Posts Tagged ‘ups’

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society,

Words can’t express how my life has changed ever since I’ve been a member of the Neothink Society. From the minute I’ve received my first letter in the mail back in April of 2009 from you until this very present moment, my life has totally altered for the better in each and every aspect of my life. My health, emotional and physical well-being has made a total 360 turn-a-around due to the teachings in all the Heirlooms that I’ve been reading. I’ve been an active member in the Neothink Society for approximately 2 years now and have attended local Clubhouse meetings, networked with positive like-minded people within Neothink and have business ventured with several other entrepreneurs like myself. Due to your teachings and priceless information in your Heirlooms, I’ve walked away from my 9 to 5 job that I worked for over 15 straight years. Yes, you heard correctly, after reading all the amazing information that the majority of society will never know, the information that you teach, I packed up my bags and FIRED my boss after 15 years and started my own very successful online eBay business, not to mention 2 other business ventures that I’m currently working on as well. That other JOB that I worked for was UPS (Fortune 500 company with full benefits and all). Walked away in 2009 after getting my pension, during a full-blown recession and started my own business and applied the mini-day schedules just like you showed us how to do. Thanks for everything, Neothink has truly been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others I’m sure! See you on the beaches of the world Mark! 🙂

Words can't express how my life has changed ever since I've been a member of the Neothink Society.

Dear Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society,

Words can’t express how my life has changed ever since I’ve been a member of the Neothink Society. From the minute I’ve received my first letter in the mail back in April of 2009 from you until this very present moment, my life has totally altered for the better in each and every aspect of my life. My health, emotional and physical well-being has made a total 360 turn-a-around due to the teachings in all the Heirlooms that I’ve been reading. I’ve been an active member in the Neothink Society for approximately 2 years now and have attended local Clubhouse meetings, networked with positive like-minded people within Neothink and have business ventured with several other entrepreneurs like myself. Due to your teachings and priceless information in your Heirlooms, I’ve walked away from my 9 to 5 job that I worked for over 15 straight years. Yes, you heard correctly, after reading all the amazing information that the majority of society will never know, the information that you teach, I packed up my bags and FIRED my boss after 15 years and started my own very successful online eBay business, not to mention 2 other business ventures that I’m currently working on as well. That other JOB that I worked for was UPS (Fortune 500 company with full benefits and all). Walked away in 2009 after getting my pension, during a full-blown recession and started my own business and applied the mini-day schedules just like you showed us how to do. Thanks for everything, Neothink has truly been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others I’m sure! See you on the beaches of the world Mark!

Michael L

Neothink have helped me through my ups and downs

The materials that you have put out over the last four years that I have known about Neothink have helped me through my ups and downs. The Three volumes were truly wonderful, but the best was the First Immortals. The story is like a kick start and I would suggest that all people read it. Idea for Mark, make it a pdf or epub that can be distributed faster. Oh and in another year if you need a Bruce Salinski call me. But Mark Hamilton is brimming with ideas that need to be utilized. Great and Awesome. Pierce the veil and see the Wizard behind the curtain. Stop being afraid and make your life better with your own hands.
All change begins with me,
Quincey Ross

The Nethink Society have kept me from breaking under pressure.

I’m William J. E I just want to say thanks for all the uplifting and enlightenment that the Neothink materials and Mark Hamilton have given me. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs that I’ve been able to do and obstacles I’ve overcome thanks to Mark and The Neothink Society. I’m at the current time working on a very big project on my own at this point in time and Mark and The Neothink Society have kept me from breaking under pressure. I hope that people that see this get to also have an opportunity to experience the wonderful work there of and grow fond with lots of wisdom God bless! Thanks Mark for everything you have offered me and god bless!

A fellow member: William J. E

Thanks Mark Hamilton for everything you have offered me


Hi! I’m William J. E I just want to say thanks for all the uplifting and enlightenment that the Neothink materials and Mark Hamilton have given me. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs that I’ve been able to do and obstacles I’ve overcome thanks to Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society. I’m at the current time working on a very big project on my own at this point in time and Mark and The Neothink Society have kept me from breaking under pressure. I hope that people that see this get to also have an opportunity to experience the wonderful work there of and grow fond with lots of wisdom God bless! Thanks Mark Hamilton for everything you have offered me and god bless!

A fellow member: William J. E

Thank you, Mr. Hamilton

The Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party and your writings have played a VERY large part in my life.  All of these together have helped me to understand, confirm and embrace an invention that I have worked actively on for the past 9 years – and unconsciously for at least another 10 years before that.

I have been building a concept model for a “for-profit” community development corporation.  To my knowledge, this has never been done before.  CDC’s are normally funded by large government grants.  Mine is powered by inventions, small business start-ups, free agent consultants, and product/service sales through existing direct sales companies.

My family and I have sacrificed much in the development of this model.  We have been through bankruptcies, foreclosure actions, a couple of years of living below the poverty line and a lot of “delayed gratification” in many arenas.  And the tough thing is, I never knew what was driving me to continue building this model – until I read your Neothink materials.

I could then see that we have been building a concept model for creating entrepreneurial communities – the kind of “garage entrepreneur communities” often described in your literature.  Our model is designed to empower all individuals to find their deep motivational root and then design a business around it that allows them to “play and get paid”.

I could see that this model has the power to be utilized as a “prototype” that could be set up somewhere to show the value of the TVP and what can be accomplished by transitioning the economy to one more fully based on honest, ethical market entrepreneurs.

And most importantly, I could see that I and my family have a much larger role to play on this planet than I ever could have imagined.

It is difficult to spend so many years in “blind faith”, wondering why you feel so driven to do something that makes so little sense to most people.  But on the other side – there is nothing more exhilarating, more heart-warming and more of a blessing than to know that your ideas, your insights and your hard work fit into a much larger picture and vision – one that only became visible to me through my affiliation with NTS & TVP.

Thank you, Mr. Hamilton, for helping me to find the true meaning and purpose in my life, and for helping me to more fully understand my creation/invention.  For this, I am forever grateful.

Yours in gratitude,

Sheyenne K

Personally, I appreciate that you are striving to make the world a much happier and prosperous place

Dear Mark Hamilton,

 I have responded to your messages in the past requesting testimonial write-ups.  I am not sure if this is just a mass distribution request to everyone.  In any case, I hope you receive the messages necessary to accomplish your goals.

Personally, I appreciate that you are striving to make the world a much happier and prosperous place for all to live.  It is most definitely needed.  If we (the people) do the service we all love to do (our Friday night essence), there will be an exponential growth in creations, improvement in attitude towards others and service and in general a much nicer world to live in.  Though, I simply cannot understand why anyone would oppose to such a plan. 

However, I would give an “opinion” about something and I hope you are open to it. I want to add I have thoroughly enjoyed the writings of all your books, as I love to read interesting material.  When I read, I know it is the view and story of the writer (and not necessarily my view).  In one of the readings however, (Wallace’s writings), I took notice that his opinions may offend some who do not have an open mind to a writer’s way of thinking. 

Religion and politics are the most sensitive topics and it is very close to some people’s heart.  The media, religious and political sensitive people will “defend “their stance.  Just as anyone will defend what they believe in.

In my opinion, people have a right to believe in what they believe in and if people put others work, or belief down, it may cause some anger and resentment.  For me it is not my place to tell someone that their religion is not working or is more violent than the other.  What I believe in my mind is what I believe; however, I don’t think it will serve its purpose to put it down.

Every religion, politician and media has negative and positive aspects.  It is my opinion that we should point out the positives of each of the three aforementioned and dwell on those aspects.  In fact, that is for everything we do.  I am not, of course suggesting ignoring those things that are causing harm, but in our society, we do tend to hi-light the negatives instead of hi-lighting the positives. By pointing out the good and dwelling on the goods of the service of that religion, politics (politician), it just may soften their need to strongly “defend” their position.

This is only my opinion and felt compelled at this time, to express it.

In peace, harmony, love, freedom, happiness and prosperity,


March 2025