Home Based Opportunity Seekers, Work at Home Mom’s/Dads, Multi Level Marketers, Handicap/Special Needs, Etc.
Everyone needs to get behind and support the (TVP) Twelve Vision Party, Mark Hamilton and his literature and his NeoThink Society of strong supporters of value creators, A BUSINESS ORIENTED ORGANIZATION, in their endeavor to bring about CHANGES that offer everyone in life what you were meant to live for and the person you were meant to be.
This country was founded by people from all over the world seeking freedom and a better way of life, and we are in the most deplorable period in our history. No one is even talking about jobs. There seems to be a witch-hunt against the (TVP) Twelve Vision Party and its leaders, when the witch-hunt should begin in Washington, DC.
I believe that the reason why 80% of the Fortune 500 Companies are changing is because of this business oriented organization of value creators, who are using the Division of Essence, a leap beyond the Division of Labor, where we all discover a deep rooted motivational drive. Ordinary people experiencing extraordinary entrepreneurial like jobs, they love going to work, and they share in the profits they help create as value creators. The results of the (TVP) Twelve Vision Party will be a government that will run like a very successful business, and accountable to the results of how well it will protect its citizens. Free enterprise, technology and medicine, all free of politics, will bring about a recovery from this depression, similar to the computer revolution of the last decades. People will be greatly rewarded with prestige, wealth, happiness and love. With the value of life improving their, health, wealth, and romantic love relationships.
Thank you for your literature, Mark Hamilton, the NeoThink Society, and the Twelve Vision Party, it gives me and my family a whole new lookout on life.

Myles C

With the endless wisdom of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts…

Dear Mark,
With the endless wisdom of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts, which took me months to read, it is not possible to say in a simple word or paragraph the enormity and magnitude of knowledge, information, understanding, explanation, insight and vision he has launched to society and to my life personally. Very few people leave such a deep imprint on the lives of the masses as Mark has done. His genius will be witnessed by the world.
Timing is prophetic as the current presidents campaign was in response to the people’s cry for ‘change’. The change we see is not the change we seek! The change we seek is coming with the Twelve Visions Party! It will be the greatest Replacement since the writing of the Constitution and is in many ways accomplishing the same objective, which has been lost through a subtle deception of “Leadership” We need self-governing people!
We need schools that teach children to be self guided value creators. Following the leadership of the government has led to America losing her way. How Americans have lost their way can be summarized simply. By following the path of least resistance, allowing government to rule us as an external authority over our lives and relying on ‘programs’ to take care of us, we have relinquished the creative power of our own lives into the ruling dictates of laws and rules of what we can and cannot do. America has become a ‘handicapped society’. This is due to losing personal power. Does this sound like freedom and pursuit of happiness? We willingly ‘allowed’ government to make the rules and laws thinking we need external guidance, until realizing when we see the damage unfold and restrictions on our every move, that this trust of service to the people for the people and by the people was mistreated and turned into a power play to control us. No embellishments are needed as to just how bad this has become. Everyone is aware of the condition this country is in.
The Constitution states that if government fails to live up to the Constitution, that the people have the rightful place to keep it’s original words and shall take action against such tyranny. This is the WHY of the TVP. Every one has the right to live free, prosper and pursue happiness. How many Americans are happy and prospering? Our prayers sound like that of slavery.
When I read the vision of the TVP it sounded so simple I was stunned by the fact that it is as profound as it is simple; eliminating flaw filled man from laws that manipulate the truth. With a Protection only Government, we will eliminate the external guidance and control both causing and allowing people to govern themselves. This will fill people with excitement and fear at the same time, because there are no more ‘free rides’. For the cheaters this will be terrifying but for the value creators of society this will be the most liberating experience of our lives. We will change the future for our children and future generations.
Everyone knows things are terribly wrong, but they confess their helplessness in multiple ways, ‘when will someone do something?’ ‘You can’t fight city hall’ ‘Who is going to do something?’ ‘What group is going to stand up and help us?’ These are direct quotes I have heard. The last one struck me the hardest because I knew then and I know now that group is us and the TVP.
“That you may have Life and have it more abundantly” (Bible)
“Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness” (Constitution)
Everywhere you look, nearly everyone is talking about the inevitable societal and financial meltdown of America.
The former Soviet Union is warning the U.S. not to go the route of socialism, which the
American ‘powers to be’ seem to be now pursuing. A recent newsletter published by the Organic Consumer Association included an article written by one who experienced the Soviet collapse and ensuing chaos. He explains how Americans should prepare and what we need to do to survive the impending collapse of the United States of America.
Our national debt is into the trillions with spending at the government level continuing daily as if there is no tomorrow. Foreign news networks and the UN Newsletter carry stories of a new world monetary system being put into place. Others still, report that China, who owns 1/3 of our national debt, is preparing to dump the dollar. Evidence of this is seen by their stockpiling of gold and other precious metals, which has sky rocketed gold prices to a thousand dollars per ounce. The collapse of the dollar stands to affect European economies as well as our own, causing huge inflation and civil unrest throughout our global world.
The world watches as US bureaucrats force and manipulate laws of other countries into exposing private bank account information of American citizens whom the government has tagged as owing money to the IRS. These people only have a short time to declare their deposits and pay the IRS whatever the Feds determine or face jail. Many may ultimately choose to leave the US for somewhere with less taxation. We have already seen most of our manufacturing businesses move overseas leaving our citizens without needed jobs.
According to certain news wire services the feds are preparing to initiate mass vaccinations and quarantines via martial law, should a pandemic strike the United States. Foreign governments warn Neurologist to prepare for an onslaught of new patients after the swine flu vaccinations are administered. Other doctors are warning patients against accepting the latest vaccinations, due to the real possibility of diseases such as Epstein Barr manifesting as side effects. One journalist has even filed criminal charges against Obama and the world health organization (WHO) in the US and several other countries, citing the vaccinations are a plot by a new world order and a means to mass euthanasia of millions of citizens.
Legislators try to coerce constituents’ blessings to reform health care, yet nothing they have said or written is about changing the real issues of bullying medical personal who force unnecessary and dangerous procedures on unsuspecting patients and prescribe poisonous drugs that are not meant to cure but only to hide the symptoms. It is my belief they should step away from the issue before they make things even worse. Traditional allopathic health care is sickness care, personal care is preventive care; yet the FDA and cohorts use threats and armed force to prevent our citizens from hearing of alternative methods of health maintenance.
It is time we found our voice and started to exert influence over things that we care about Individuals and groups such as Campaign for Liberty blogger Tom Mullen, are now beginning to speak out across these United States in order to infuse in the American consciousness the possible adoption of John Locke’s Natural Law:
“The state of nature has a law to govern it, which obliges everyone; and reason, which is that law teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions…”
Others, such as Chuck Baldwin’s Talk Radio contemplate that “perhaps God will protect and raise up a remnant of people who would be willing to rebuild a place where Natural Law is respected, constitutional government is revered, and where a ubiquitous, loathsome, overbearing federal government is far, far away. You know, like America’s Founding Fathers did 233 years ago.”
Members and alliances of the Twelve Visions Party are those people seeking to rebuild American into a civilization of peace, purpose, prosperity, and health for all its citizens.
With a vision of civilization into which we (citizens) can transform our world, the Twelve Visions Party seeks to ratify the US Constitution with addition of an Individual Rights Amendment called the “Prime Law”
The Prime Law would forbid the use of initiatory force, fraud or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract without exception; effectively nullifying the socialist regime taking control of every aspect of our very existence, now playing out in cities across American.
With the Prime Law in place we can restore the people’s confidence in the principles set forth in the US Constitution by our founding fathers.
The purpose of government would be to physically protect the people from aggression with protection-only legislation, police, courts, prisons and national defense, defending against initiatory force.
Our government would change from one based on power to one of protection only service to the people and voluntarily be paid for the service, not paid through forced taxation; which has already been proven in the court of law by several savvy citizens to be illegal and according to attorney’s for the politically active group ‘We the People.’ it is unconstitutional.
No more nation building in foreign land would be allowed or financed under a protection only budget. No more of our children would die promoting our leaders ideals of forced democracy on other nations whom refuse to assimilate there belief systems. America itself was never meant to a democracy, it is a republic as stated in our salute to our flag.
Adopting the Prime Law can create a dramatic increase in prosperity, health and purpose for all citizens.
As we universally remove big-government regulation, advancements in all industries can grow, and cost of goods will then decrease; just as the computer products did when the geniuses within that industry were allowed to create and expand IT services. Our jobs can finally return home.
It has been said that technology expands at a rate of almost 500% every seven years. The basic accumulated knowledge of our society actually doubles approximately every four years. We are growing so quickly in all fields that barely anyone can keep up with the changes at this accelerated pace. The old systems, be it religious, political, or economic are breaking down as they have become inadequate to handle the fast changing world of growth.
New systems with new ideas generated by people creating and instituting new ways of coping with our fast paced world are needed to replace them.
With the adoption of the Prime Law, Government would no longer be allowed to strangle
progress and destroy dreams. Stagnation and career glass ceilings would no longer exist as advancements would come based on merit not who you know, gender, age, race, sexual bias or anything else. Open competition in the marketplace along with freeing the economy from dubious regulatory forces creates lower prices for better quality goods and services, therefore quality of life and health care quality can soar.
Competition would dictate that education would improve to better prepare our children to open their minds and actually use their brains and intuitive senses instead of applying the ‘NO Child Left Behind’ legislation that further dumb down America. Competition and a protection only budget would prevent schools from labeling normal children as SLD or autistic in order to receive more government funds for their schools and giving the teachers an excuse not to teach, and the child an excuse not to learn.
Out of the chaos now confronting our world, we can envision the seeds growing as new forms are created by peoples’ minds when they are forced to think; either out of creative frustration or striving to make a living. They are learning and growing as a result of the life process of solving one problem after another.
We, through reason and self-control, determine how far and how fast we go. Society has achieved or acquired most of luxuries that entitles us to a very high standard of living, but can we keep it?
One of the few things left is our own development of consciousness. As a group of people planet wide our mental processes are controlling what’s happening on the Earth now. Look at our economy, through the media which brings us all closer, we respond to mental images of the economy going downhill; our reactions further the economic decline. Everyone thinks our economy is getting worse and it does. Self-fulfilling prophecy is the term psychologist use; reinforced, re-circulated and recycled through television, the internet and other news and social medium whose nature it is to dwell on things. When the mass consciousness in the world focuses their minds on positive outcomes, their actions follow and things get better. We are always creating and recreating our world with our thoughts, and our desires and the actions which ultimately follow our thoughts.
Anything alive is either growing and developing, stagnating and decaying or a combination of the two simultaneously. In our modern world we see both polarities operating simultaneously.
To really see an improvement and not the collapse of America and Europe close behind it; large numbers of individuals must start to consciously use their own unique capabilities to stand up and take responsibility for the world we are creating around ourselves.
Citizens of America are now becoming more conscious and aware of this, and taking responsibility. The possibility of restoring the original principles our forefathers set forth is now turning to a probability through the Twelve Visions Party.

Mark Hamilton and his family have delivered priceless values…

Mark Hamilton and his family have delivered priceless values to me over and over again since 1994. Real, lifelong tangible values. I value what has been given to me more than anything in the world. He is the most honest person that I know. Without their knowledge I would be dead by now from suicide.
I love Mark Hamilton and his family of Value Creators.
Tony P.

Everyone who has read Mark Hamilton’s literature …

Every story has a life and every life has a story. Everyone who has read Mark Hamilton’s literature has been on a journey. Each story is different but we have great hope our journey will change our country and then our world.
A few years ago my life fell apart. I was devastated when my marriage of thirty-four years ended. I became even more devastated when I saw how the judicial system worked during the divorce. It certainly opened my eyes on how a judge can let his or her personal views affect the rule of law. Thomas Jefferson warned no man can be trusted if he is protected from all accountability.
It was after I had moved back to Illinois to start over again that I received a letter from Mark Hamilton to join Neothink. I had been through so much that I really thought it was a joke. After a week or so I decided to order Mark Hamilton’s prime literature. To this day I am still learning from Mark Hamilton. I have used his techniques to plan my days so I can have time to help my elderly parents on the farm. Alternative health care is my real objective and I hope to help find ways for people to have a choice in this area if they so choose.
It is the Twelve Visions Party that will bring individuals the right to have choices without the government or other organizations interfering if they do not agree with the individual choices. It is through the Twelve Visions Party that honest people will become the value creators for the future of our country. It is the hope of all of us on this journey that it will expand to the people of the world. People that care only about their own power and wealth are holding back the value creators.
We must learn to think for ourselves and to question situations that we feel are irrational or dishonest. The Twelve Visions Party will open doors for all.
If you are seeking an answer concerning Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party do your homework. Educate yourself and find how the Twelve Visions Party can open that door for you to become a value creator and to live the life you were meant to live.
There is no doubt Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party will give myself, my children, and my grandchildren great change in our life times. Thank you Mark Hamilton for making me want to live again.

Freedom found in Mark Hamilton’s writings.

The current political system is anti-civilization, It’s agenda’s are widening the gap between classes, the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer. Democracy is a huge threat to an elite class of people who manipulate using their vast amounts of money. The U.S. Constitution affords Americans the opportunity of freedom. Freedom opens avenues such as free speech, free enterprise, etc. and the end results are new ideas, new products and new jobs.
Big government, while offering a hand also takes away freedom, because someone else makes vital life choices for you. It is one of the best ways to repress individuals and their creativity. Creativity is processes that take place in each individual, individually and when you bring individuals with their creative processes together and integrate their ideas, something new is learned, something new is created.
Big government is designed to keep the rich, rich and the rest of the people subservient to them. Greed being, is the ever termed “anti-christ” of our world, it is greed and dishonesty (particularly with one-self) that can truly lay claim to the freedom of every individual alive. We are all meant to be value creators because we have individual consciousness, it is our birthright. If that is taken away…we wither and die.
Through Mark Hamilton,The Neothink Society, and The Twelve Visions Party a promise is waiting that is full of hope. The mind in its search for the, “why”, is on a quest for new knowledge as it travels its path to individual genius. Conscious Awareness of our life, our journey through it, and our effect on the world is the gift of a honest integrated mind. An integrated mind creates and grows ideas that become more valuable to the universe, and continually contributes to its greatness. It is in the face of adversity, facing the bad, experiencing the sad that we become the most aware of our responsibility to question the
“whys”. When we question we’re open to create ideas and experiment with ways to move forward. In asking , “why”, we can imagine. Through honesty we can create a world full of life, quality life, moving in the direction of peace, happiness, and success for everyone. We can imagine everyone we know thinking the same way. A universe is waiting and we have so much to learn.
Personal responsibility is a natural law for conscious beings and makes pointing the finger, or laying the blame and exercise in futility. Universal peace, happiness, and success for everyone starts with individuals honestly living their lives, dreaming their dreams, creating ideas, and emanating thoughts that harmonize with the wonders of life and the universe.
America needs to continue along the path that our forefathers began. We have been driven away from our freedom by the greed of elitists, and the co-dependent relationship of big government and its people. The private sector operating under the concepts of honest integration does not require a heavy hand by government, which cuts the operating costs of government. People can then use the money that government doesn’t need (because it is smaller)to create new ideas, new products, and new jobs. Your individual right as a human being to choose what is best for you is your birthright. What you honestly want, what you honestly feel, what you honestly think are all relative to the world around you, your happiness, health, and success are a part of the whole happiness, health, and success of the universe that is spoken to over and over again in Mark Hamilton’s writings. Wrap yourself in the love that was meant to be and the rest is a piece of cake!
This is what Mark Hamilton has written about, what The Neothink Society promotes, and what the Twelve Visions Party brings to America’s failing political environment.

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I have waited three years, enduring “technical difficulties” of epic proportions and other manageable obstacles to add my testimonial. Neothink, as it was introduced to me by Mark Hamilton, which is now called Neothink and was once Neothink has immeasurably my existence in all capacities.

Having been introduced into the Neothink Society when I was 26 yrs. grown, significantly for the quality of person I was on the inside(concerning particular, essential elements) which is a major component as to how Mark Hamilton’s apprentices we’re chosen), now at 29 years of age and well-read in Neothink(NEOTHINK SOCIETY) literature–my Heirloom Packages, I find that my excitement and enthusiasm about life, my life and the future for all Value Creators is growing continuously and exponentially.

Growing up to now, I had always felt an innate orientation within honesty–most specifically honesty to myself. As I observed a, frankly sad, many others in a plethora of situations exercise an internal allegiance toward immediate comfort or gratification no matter if it was immoral or irrational, I always exercised. Sometimes with sordid, envious opposition…an allegiance to nothing else but the truth. The truth–which can be discovered through deep, honest, rational, introspection.

I have an eternally versatile, highly integrated personality developed stemming from my core and have often had to defend myself psychologically and morally in my adult years. It eventually became apparent to me that people who’ve personally experienced me the most viewed me as kind, strong-willed, confident, completely dismissing any consideration as to how that was developed–that it was largely developed through life experiences like: trial and error, enormous battles defending my inclination towards morale and rational mentality and those many large battles increasing the space between me with the Aristotelian-based philosophy I carried and the Platonistic-based philosophy my attackers carried; this increasingly distinguished for me and enhanced who I am in terms of Honesty, Morale and Rationality from others who are inclined towards dishonesty, immoral and irrationality. I was often attacked on those fronts PRIMARILY BECAUSE WE ARE TEMPORARLY LIVING IN A WORLD SUPRESSED BY THE PLOYS OF THE ANTI-CIVILIZTON…INCLUDING THE PLAGUE OF MYSTISM–a world that from the base of their mystism plagued reasoning is often self-persuaded to create problems where none exist! Sadly, I even endure resistance from members of my immediate family. Along with my exhibiting an undeniable and distinct laser focus, upon getting a glimpse of my heirloom packages, significant opposition arose leading to their researching of flamer sites and posts online about Neothink and the literature I owned, referring to them as “those black books!”..telling me things like, “Neothink will lead to your downfall!” These were relatively ugly exclamations with envious undertones that ultimately express a lack of understanding on their part. I am gloriously exited and anticipating the culmination of the Prime Law Amendment to the United States Constitution that the Twelve Visions Party with the entire NEOTHINK SOCIETY is pushing forth to bring about the Twelve Visions World on earth.

Kareem G.

A True Worthwhile Discovery


Neothink puts me in a comfort Zone. I simply wish I had discovered these honest truths sooner in life, but it’s never too late to start living.

I have rarely discovered anything as passionate, heartfelt, and sincere as these new discoveries provided to me by Mark Hamilton through the Neothink world.

I now want to live life to the fullest. I am extremely happy about waking up each day knowing that the world truly is my oyster … And I feel strongly about this. This is not just a cliché anymore.

Neothink helps me to relax, disseminate illusions, and view through smoke screens to the core truths about everything. It’s as if I now have a head start on living life to its fullest. A heavy burden has been lifted from my shoulders and I feel the joys as I once did as a kid eager to go outside and ride his new bicycle the day after his birthday.

I now see clearer and understand life’s meaning. There is a difference between living and existing. In the past I felt that I was simply existing, and the hand that I was dealt was the inevitable hand destined for me. I now feel really good and have a true passion of being a part of life – The here and now. I am determined and striving to build a winning hand at life and disclose opportunity for true Value Creators so that we all may prosper.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for helping me to realize that there are like-minded people that I can trust to see the beauty and honesty of this world; those who I can know will do the right things regardless of the pressures of anti-civilization; those, who with the assistance of the laws of nature, can make a positive impact on a much larger audience. In short, those who seek a new-found drive, through Neothink, to contribute effectively to society.

Imagine, thinking no one appreciates your honesty, sincerity, passion for others, nor your drive to make the world a better place (to bring about the Twelve Visions World). Well, that is no longer my disposition. Pessimism is no longer a part of my thinking. I am more steadfast in my mission to be a Value Creator than ever before because I know that I am not alone.

My thirst for knowledge has grown and my work status, social life, and marriage is much improving as a result my current thinking and actions.

I only wish I could have shared this with my father before he died. He and I both would have been at peace as he shared his last words with me on his death bed. He would have known of the limitless knowledge and happiness I was capable of accumulating through the writings and revelations associated with Mark Hamilton.

His dying words, “Take Care” would have been more resounding and said with more confidence and conviction. His last words would have been more like a demand rather than a parting wish. I am sure of this!

In parting, I truly feel (Judging from Neothink members I‘ve come across) that our association with Neothink brings about that happy sensation that once dwelt in the pit of our stomachs as children. You know! That feel-good gut feelings that we once had throughout your adolescent years when we were blind to dishonesties.

Well, its reinsertion in the consciousness of my being as an adult proves to me that I am not only a part of the Here and Now”, but that I am also part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.

Thank you again, Mark Hamilton, for your efforts!

Love and Prosperity

Brought Back Excitement

I always knew that their was more to life than just a daily routine. I was working from Monday to Friday doing the same type of task, hoping for the weekend to come quick. I wanted more from life than just a routine, I wanted excitement, freedom, and to look forward to the next day. I try many different things in order to change my daily routine. I started to purchase products at a discount price and selling it to retailers for a profit. I still remember my first sale just like it was yesterday, palms sweating, knees shaking, and when asked about my selling prize I nearly froze. I build up courage and spoke out my prize with confidence, and started explaining to my customer what a good price I was giving him, based on the quality of the product. I made that sale and made a $40.00 profit in about five minutes, it was one of the most happiest and exciting moment of my life. That sale made me feel like a kid again, and gave me a strong back bone to continue on following my dreams. I then started to incorporate my company, and become more familiar with permits, business laws, and regulations in order to properly run my business.
That joy quickly started to fade as I became more and more familiar with government laws. I started to feel like the government was intentional imposing laws to destroy my businesses. I lost my excitement for life again, and started thinking that we as a civilization where destine to live a miserable life. That was until The Neothink Society which brought back that excitement I had in life again. Showing me that the purpose in life is to sustain life by becoming value producers, and transcending to value creators. Today I enjoy my life and look forward to the next day, always thinking on new ways to contribute good productive values to society. Neothink is the new way of thinking that can change the course that society has taken to follow. Neothink allows us to discover our own unique purpose in life, and opens our eyes to see thru the illusion that is being orchestrated for us, by the leaders in power. I give great thanks to Mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart for providing me with such a good values that will live in me forever, and will share with others.

To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom…


I am sharp enough to know that this great republic was not made great by the current “powers that be,” but rather by its great people.  America’s forefathers began in bondage and later began attaining freedoms for themselves, their progeny, and for naturalized Americans, through honoring “…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence.

I know that as a whole, the current powers that be, ever increasingly stymie those great people who are simply endeavoring to pursue their inherent freedoms.  Those powers have done so in dishonesty and tyranny born of their own irrational fears of losing their wealth, their power, and the chokehold that they have on the people.  They have also taken their dishonesty and tyranny, while in pursuit of ever more ill-acquired wealth and power, outside of this country and into foreign lands.  They have misused monies belonging to the people and have thrown America into debt on an unbelievably outrageous scale.  They have created a nation of dependents living in fear and despair.  They have polarized the people into rich – poor, powerful – powerless, those that feed off the broken backs of others – those that can’t see the way to feed themselves…you get the idea….

I also know that the great people of this great land are waking up to the dishonesty of those in power.  They want their freedoms restored and they want a government that will not place a yoke on them, will not deal dishonestly with them, will empower them, and will help them learn how to make-themselves-over into value creators that can hold their heads up high with pride – once again restoring inspiration, creativity, dignity, and glory to America.

Those waking up need someone peaceful and great, bold and intelligent, to take the lead in offering a completely new type of political party with fresh ideas for a unique system of government.  I know of only one such person and one such party – Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party.  No doubt the powers that be will vehemently and dishonestly lash out at him, his party, and his Neothink Society; but no matter, because those Americans tired of the lies, those who know a good and honest man when they see one, will call out in support of him…they know they must, for their freedoms and livelihoods are at stake…freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for all is at stake.

To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom, and abundance for all.  It would be unethical and immoral to attempt to roadblock him, for in doing so they would be blocking honesty from reclaiming its rightful foothold in this country.  Each individual has the right to present his or her ideas – unencumbered.   No intelligent person needs the current powers that be, government officials, controlled media, slammers, flamers, mudslingers, and the like, to decide for him or her, just whom he or she may give ear to.  Each person needs to decide for himself, or herself, whose ideas of government are best suited for the betterment of his or her own life, for the children’s lives, and for the country as a whole.  The corruption and the controls employed in silencing honest opposition must and will stop…the people are calling for it.  The great people of this land need honest representation, they will claim it, and they will have it.  – Liz S., New York

I have researched Neothink, Neothink Society, Mr. Mark Hamilton


My name is Sanford W. Cramer III. I am known as Mike Cramer also.  I have been a member/apprentice for over a year now but not new to Neothink or the late Dr. Mark Hamilton.  I have known for over 50 years the real going ons in societies and especially the United State of America.  I have researched Neothink, Neothink Society, Mr. Mark Hamilton act and have learned quite more truthful  about man, bi-cameral to present by reading “The Neothink Package of Inner-Circle Secrets by Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Package of Miss Annabelle`s Secrets (also by Mark Hamilton) Pox Neothink by Mark Hamilton and updated information by Mark Hamilton and have researched the Bible, Socrates and Jesus’, pro-individual anti-establishment ideas the Koran, Hebrew, Christianity, Joan of Arc, Julian James, Samuel Gompers, Jack Welsh, and numerous other value creators and found a lot is left out of formal education on what the State wants you to know verses what everyone should e taught.  My late step grandfather whom was a Mason member taught me a lot about bi-cameral mentality, God/Man, Career Politicians ECT.  Also I was given a 1st edition copy of”Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill 1950 by my grandparents to read and even today I reread this treasured book.  I also reread works by Mark Hamilton and of course Mark Hamilton.  My constant Positive Mental Attitude is my destiny implanted by God/Man to never quit, never be ruled by the anticivilized world, politicians, judges, parasites.  Neothink identified Neothinking as a mystic-free forward moving digital process.  I am glad to see soon the depoliticizing of America to free business`s and entrepreneurs to move forward to make America again the greatest country on Earth and I am proud to be a member and see this accomplished thru Mark Hamilton and all others and also to participate not as a career politician but one of the greatest Neothink 12 visions part President of the United States as my destiny/vision for 20 years has come to my mind thru the Creator.


Sanford W. C

January 2025