Posts Tagged ‘unknown quantity’

The Neothink® Society and The Twelve Visions Party® are like oxygen

The Neothink® Society and The Twelve Visions Party® are like oxygen for me to live the life I am meant to live. In a time when so many people are looking for leadership, I have learned to look within, and grasp that responsibility to lead myself into a world of limitless potential. My unique values to offer society in ways of unknown quantity are unleashed to enrich others and myself.

The Twelve Visions Party will enable everyone the freedom, to meet and exceed the limitations that currently block others and me from achieving our goals and dreams. With businesspersons organizing our country and removing the “Career Politicians” and the overwhelming regulations that destroy so many business, medical, and scientific advancements, we can move rapidly into a world of healthy, wealthy, and emotional stability. In order for this to happen, our government needs to shift to a Protection only government. We the people are more than capable of taking care of our lives, and future generations.

The School of Geniuses is a foundation for all members to integrate and polish their essence.  The organization and value of The School of Geniuses has given me the opportunity to bring my own gifts to this society.

I have noticed more and more people are taking a step back and questioning the validity of not just the governments’ purpose; but also the media’s reporting of world events. Public awareness of Scare Tactics and manipulating hoaxes is increasingly becoming a topic of conversation for the masses.  The negative reporting will shift to one of reporting the advances and progress of entrepreneurs around the world!

 This past year has taken me to new heights of organizational skills; and, a confidence to succeed in many areas, which in turn, has opened doors to additional values and friendships. Thank you to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society®!

Melissa S

March 2025