Posts Tagged ‘unnecessary death’

The Twelve Vision Party

The Twelve Vision Party represent the first time ever a full body of integrated knowledge that can change our mentality and our way thinking that has us in a rut. It is the vehicle of real change, reality based down to the fundamental principals. The prime law is the law that will guide us as a people i am so grateful for this law. I am so proud to be apart of this great movement, that will expose the root cause of all this unnecessary death and destruction coming from the corruption and lies from career politician who tells have truths out of context. ” MAKE ALL the PEOPLE RICH including THE POOR “ This slogan must be taken to the people in a massive marketing campaign , let it become part of the people’s knowledge bank. a rallying cry for honest business men and women and the workers who put more into society than they take out. We must rally the grassroots around Mark Hamilton and the 12 Vision Party. any successful movement weather Lenin in Russia or Mao in China the condition was ripe to rally the people for change, to protect them from the enemy. This wall will begin to be built as we go public, and flooding our clubhouse houses with new members is paramount and a major task right now, not when you get a check in the mail but now let’s start the motion this is a very exciting time because change is good. To see something beautiful come into being, that we as a whole is creating. We must out compete the ruling parasitical class, career politicians who in reality talk about change but are dead set against change. We must win the minds and hearts of the American people, by presenting the 12 Vision Party as a alternatives to the present lazy politicians who only answer to the people’s problem is to raise taxes. This laziness must be exposed by presenting a political business model that the 12 Vision Party represent.
Mark Hamilton, I was part of the movement in the 60′ & 70′ the black liberation movement which was narrow in scope but genuine in our attempt to find solution to our day to day struggles, and to bring about change in America. One of my proudest moment as i was growing and coming to some understanding of the prime literature was when the new website went up and i saw how you integrated different men of creation was included, and to see Malcolm x included brought tears to my eyes. In the early 70′ we thought by replacing black faces in high places would change our conditions, conditions are worse know than when i was a child. the streets are lest safer know. I learned threw experience that was not the answer, to our problems. since being introduce to Neothink with it broad scope accounting have given me a honest understanding of were real power comes from and that is people’s power threw integrated thinking. Mark i stand with you a 100% in this struggle against evil, for the freedom of our minds and souls When we were kids and wanted to make sure we were together on anything that we were going to do, we would ask each other to give our word. and we would say ” word is bond” if we thought one of us was not telling the truth we would ask each other to give their word “give me your word” if they said word is bond we knew that the truth was being told and we valued that as the highest order at that time. and we was totally together at that moment in time. i give you my word i in for the long journey that we must travel.
Tbone w/ love Larry J

The Twelve Vision Party

The Twelve Vision Party represent the first time ever a full body of integrated knowledge that can change our mentality and our way thinking that has us in a rut. It is the vehicle of real change, reality based down to the fundamental principals. The prime law is the law that will guide us as a people i am so grateful for this law. I am so proud to be apart of this great movement, that will expose the root cause of all this unnecessary death and destruction coming from the corruption and lies from career politician who tells have truths out of context. ” MAKE ALL the PEOPLE RICH including THE POOR “ This slogan must be taken to the people in a massive marketing campaign , let it become part of the people’s knowledge bank. a rallying cry for honest business men and women and the workers who put more into society than they take out. We must rally the grassroots around Mark Hamilton and the 12 Vision Party. any successful movement weather Lenin in Russia or Mao in China the condition was ripe to rally the people for change, to protect them from the enemy. This wall will begin to be built as we go public, and flooding our clubhouse houses with new members is paramount and a major task right now, not when you get a check in the mail but now let’s start the motion this is a very exciting time because change is good. To see something beautiful come into being, that we as a whole is creating. We must out compete the ruling parasitical class, career politicians who in reality talk about change but are dead set against change. We must win the minds and hearts of the American people, by presenting the 12 Vision Party as a alternatives to the present lazy politicians who only answer to the people’s problem is to raise taxes. This laziness must be exposed by presenting a political business model that the 12 Vision Party represent.
Mark Hamilton, I was part of the movement in the 60′ & 70′ the black liberation movement which was narrow in scope but genuine in our attempt to find solution to our day to day struggles, and to bring about change in America. One of my proudest moment as i was growing and coming to some understanding of the prime literature was when the new website went up and i saw how you integrated different men of creation was included, and to see Malcolm x included brought tears to my eyes. In the early 70′ we thought by replacing black faces in high places would change our conditions, conditions are worse know than when i was a child. the streets are lest safer know. I learned threw experience that was not the answer, to our problems. since being introduce to Neothink with it broad scope accounting have given me a honest understanding of were real power comes from and that is people’s power threw integrated thinking. Mark i stand with you a 100% in this struggle against evil, for the freedom of our minds and souls When we were kids and wanted to make sure we were together on anything that we were going to do, we would ask each other to give our word. and we would say ” word is bond” if we thought one of us was not telling the truth we would ask each other to give their word “give me your word” if they said word is bond we knew that the truth was being told and we valued that as the highest order at that time. and we was totally together at that moment in time. i give you my word i in for the long journey that we must travel.
Tbone w/ love Larry J

The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law of no initiatory force!

A little history to explain.
I did 20 years in the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman, helping to defend this great Republic of ours, the US of A. That is 1/3 of my life, defending the rights and privileges we all share as citizens of the greatest nation on earth … US of A. I spent 6 of those years as a combat corpsman with the Marine Corps, 3 years on a submarine (USS Jack SSN605), and 3 years on an aircraft carrier (USS Carl Vinson CVN70). The rest was spent around the world providing medical care to our troops.
In those years I saw many things that were eye-opening. I traveled around the world, seeing the poor life-styles, the degradation, the disease and sickness, the unnecessary death evident in most of them; and none coming up to the beauty and freedom we all take for granted (with the exception of maybe Canada and Australia, cousins of the US). I saw the need world wide to educate, upgrade, and rebuild the lifestyles of peoples of all nationalities. I saw hundreds of thousands who dream of coming to the US because we have the best opportunities to create a happy and value producing life for each of the individuals. I worked with building hospitals, schools, villages; educating the nationals in better methods of health care, and hearing their dreams of “going to America”.
Since my retirement in 1987, I have seen our government leaders gradually degrade, tax, restrict, legislate, and … yes … destroy our standing of honor and respect among the nations who once looked to us as the “big brother”, but now we are the “thorn in the side”. I see our official’s international attitudes and actions slowly degrade the respect and love our military men and women worked so hard to build. I have seen our rights and privileges eroded, restricted, and in many cased legislated out of existence. When asked what is the constitutional validity of your actions … their response is “Are you crazy! It needs doing, so we are doing it!”
I have searched and searched for the answer! How, I ask myself, can the people allow this to happen? How can they continue to elect those who further destroy our honor, respect and standing world wide? How can we continue to keep men and women in office who have actually expressed the concept that “the people are too dumb to do it themselves, we (the government) need to do it for them!” How can we honor and respect so-called leaders who think we are “stupid sheep” who need them to provide each and every aspect of our livelihood!
After years of searching … I FOUND THE ANSWER!
The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law of no initiatory force! This is the only group which I have found which has the answer to returning to the people (and respecting the individual) to the freedom to grow, expand, and return to what many call “The American Dream!” – Happiness, health, wealth and success.
1. Removing the restricting laws and regulation!
2. Freeing the thinkers and developers to grow profitable, value creating, job producing businesses to the betterment of all.
3. FIRING the life-time politicians who do nothing but restrict and regulate the lives of the individual to their personal benefit.
4. REPLACING the value destroying politicians with value creating business geniuses who return government to a protection only government, as outlined by the greatest document ever written, the Constitution.
This, as I see it, is exactly in line with what I did for 20 years … protecting this great nation and allowing the individuals to succeed in their dreams. ONLY the Twelve Visions Party has this as their goal! ONLY the Twelve Visions Party can bring the American Republic back to the leader of health, wealth, vitality, technological leadership, that we once knew.
As I see it, I have simply changed uniform, but am performing the same function! Once as a US Navy member I helped protect this wonderful nation. Now, as a TVP member … I am still protecting the rights and privileges of the individuals of the greatest nation on earth! We will lead the way, first here in America, then world wide, in accomplishing this great goal of individual freedom, integrity, non-aggression, health and happiness!
I do this with head held high, chest filled with pride, tears of joy as I see the return to greatness of this once great nation! Without the TVP, the Republic of the United States of America will be a dusty tome of history; soon to be forgotten!
Charles “Doc” M


Larry Johnson Jersey Central A-Team. The 12 vision party represent the first time ever a full body of integrated knowledge that can change our mentality and our way thinking that has us in a rut. It is the vehicle of real change, reality based down to the fundamental principals. The prime law is the law that will guide us as a people i am so grateful for this law. I am so proud to be apart of this great movement, that will expose the root cause of all this unnecessary death and destruction coming from the corruption

and lies from career politician who tells have truths out of context. ” MAKE ALL the PEOPLE RICH including THE POOR “  This slogan must be taken to the people in  a massive marketing campaign , let it become part of the people’s knowledge bank. a rallying cry for honest business men and women and the workers who put more into society than they take out. We must rally the grassroots around Mark Hamilton and the 12 Vision Party. any successful movement weather Lenin in Russia or Mao in China the condition was ripe to rally the people for change, to protect them from the enemy. This wall will begin to be built as we go public, and flooding our clubhouse houses with new

members is paramount and a major task right now, not when you get a check in the mail but now let’s start the motion this is a very exciting time because change is good. To see something beautiful come into being, that we as a whole is creating. We must out compete the ruling parasitical class, career politicians who in reality talk about change

but are dead set against change. We must win the minds and hearts of the American people, by presenting the 12 Vision Party as a alternatives to the present lazy politicians who only answer to the people’s  problem is to raise taxes. This laziness must be exposed by presenting a political business model that the 12 Vision Party represent. Mark

i was part of the movement in the 60′ & 70′ the black liberation movement which was narrow in scope but genuine in our attempt to find solution to our day to day struggles, and to bring about change in America. One of my proudest moment as i was growing and coming to some understanding of the prime literature was when the new website went up and i saw how you integrated different men of creation was included, and to see Malcolm x included brought tears to my eyes. In the early 70′ we thought by replacing

black faces in high places would change our conditions, conditions are worse know than when i was a child. the streets are lest safer know.  I learned threw experience that was not the answer, to our problems. since being introduce to Neothink with it broad scope accounting have given me a honest understanding of were real power comes from and that is people’s power threw integrated thinking. Mark i stand with you a 100% in this struggle against evil, for the freedom of our minds and souls When we were kids and wanted to make sure we were together on anything that we were going to do, we would ask each other to give our word. and we would say ” word is bond”  if we thought one of us was not telling the truth we would ask each other to give their word “give me your word” if they said word is bond we knew that the truth was being told and we valued that as the highest order at that time. and we was totally together at that moment in time. i give you my word i in for the long journey that we must travel.

Tbone w/ love Larry Johnson


Larry Johnson Jersey Central A-Team. The 12 vision party represent the first time ever a full body of integrated knowledge that can change our mentality and our way thinking that has us in a rut. It is the vehicle of real change, reality based down to the fundamental principals. The prime law is the law that will guide us as a people i am so grateful for this law. I am so proud to be apart of this great movement, that will expose the root cause of all this unnecessary death and destruction coming from the corruption

and lies from career politician who tells have truths out of context. ” MAKE ALL the PEOPLE RICH including THE POOR “ This slogan must be taken to the people in a massive marketing campaign , let it become part of the people’s knowledge bank. a rallying cry for honest business men and women and the workers who put more into society than they take out. We must rally the grassroots around Mark Hamilton and the 12 Vision Party. any successful movement weather Lenin in Russia or Mao in China the condition was ripe to rally the people for change, to protect them from the enemy. This wall will begin to be built as we go public, and flooding our clubhouse houses with new

members is paramount and a major task right now, not when you get a check in the mail but now let’s start the motion this is a very exciting time because change is good. To see something beautiful come into being, that we as a whole is creating. We must out compete the ruling parasitical class, career politicians who in reality talk about change

but are dead set against change. We must win the minds and hearts of the American people, by presenting the 12 Vision Party as a alternatives to the present lazy politicians who only answer to the people’s problem is to raise taxes. This laziness must be exposed by presenting a political business model that the 12 Vision Party represent. Mark

i was part of the movement in the 60′ & 70′ the black liberation movement which was narrow in scope but genuine in our attempt to find solution to our day to day struggles, and to bring about change in America. One of my proudest moment as i was growing and coming to some understanding of the prime literature was when the new website went up and i saw how you integrated different men of creation was included, and to see Malcolm x included brought tears to my eyes. In the early 70′ we thought by replacing

black faces in high places would change our conditions, conditions are worse know than when i was a child. the streets are lest safer know. I learned threw experience that was not the answer, to our problems. since being introduce to Neothink with it broad scope accounting have given me a honest understanding of were real power comes from and that is people’s power threw integrated thinking. Mark i stand with you a 100% in this struggle against evil, for the freedom of our minds and souls When we were kids and wanted to make sure we were together on anything that we were going to do, we would ask each other to give our word. and we would say ” word is bond” if we thought one of us was not telling the truth we would ask each other to give their word “give me your word” if they said word is bond we knew that the truth was being told and we valued that as the highest order at that time. and we was totally together at that moment in time. i give you my word i in for the long journey that we must travel.

Tbone w/ love Larry Johnson

March 2025