Posts Tagged ‘universe’

HE IS TO ME A Genius of the highest order …

To Mark Hamilton,

HE IS TO ME A Genius of the highest order to think of seeing through misinforming humanity is one thing but to create a study process that actually free humanity is to be super genius of the highest order he can even be the messenger of the one universal authority that rule over lives and control the whole universe at all level.

I stand by you and your decision to keep NEOTHINK going.

I stand by you and your decision to keep NEOTHINK going.

There are many of us who want to live our lives as advanced human begins aware of where we stand in the world and the universe.

The movement that you have started has found a voice among the people that have been selected as advanced humans who dear to dream of an elite society that will uplift all of humanity.

The world will become a place where science will advance our lives without the need for greed. The natural resources of the earth can be sheared by all without the need for monetary gain and worthless pride.

Your leadership and courage to stand up for humanity is greatly appreciated and will be greatly rewarded in the time to come.

All the best to you and family MARK


There Is No Way That You Can Feel My Exhilaration About You And Neothink …

There Is No Way That You Can Feel My Exhilaration About You And Neothink Being “Out There ” In Cyberspace/Cybercash-In The Civilization Of The Universe!!

The Neothink Society has meant so much to me ever since I became aware…

The Neothink Society has meant so much to me ever since I became aware and a part of this wonderful and life changing organization. The Neothink Society has been a place where I know I can come and discuss with other lifelong members anything that is going on in my life as well as theirs and all of us can help everyone become the real persons we were meant to be. All of this has been possible through the years of work by many people including Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton is a person who not only cares about himself and helping others, but also makes sure that living a magnificent, euphoric and stimulating life is possible for anyone seeks to have all his or her deepest dreams come true.

The Neothink Secrets from The Neothink Society are what really explains what life is all about and how anyone can be very successful in all areas of life by simply learning and integrating the concepts and applying them each and every day for grand results. The Neothink Society is a place where people from all around the world can come together and realize that there is much more to life than what we can see and in order to get all we want out of life we have to come together and help one another to make the Civilization of the Universe on Earth finally be a part of everyone. That I know will be great for all mankind throughout the entire universe forever.

Conventional wisdom is only conventional.

Conventional wisdom is only conventional. Most ‘Americans’ know the saying:”Ignorance is Bliss.” That’s a hoax. The complete quote from the Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates is:”If Ignorance is Bliss, then it is foolish to be wise.”

Our history is peppered with such falsehoods leaving people with the sense that we just can’t know the answer to some life’s illusions. Science shows us year after year how there is a cause & effect to everything in the universe. We need only to be wise enough to study, search & work to find the answers.

Mark Hamilton has provided a backdrop to History showing how people have been underinformed ‘for their own good’ for centuries.

Thanks for opening my third eye.

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,
This is Gregg F. Thanks for opening my third eye. I’ve advanced my way of thinking and understanding the way this universe operate on an infinite way. The rest I’m doing on a physical level. The anticivilization is a thing of the past. HAIL! Neothink! If you get selected. I promise you it’s worth the ride. Again, Thanks. I hope we can cross paths in the near future.
D. J.

I have learned many secrets

The Neothink society has made much information available to me, that i never knew.
I have learned many secrets, more understanding of the universe.
I am very happy to have the knowledge from the society.
Tom Heffron

Hi Mark Hamilton

Hi Mark Hamilton,
I got something to get off my heart. I have a
vault that sits on my heart that runneth over with
wonderful news from the civilization of the universe
that’s coming soon. Mark I commend you the
utmost respect for caring about humanity the way
you do. There are million and one things you could
be doing .But you choose to help better the world.
please keep up the good work.

The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton has influenced my way of thinking


I have always been a lay back type person, but at the same time I was searching. Searching for something in life, but there was always something preventing my mind from developing or expanding to it’s fullest. Now that I have acquired the knowledge of Neothink I have become a new person. I am so happy to be part of the Neothink Society, and is looking forward to share my knowledge and insights with future incoming members as well as for my own personal development. The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton has influenced my way of thinking through integration of knowledge, and it’s through this knowledge I am able to control my life, my environment and the universe. Every thing in my life now has a purpose and true meaning. I am truly grateful for the change you have brought to my Life.

Peter Sellars Level 10 member

He’d love to hear that he received an invitation to Neothink from Mark Hamilton


Hi Mark,

Besides my Neothink experience I thought I’d pass on two interesting stories from my kids concerning Neothink.  I have a son 9 and a daughter 7.  Tonight my son asked me to read a book he has about the Universe.  The topic of black holes come up.  They are worried about dying from a black whole affecting earth, just like little Neothinkers preserving their solar system or galaxy.  Next time I’m mention that black holes are probably initialed by Neothinker’s to prevent the big crunch.

Also my son wants to join Neothink.  He’d love to hear that he received an invitation to Neothink from Mark Hamilton.  


March 2025