Posts Tagged ‘value creation’

Mark Hamilton and his Neothink published literature came into my life…


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Some 4-5 years ago I was contacted by the Neothink Society at a time when I was suffering deep personal problems in my life. Maybe you can relate to these problems: deaths of near and dear loved ones, overwhelming financial commitments where I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay the bills each month, more and more demanding young near adult family members wanting me to help sort out their problems for them, going to work each 12 hour day to a workplace environment that was being torn apart by self-serving, greedy little parasites in management; hell bent on destroying all the values and growth placed there by successive hard working people over two decades.
On top of all this happening the 25 years’ relationship with my wife was deteriorating to a point of near total collapse. We no longer could play the roles of “Superman” and “Superwoman”, both of us always having the abilities to overcome all obstacles and problems thrown in our paths and solve these day to day problems together as we had done in the past. Watching her give up on me and seeking an escape from a life too hard to continue in this way, literally tore me apart. I was suffering the deepest depression and hardship I had ever known, especially after the divorce and disintegration of family life that used to be filled with joy and happiness.
Mark Hamilton and his Neothink published literature came into my life right on time and indeed helped me get back on track to a life of value creation and growing love of life, which I had been practicing before the collapse of my family life and everything I had been building over 25 years of grinding out effort, time and pure hard work from my wife and myself.
I found the ways and means of beginning again by reading the books, authored by Mark Hamilton, sent to me on a regular basis from the Nothing Society and putting into practice what I was learning. During the past 5 years I’ve completed Bachelor of Education degree, helped to sort a lot of pain and suffering my two sons had acquired after the bitter family breakdown; and the long and drawn out process of divorce we’ve gone through in the family law courts system.
Within the Society’s books you will find practical methods of; soaring business and personal life values, priceless to all in the ever growing threat of big government’s domineering interference in each individual’s life.
The Twelve Visions Party is the culmination of 40 years of hard work, writing research and development by Mark Hamilton, his co-workers and many other writers; to create positive change and prosperity into the lives of people oppressed by the dictator tactics now employed by big governments in their moves towards a world government designed to control the masses and hold onto their unearned power and easy money positions. Do not dismiss the facts lightly; tighter and tighter controls over people’s lives are being implemented daily by big governments to control all the power and all of its citizens.
As an example, I found out in my own country of Australia there is no “Bill of Rights”, a fact which very few Australians know about, or even care about or would understand what this means to a freedom loving individual like myself. To me this means individual rights can and will be abused by “Crown Law” at the whim of Government Parties whenever it suits their purpose or political motivations and hold on total power; simply by gazetting new laws and writing amendments to already oppressive laws. This of course is usually disguised in the unending promises professed in a two party preferential voting system which most of the world’s big government’s political parties operate under, except where communism and dictatorship controls peoples’ lives.
I’m observing in our world today, the lines becoming blurred between our version of “democracy”, communism and fascism. You decide for yourselves what you want to see happen, I’ve I decided I want to see a world of basic individual rights maintained and strengthened. A world where people are using good common sense business practices gained through learning and understanding for prosperous, healthy, happy lives…enjoying valued family lives.
This will happen through a change in people’s thinking called Neothinking, embedded in the Neothink literature and distributed by the Neothink Society. The much needed changes will be created by fully supporting the Twelve Visions Party, its visionary processes, understanding that the new way of thinking is… in its simplest form; thinking in pictures for a large part of your day. The success of the TVP will mean to me I can continue with my work without the fear of government bungling and interfering in my life’s work.
You know the scene, where you line up at the government department, dutiful form all filled out that you’ve spent hours of your precious time pouring your heart out over, paying you’re hard earned cash over the counter…and don’t dare make a pen and ink mistake (and make sure it’s in black ink… not blue)…this could mean jail-time at the slightest rush of anxiety or onset of short term memory loss.
So be very careful with “Government Form 129b” or whatever they hand to you! And of course you know you will never see that cash again…it disappears into some government dept. file called I think…”Irretrievable Funds”, “Government Stash” or of course “Overseas Travel Allowance”!
Voting for the success of the Twelve Visions Party in the United States will mean to us “poor schmucks” across the other part of the world living in our over-burdened, over-taxed, over-governed, over departmentalized, over worked; you name it mate; we have all the over’s you can imagine in Australia: WE may have a slim chance of changing things to the way it should be: big government getting out of the way of fair of business enterprise, handling only what they’re voted in for; maintaining a well-organized protective police force and capable defense forces. And every “trillion dollar expense to the people” government department of today to be farmed out to the much more efficient, cost effective ways of privately run businesses.
It will mean to me I’ll be hearing success stories each day, which I’m already hearing, like a woman I know opening a school for models, using visionary processes and proper work practices, showing success in 3 weeks of starting her business.
All the value given to the world by the literature of Mark Hamilton, his co-workers and staff over four decades of hard nitty-gritty working out of fair costing of the books, marketing and distribution costs to bring to the world productive business systems and unlimited ways of value creating and showing people to build better lives; all this could be blown away by the envy, mind laziness and hatred of all things fair and good portrayed by the authorities in power now backed up by the guns and fists of big government departments; And with the help and support of the parasites in the business world feeding off our taxes the government so freely hands out in payback for their support.
The silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, books and Twelve Visions Party would mean a descent into darkness like the Dark Ages people endured for a 1000 years. It is that serious I would make reference to a time not so long ago, and I am writing this heartfelt request from a computer on a small kitchen dining table in a small rented apartment in a Country in Eastern Europe.
The time was 1944-5; the Nazis armies were in full swing, blitzing their way across Europe, the generals planning their final sweep through the Eastern Russian territories and the assault on Moscow. In the minds of the peoples of the time it was literally the end of the world; in the heart of the world a few generals on the German side and their armies stood waiting ready for the command to attack.
On the Russian side, making their final defensive stand on the outskirts of Moscow itself were a few generals, some army divisions in rag tag condition, the “Home Guard” consisting of very young boys and old men well into their sixties, any man that could bear or lift up a rifle ready to defend to what was looking like their imminent deaths.
One lone megalomaniac of a politician camped in Berlin; not near the action of course, held the balance of power over the Free world. His decision alone would mean the fate of the world being plunged into “The 1000 Year Reich” of darkness he was planning or the freedom for the peoples of Europe and rest of the free world.
The German generals at the Eastern front argued with Hitler it was time to attack before the approaching Russian winter set in; Hitler argued with his Generals he knew better and was much more informed about the economic position and best interests of the German people. The Generals and their armies labored on watching the first winter snowfalls beginning.
Lucky for us all the maniac was wrong. I’ll end here now with the greatest of words from Winston Churchill: “The Price of Freedom is to be Forever Vigilant”.
Willing for Freedom, Justice, Happiness and Prosperity for all the peoples of the world in this season of PEACE and JOY……
Robert Thomas B



I somehow was found by neothink society. Different as I am, I do owe them much credit for whom they all are. They are thinkers, inventors, artists, engineers, and extremely bright human beings that had gained advancements like no other, that offered considerable value that hid from nothing of their own intellect, and mastered everything in their traits of pure thought.

Neothink IS a place of being for those that choose to advance. I found a number of human beings that do care to advance into knowledge that is un-comparable to anything else, and I am ONE of them. I found thought to be an source that has no limitations to integration of every last thing known and unknown. I grow each day, yet had found many who tried to compete with an undeniable reality a clean clear conscious that that compels over every last qua of the Universe. It is an axiom.

I feel there is something unique with each person Mr Hamilton had originally contacted in one way or other. They began contacting me through various media in so many words of writings that i had worked on myself of un-ordinary truths in honesty and creation of many sorts. Then one day, this book arrives out of the blue on my door step, properly titled as is that you all know of.

I am aware of keys the human mind holds that fold the fabric of conscious thought and spreads it out all over again testifying an axiom to the power of puzzle building, mind integrating thought. You learn one thing and it so intersects with so many different sections of society and the existable Globe, even the entire Universe. My value creation had excelled in learning, study and approaches that I had yet to profit from yet are simply exillerating in their their form. I only need a wing, or a friend of all of you, to push the limits of creativity.

Neo-Think Society is more promising then any endeavor. Each persons excels in a different way so beautifully, mindfullly, and it is a joy to witness the intelligence bloom everywhere. I agree with the process of Neo-think Society. It’s a promise, it is a greatness, and it has thought so compelling, I do feel I have a place of belonging. yet, I haven’t met any of you face to face, and one day I wish that to be.

In relationships, i had found love. In so many chapters I found things so comparing to this life each of us life. Thought and life so critically valuable, thought such a wonderful gift to Earth.

I do complement each neo-think member for the gift of thought, to own such a gift to be a part of an Order that IS Unstoppable to where all of us belong ruling how the Planet must be. I owe thinks to Mr Hamilton, a figure on Earth that deserves the merit and credit he rightfully deserves as does his own father. I belong in riches like all of you. My thought of owning great things is just the same. I too learned a great deal in ways that may had obsticles yet challenged each and every last thing in question of current existence. We own Earth, and all of you need to know that. My support goes out to each of you for the value creators, the Children of OUR Universe. So, the beat goes on as does time and neo-think, forever.

One day, one of my many dreams I await for, I do wish to meet Mr Hamilton, an aspiring great man, with an equally great invention of the sky walk. Did anyone ever view that invention of his yet? It is awe inspiring. He is a master thinker, and I choose to follow his footsteps to be just as great.

If you can, please offer support to Joliet, as there are a number of value creators I had found here and there. Thought… what a dream come true to think in such expanse.

Made by Music,
Patrick B. Rasmusson &
Terri Ann Murdock

P.S. The Globe and the Universe IS OURS together.

Mark Hamilton’s literature teaches nothing but …


This is my testimonial to my success and my growth, and benefit from the literature and great value that Mark Hamilton has brought to my life.  I have personally grown into the person I was meant to be as a result of his literature.

I on my own through the text have now found who I m and now the value that I can bring to the world. My growth from the literature far surpasses any and all learning experiences I have ever had in collage or otherwise. The texts have thrown me into a world of success and happiness and now I don’t just look at the stars, I touch them.

Mark Hamilton’s literature teaches nothing but honesty and value creation for all of humanity to enjoy, and most impotently be free, free to think for yourself were I feel that in most of us has been suppressed within for too long, always looking to others for leadership and guidance. I have been fortunate in my life to discover myself, my real self and what I was meant to do with unlimited motivation, to drive myself and others to limitless success!

I now see everything as it is and not what it appears to be. When I read or hear anything I decide for myself if it is rational or whether or not to accept claim presented to me with my own free mind. I am timely free and I truly owe it all to a great man with a dream, a dream that all of our minds should be ones of self leaders and a free people, instead of a mass of mindless followers.

I received a beautiful letter from Mark Hamilton…


To whom it may concern,

In a perfect world every problem has a solution. We live in a perfect world and for every solution one can come up with there are more problems to solve.

I would like to thank Mark for giving me the blueprints to finding solutions to my many problems. Now when I encounter more of these hardships I can confidently embrace them knowing pride from the humble self-leader training I’ve recieved. Never before have I absorbed such revelating skills for managing stress, than to feel the empowerment of such life lifting advantages as being a part of competent like minded and influential people.

When I grew into the Neothink Society there was a lot of hospitality and room for praise of positive “value” creation. The themes revealed by Neothink literature gave me great inspiration to follow my dream. When all options were gone I decided to give this neothink society a run for my money. The kind of return I recieved was phenominal I became deeply motivated and experienced happiness unlike any other.

It was all for me that Mark Hamiltons labor revealed to me who I could become and now that I’ve discovered that pure inner child there’s a level of success that is virtually priceless.

I had been badly treated by my husband of 27 years He had embesseled  $26000 from Montgomery Ward, gotten a girl 15 years younger pregnant, turned my three children against me ,lied to my family & friends about me , made me give up the home we had. Ifinally after a few years married another lier worst than the first one. I had no idea a person that claimed to be christian, a deacon in the church, would be so low. He proved to be  even bigger  & lower than gully dirt along with his children, who stole my belongings from me & wouldn’t let me have my things. They are so ignorant, even with their college degrees.

I received a beautiful letter from Mark Hamilton, telling me I could be the person I wanted to be if I would just follow a few simple rules, mainly suggestions.

I have learned to think for myself, to do  for myself. Because of my eyesight, I have not progressed like I should have.

The new world we are bulding, will be good honest & kind a place anyone would love to be, to raise their children. The Cof U will be a healthy, loving, & marvelous place to be.

We will have a new political party , an Honest one , that means more then anything to most of us. TVP will take us where we need to be. With Mark Hamilton to guide us, We cannot  fail. We will prevail

Love & Carring

Peggy  L.

Encountering Mark Hamilton through his writings and meeting the people in the Neothink society has been one of the most uplifting things in my life. You cannot find a more honest and caring people than those who make up the Neothink society, all of whom like myself have been mentored by Mark Hamilton.

Neothink Society members are the most patriotic individuals that you can find in almost every country of the world today. Their love for their fellow man and the anguish that they feel for the suffering masses is unequaled. Why do the masses suffer for the most part? The answer is corrupt politicians who instead of serving the people as stipulated by the various constitutions of their country usurp power for their own on glory. Using the power entrusted to them by the people, they by their actions, votes, corrupt every arm of government for their own selfish gain, leaving the masses to suffer.

Neothink Society members everywhere abhor dishonesty, injustice, corruption and violations of the constitution and the many ills that currently plague governments everywhere. The wish of every Neothink Society member like myself is to help to create a flourishing society where everyone strives to put more value into society than they take out and a real return to the real “rule of law.”

Mark Hamilton’s writings show everyone how to become honest, creative, productive members of society. His writings have contributed tremendously to my growth and I am so grateful.

The success of the Twelve Vision Party of which Mark Hamilton is a part of, will mean a true return to the rule law. A different breed of politicians will emerge to create conditions that will enable value creation explosion everywhere. This will in turn cause prosperity explosion that will uplift everyone.

My wish is that everyone in our society will honestly seek to find out what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision party stand for and if they do, they will find out how patriotic Mark Hamilton, the party and its members are and without question they will support the party as I and my family does.

Ndubuisi A

To Mark Hamilton and all concerned;
I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature to let me see reality instead illusions. I joined Neothink society back in June 2007. Since, June 2007 until now, I have been given daily doses of reality through readings of literature written by Mark Hamilton.  At times, I want quit the reading and Neothink society because of my illusionary world and old believes began to clash with Mark’s Hamilton honest, pure world of reality. However; the more I red Mark’s literature the better I began to feel about myself and the world of illusions we live in. Today, I’m so happy I never quit because Mark Hamilton and his literature turned my life 180 degrees for better, and I’m still working to change my life 360 degrees for better, but this is my future goal. Mark’s Hamilton literature brought out the honest leader in me. I no longer wait for future directions, I create my own future, life and destiny. I never in my life have been so excited about reading any kind of literature, but Mark’s literature does some spectacular magic to my way of thinking and looking the world from different much better perspective than the old way of thinking. I must say Mark Hamilton is a genius to help any individual find his true meaning and happiness in life by applying Mark’s literature properly in anyone’s life. To honestly judge Mark Hamilton and Neothink society one must read all Mark’s literature to find out that Mark Hamilton is about honest love for human race, competitive value creation, and breakthrough inventions. Anyone who does judge Mark Hamilton on some bogus gossip and made up stories, must really read Mark’ Hamilton precious literature to honestly judge the men and the society. Only then, anyone who reads the literature will understand how vital, and valuable Mark Hamilton and Neothink society is the the future of the world we live in. Don’t judge book by its cover, read it then judge it. 
                                                                                                        Sincerely yours,

Hi Mark, this is all about our evolution and I want to be a part of it.

Larry D. B
LNT/DEFINITIVE Building Maintenance

Thank You Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton, I have nothing but praise for his work, his efforts his vision and dedication to helping mankind makes the leap into Neothink Consciousness. It has been a perioulous journey for me to be able to detach from bicameral and mystic fragments that tend to be buried in our psych.  Mark Hamilton has placed great emphasis in his work that encourages self leadership and value creation for self and others.

The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. This is the foundation for the Twelve Visions Party. The prime law associated with TVP guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.

Looking back on the world and over 2000 years  and more of it evolutionary stages, we would have to be mentally, physically and spiritually blind to not see our past contribution and its inevitable  headwinds moving towards a catastrophic  apex  which will initiate profound change.   These changes are not desirous for many. Therefore, we must awake to a new concept to save ourselves, the world and the universe.

I am proud to be a member of Neothink.  I am proud to be linked to a phenomenal being such as Mark Hamilton. I have encountered nothing but honesty and genuine concern in his effort to help mankind to utilize this planet earth as a means of fair competition and business concepts that will allow man to have a meaningful life.

Thank You Mark Hamilton, Thank you Neothink Members, Thank you Chicago A- Team I thank myself for drawing such a beautiful concept into being.

Bonnie T

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way…

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way Of Thinking, And Has opened My Eyes To See Through The Illusions To What Is.”

Hi, Mr. Hamilton

    I just want to say thank you for all that you do, you really mean a lot to me as far as a mentor.

Every month I get so excited, because do to the monthly meetings with you; I know that your going to bring value, stimulation, and knowledge that is new and refreshing.

The value and true knowledge that you have shared with myself and all of your apprentices has done something that no-one else has been able to do.

That is to awaken the child-of-the-past that is buried and lying dormant deep inside of each and everyone of us.

We were all searchers, looking for that something better in life that we knew was always there, but didn’t know how to find it.


Loosing you as a mentor means loosing all this value-creation, and that would be a tragedy, because no-one else can bring this to us.

Now getting to your literature, I have always enjoyed reading, but your literature is very powerful and life changing.

Every time I read through and study your literature exhilaration rises up within me from the truths that are brought to the forefront, and as far as I’m concerned that’s priceless.

I am honored to have had the opportunity to own this literature that you (Mr. Hamilton) have made possible for anyone in the world to have.

So, not having this literature is not an option.

Being a part of the (Neothink Society) means a lot to me because of it’s many advantages: one being the secret-website, which allows you to interact with like-minded people within the society.

Now, the (Twelve Visions Party) is something I’m looking forward to and means everything to me and my family as far as the country’s future. The world needs all the benefits from the (Twelve Visions Party) such as: prices dropping in every industry; which will make all the people rich, government being used for protection of the people only; which will allow the people to live as individuals and think for themselves, better health-care and the best doctors,etc.

Thank You For Everything Your Doing For Society (Mr. Hamilton).


     Marvin C

Mark Hamilton, My Opinion of a Trade Mark Name in Philanthropy

Mark Hamilton, My Opinion of a Trade Mark Name in Philanthropy

Recently I was invited to attend the Neothink® Societies “World Neothink® Day Celebrations.” These celebrations where conceptualized by the members of the Neothink® Society itself, and they were fully supported via financial funding by Mr. Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink® Society. Not only were these celebrations held through out our country, but they were also broadcast at each location to the internet via several websites that Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink® Society, set up specifically to broadcast these wonderful events to those members which were unable to travel to the events themselves.

This is how the society members are given an opportunity to excel in their own creative essences; and these essences promote maximum value creation for each other, and to the world itself. This is a replication of the philanthropic efforts of Mr. Mark Hamilton as shown to his members via his financial backing of this member conceptualized event.

Because I am a single parent, caring for a disabled young adult, I was not able to attend the events. As I clicked to the events in Ohio, California, and other areas throughout our United States, I became overwhelmed with the understanding of just how much love was being displayed both by the members of the Neothink® Society to each other, as well as by Mr. Hamilton himself to his members through his monetary commitment to their creative ideas!

I thought to myself about how we see a lot of wealthy individuals today who are unwilling to see the needs of the common people, much less contribute to those needs. What a beautiful philanthropic effort Mr. Hamilton actualizes with his development of his inspirationally educational writings and his invitation of membership into the Neothink® Society itself. This membership provides weekly interactive conference calls which educate, enlighten, and encourage us to live life to the fullest by utilizing the tools provided within the member website. These tools include access to the Libraries of Mark Hamilton, the Vision Business Alliance, the Twelve Visions Party®, the highly stimulating Clubhouse Meetings, recorded conference calls, Global Information Network business training, as well as highly stimulating member conversations on the website member bulletin boards, all of which provide exceptional tools for those that want to pursue their passion for living the abundant life.

The word, “Philanthropy” originates from the Ancient Greek language which meant, “ to love people.” The dictionary defines Philanthropy as the act of donating money, goods, services, time and/or effort to support a socially beneficial cause, with a defined objective, and with no financial or material reward to the donor. The philanthropy of Mark Hamilton embraces the altruistic activities such as World Neothink® Day with the intention to promote good and improve the human quality of life. Altruism, (from Latin: alter-the other), is defined as the deliberate pursuit of the interests or welfare of others or the public interest.

So Mr. Hamilton, I want to say, “Thank You.” Thank you for reaching out to the world with your valuable insights, compassionate love, and monetary resources. It reminds me of something Jesus (a highly conscious man) said to a trouble world. “Let your Light so shine among men, that they may see your good works, and in so doing bring glory to the heavens.” Mr. Hamilton again I say, “Thank you” for your great light of inspiration and hope…

Elaine Ray


Marlk Hamilton and The Twelve Visions World

this is the edited version of my previous post. I only had time to edit the words though and not the formation, as timefor me is very limited right now. Still formation is nothingness, it is the value of my words that you must focus on and you will began to see, began to feel, WHAT IS HONEST.

I am motivated to work with the TVP because I know in my heart that this is the movement that will change the world for better. I know this is honest because their exist no hidden agenda based on value usurpation, force, coercion, or deception, not even the threat of usurpation, force, coercion, or deception exist. In the twelve visions world a person can live not just a free life but a care free life. Care free of usurpation, force, coercion, and deception, even care free from the threat of such non values. A care free life based on unlimited freedom, values, creation, health success,exhilaration, happiness, love, and life. The TVP is based on creating those previous life enhancing values thus exist through honesty and value creation. This type of movement is the only real, only honest value, that can most honestly benefit the people, thus is the movement for the people, and the movement against higher authorities. This movement again is to the advantage of the people because no hidden agendas exist against the people, through illusionary politics used only to control, dominate, and rule over the people for ultimate unearned power and values. The TVP movement takes the unearned power, unearned values away all higher authorities, in doing so that power, those values, naturally flows back to the original owners THE PEOPLE, the ones who created or produced those values in the first place. THIS POWER/VALUE EXCHANGE will free technology, creation, happiness, love, success, exhilaration, values, ultimately it will free society from the burden that allows our people to unconsciously live for death! Living to die whether knowingly or unknowing is almost the greatest tragedy ever. The greatest tragedy ever is that unfulfilled life that dies! I know this, the value of the TVP is in my heart, we must eradicate the higher authorities, by awakening the people, by out competing every life destroying stimulation, that exist replacing that destruction of life with life enhancing/life sustaining exhilaration! It is up to us to free the people by showing them a better life, a better world, THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD! Trust me, I’m on board! My name is MARK HOLDER JR!

That was a statement to my mentor Mr. Mark Hamilton in response to his question why am I motivated to be apart of TVP?
Understand fully that the above TVP movement cannot exist through any form of usurption, force coercion or deception or the threat of usurption, force coercion or decption, because then we would only be replacing one corrupt authority with another. Then the world will be as it has always been a stagnation to death trap! In order to reverse this sick trap, we need something, a value, free from corruption, a value based solely on honesty, we need THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY! This Twelve Visions Party movement is the only real value the people can trust because it was created for the people based on the immediate and long terms, rights and values that all human life should not be deprived of.For example values like being free, and being able to live, and live happily. Those vales that naturally belong to us is actuallty an impossibility as long as higher authorities exist, for they exist to take those values away from us because it weakens us making us easier to manipulate and control! These higher authorities need to control us because they cannot create a livelihood for themselves, even if they could, it would not be good enough for these higher authorities because of their ego’s. they Egotistically want ultimate control over everything that exist. The easiest, and only way to do that is by controling us, the people!

One man could not take it anymore! One man HONESTLY vowed in his mind and in his heart to TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, PERSONAL INITIATIVE, towards the self leader he was meant to be, in order to live his dream life. He vowed in his mind, in his heart to create a system that would eradicate all forms of higher authorities because he knows in his mind and in his heart that you must go to the essence of the problems to eradicate the recurring problems. Job loss, poverty, stagnation, harmful illusions, force, coercion, deception, violence, all these non values are recurring problems that HIGHR AUTHORITIES PURPOSEFULLY CREATE.

One man through honest, deep thinking, began to see all the way past illusions in order to see the deepest level of thinking in a moment that happened so fast he almost missed it, but he didnt! He saw the future, THE TWELVE VISIONS of the future. That man, that one man that decided to take PERSONAL INITIATIVE, to stand for all that is honest and right, that one man that dedicated his real entire life, real blood,real sweat, and real tears, that one man that has continually risen in a world that has been designed for us to fail, stagnate and die, that one man fighting for all of us, is MARK HAMILTON! One man, imagine all that this one man has done to tear down illusions to bring us the honesty. Imagine, his successful lifestyle in a world were you are destine to fail, stagnate, and die! Imagine, Mark Hamilton as one man, ONE MAN, HAS SAVED/HELPED countless lives worldwide and here in America. One man, has saved countless lives by showing people how to become happy! THE REASON FOR LIVING IS TO BE HAPPY people! Are you happy? Happiness is an imposibility for now but Mark Hamilton knows that to be happy is the reason for living. He lives that. One man people has created a successful life and used his one life to save countless lives in America and worldwide. This is all honest and documented. In fact you are reading documented proof right now as you are reading my words! Mr. HAMILTON is the real deal because he is honest. I talk this way about this man because it is honest. If Mark Hamilton was a bum then that is the information you then would receive. If MARK hAMILTON was a liar, a theif, a con artist, if, Mark Hamilton was a greedy business executive, then by way of fully integrated honesty you would receive that information. Especially from me!!! In honesty, Mark Hamilton is a life saving, value creating, businessman, and that doesnt not even do half the justice his great name deserves! Nothing can justify this man, because I have never seen anyone like him; that tells you all that happened in the past, shows you with proof how it happend, tells you of the present and shows you proof through honest how it happens, you can see what he is saying is honest, then he explains the future which is being put into action! basically everything this one man has said has happened, In the past, present or future everything he writes about actually happened, is happening or will happen, and it is all documented as proof! This is the most honest man I have ever meet! You can feel his heart even when “you are worlds apart!” He is really that honest.

Now I want you to imagine all that Mark Hamilton has done for himself to be not just a businessman of success, but a businessman who creates value for the people thus has continuous success which seeems endless. I know his values are endless! Their is no end! Imagine all that he has done for us! Now imagine that Mr. Hamilton is just one man! One MAN! I say this over and over again to you because when you understand, when you fully understand that Mark Hamilton is just one man, you began to grasp the honest understanding of how much power you have as one MAN/WOMAN! THEN, on a deeper level how much power we have when we all come together! That is what TVP is all about, US! The People coming together!
It has been a great pleasure of mind to write this for you, as I had the opportunity to talk about TVP, and Mark Hamilton. Then on a deeper level I was able to give you some honest information about something that is real. something that will change the world for better. I was able to give you something to act upon The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY MOVEMENT! GET INVLOVED! TAKE PERSONAL INITIATIVE TODAY! IT’S OUR TIME! OUR TIME!

Most honestly written by

March 2025