Posts Tagged ‘universe’

The society has influence my way of thinking …

Hello Mark,
In the year 2007 I received my letter of invitation to join the society. The society has influence my way of thinking through the integration of knowledge. The true rapture, based on honesty has been a new awaking. I have implemented the concepts in every aspects of my daily life, and because of this I am able to control my destiny, my environment and this universe. We were all seekers and searchers when you found us. Now we are building and creating the Twelve Visions World. Ever thing now in my life has a purpose and true meaning. I am truly grateful for the change you have brought to my life. Peter S.

new world order

through history the universe has sent souls of great light, in human form, to the earth to teach, and show people how to live the life they were meant to live. Mark Hamilton is that person for our generation
this is our golden opportunity to join with him in (his great work) to re-build the collective consciousness of the universe. we must add our energy output to his vast knowledge, and join him in giving our thoughts, words and deeds toward those things that we wish to bring forth, we must not dissipate our energy by fighting against something as that will only multiply the situation if we waste time giving attention to what we don’t want. we can collectively create a new world order, and witness many miracles. let us all join hands, hearts and minds, and give thanks that we have the opportunity to participate and bear witness to the great transition taking place that Mark Hamilton has already put in place. LOVE TO ALL NOLA I SLEVIN

A new life


Thanks to NeoThink, a new way of thinking and Mark Hamiltion as our mentor. We all will become wealthy in the cilvilation of the universe.

Every Moment Counts!

It happened again! This is one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had! Over a year ago I started reading the Multigenerational Manuscripts authored by Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink Society. During that reading, little thought seeds were planted within my mind, and TODAY, just MOMENTS AGO one of those seeds exploded…!

As a Conscious Human Being, EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF MY LIFE can be EXHILIRATING! And since that explosion, every breath, every thought, every sensation is SO INTENSE and SO PRECIOUS! These moments that click, click, click away ARE LIFE! and LIFE really IS the most VALUABLE thing in the UNIVERSE!

Your LIFE is SO PRECIOUS! These MOMENTS! THIS IS YOUR LIFE! You’ve got a choice with what you do with each moment! Today is the fork in the road! Which path will you take?

Whatever you choose, I hope you are able to find the same magic that I found in Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society! This FEELING is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

Thank you Mark Hamilton! How did you do it? How did you crack the code? How did you find a way to write so that these seeds would be planted!?! How did you know it would work?


Mark, this song came to me…

Mark, this song came to me; I thought about it for a while and decided to send it to you. I see this as a possible collection of theme songs for Neothink. I have a melody; however I thought I would wait and get an opinion before I move forward.

Neo Love,

Bonnie T

Talk to the universe with your mind

See the changes take place in time

You are the master of your soul

So let me see you get Iron grip Control

If you want real love and happiness

You’ve got to change your consciousness

There’s just is no other way

Cause let me tell you it’s a new world and a new day

See the one that is meant for you

Allow that flow that’s all you have to do

Find the love that is lasting

No more love-time will you be wasting

It’s time for change

Nothing stays the same

If you use your mind

It comes back to you in kind

When you learn to take action

You’re going to feel that connection

Inner Power and being bold

Take charge of your life and get iron grip control

Ask and it is given in this time and space

Cause it all belong to you in the first place

It’s a genuine mind thing

Come on and ride that cosmic beam

Talk to the universe with your mind

See the changes take place in time

You are the master of your soul

So let me see you take Iron grip control

Follow —–Your——Dream—————

Bonnie T

Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer

Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer. I have read some of his literature and they have opened up my eyes to the universe and its wonderful secrets and lessons. I now look at things that I once took for granted and now I see the honesty and reality of those things. As for the Neothink society, I whole heartily believe that it is a wonderful Society that is dedicated to the advancement of all the world. So I urge all of mankind to look into this society and welcome it with open arms.

Hello Mark Hamilton and all my Neothink friends:

It is good to be able to communicate with a renown author who has touched my life in a profound way. The books about life and the universe you have shared with me are of great value. A way of life, if you will, free from bias and prejudice. Placing knowledge in my hands and encouraging me to find my place in this great universe is no crime. Do not be discouraged, neither be dismayed, for honesty and integrity are not, could never become obsolete. The day is approaching and ushering in the freedom of mankind to excel and become what we are meant to be. Your books have enriched my life with treasures which cannot be stolen or destroyed. I am sure that speaking for myself and others “You are right on time, Just in time, and forever loved.
Deborah S

Thanks for saving my life

Mark Hamilton
  You are the source of hope and truth for all those ones like me that are lost in their reality.

You brought me back to the life I lost many years ago, when I lost all my dreams and enthusiasm. I became like a zombie, without dreams and expectations for my future.

      Then one day when I pick up the mail, I had this invitation from you to join the Neothink Society. I started reading and soon I started to gain the hope it was missing from my heart.   

      Soon after, I order the first package. I was desperate to have it in my hands and soon the reading was on. Going through it page by page my enthusiasm was growing and growing.

Then reading the second package about miss Annabelle`s Secrets I fell that I can dream again.

      It was like flying through the Universe and connect to the source and born again.

Thanks for saving my life

Wilson Perez 

I found you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party

I want to begin by saying thank you all you have done for me.  Before finding you and the Twelve Vision Party, I thought the US was on the wrong path and going down the path to destruction.  I have not seen anything lately to change this view.  I could not see a way out of this mess the politicians and power elite in this country have created for us.
Then,  I found you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party and for the first time in about 40 years I felt alive again and I started to dream of a long fun filled life with new hope for the future of our civilization and our planet. Yes, with your help and writings I have found my Friday night essence and have started to live the dream. 
With this new found zest for life my energy has returned and I am looking forward to working to help establish the Universe of Consciousness and the Twelve Vision Party.

What is TVP’s stance on the death penalty?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Conscious individual life is the highest value in the universe so we should always strive to rehabilitate people who break the Prime Law and allow them the opportunity to change.

March 2025