Posts Tagged ‘universal law’

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton
The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down, It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us is not right All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton,
A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton,and I purchase his literature. I read all and I gained so much knowledge, my life change for the better its so enlightening knowing about harmony,the universe and learning about yourself and the real value creator. Knowing the purpose of life is to live happily and the government must provide that condition; no initiatory force, fraud or coercion by any person or group against any individual property or contract; means freedom to all. We must have universal law wealth, health and peace.
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink society the TVP is the bridge for all humanity of the universe where pure love and honesty, peace, making people rich including the elderly and the poor along in great health and happiness for ever.
And, TVP’s aim is to depoliticize the present form of Government and release the geniuses of the world, to create values and meet our every need and feel the millionaire life. That’s why I am so proud member of Neothink society.
Mark Hamilton is so compassionate, so very genius, helping the whole world most especially to all of us, our loved ones, for all our children’s future!!! and most important we are all in the way to immortality life!!!
Wake up every one read and learn Mark Hamilton’s literature!!!
Luisa P

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton
The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real, I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down, It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us is not right All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countries even over seas. With out our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Govern us not the other way round, The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Government telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

The lifting of the curtain

In my life I have always been a man who has been an independent individual. Though I recognize the influence and teaching of others have contributed to my thoughts and development I none the less have preserved my individualism. One day, three years ago, I received a letter that perked my interest in many ways; this letter was from Mark Hamilton. I have always had a vision, a dream so to speak, of a wealthy man pulling up beside me in a limousine as I am walking down the road, opening the rear door and asking me if I wanted to learn how to make it in the world and become wealthy. The first letter from Mark Hamilton was the realization of that vision and dream. It was not a limousine nor have we ever met in person but what he reviled to me in that letter, the letters that followed and the literature that he presented to me not only opened my mind and eyes on how to live a life of wealth, it showed how I could live a life of Peace, Health, happiness and Love. Mark Hamilton Literally took the growth of individualism within me and fertilized the ground it grows in. Mark Hamilton’s work gave me the knowledge to organize my life and take control of everything that passed through my life. It showed me how to manage time, the knowledge to integrate, the importance of business and the beauty of creating. Mark and the Neothink Society has opened closed doors and presented a new way of thinking more dynamic and exciting then all the self help and motivational books that I have read combined. The value in what I have learned far outweighs any money I have invested to gain that knowledge. Then there it the Twelve Visions Party, the fruition of hope, that brings the future of a life of Health, Happiness, Wealth, Peace and Love to everyone. The TVP will bring and make paramount the right of the individual by introducing the prime law, a universal law which will govern us. It opens the door where individuals come together and share their ideas and creations through the free open market. The prime law, the right of the individual will eliminate and set us free of Initiatory Force which is any action that is harmful, dishonest and wrong. With the prime law in place and the right of the individual honored we will no longer need Native American Indian Rights, Black Rights, Woman’s Rights, Hispanic Rights, Minority Rights, Homosexual Rights and on and on. We will be protected as individuals to chose and live the way we are and wish. There is no better freedom than that. Free to create, free to accumulate wealth, free of government interference, free to live the lifestyle we chose. Before you judge Mark Hamilton, take the time to read his literature, know the purpose of Neothink and what it can do for you and take a look at what the Twelve Visions Party proposes to make us a freer Individual, people, nation and world. I am sure you will find that the value you receive will be well worth your time.
Shanawa C. Littlebow

I want to tell you my story of Mark Hamilton


I want to tell you my story of Mark Hamilton and his TVP, the Neothink Society means to me. My first contact was when I received my Neothink book and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. The power of Neothink is so real all the feelings that was going through me that day and night I will never forget, It wonderful, fantastic and I loved It, I felt like a child again. I am in my late sixties not a educated person, left school at 14 went to work with my grandfather whom I loved, went through many hardships in my life, All through all my life I have been always searching for that something I could not find, until I got a letter from the Neothink Society, That was the starting of my new life, I am now moving in the direction of becoming the person Im meant to be, thank you. Mark every word in all your literature is right, It has opened my eyes to all the corruption, greed and lies that the Governments and Neo Cheaters are doing to us all, it must be stopped. Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who are the Voice of Honesty with the Universal Law (Prime Law) must not be stopped. Only by Depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were meant to live. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, TVP have their way and means to turn the U S around once again to make their Country a World Leader.  Thank you I am with you all the way.  David .

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around

The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down,
It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became
a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us
is not right  All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out  our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing  America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around

The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down,
It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became
a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us
is not right  All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out  our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing  America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

Understanding the Prime Law

It’s up to us, as individuals to make the effort to personally integrate with the Prime Law in order to live in accordance with reality. The whole reason the TVP is introducing the Prime Law in the first place, is for it to govern us- flaw filled man. Not the other way around. There is no interpreting of the Prime Law. We are not governing, or managing the Prime Law- the Prime Law is to govern us. And we are morally obligated to integrate with it.


The Prime Law is universal law. It has existed for as long as consciousness itself has existed. It is the way of complete free-market capitalism- where people, on their own accordance, freely interact with one another as sovereign individuals.


You don’t need to be studied in the profession of law and litigation to fundamentally understand the Prime Law. The Prime Law is not up to debate or interpretation. That would just be the same old political rhetoric that we all hear every day. For example, we are not debating the prime law with this discussion. What we are doing is learning how to integrate with it. The Prime Law is axiomatic. It needs no interpretation. It is what it is: No Initiatory Force. Either we abide by it, or we don’t.


Initiatory force means initiating an action towards someone else that is harmful, dishonest, or wrong. When some one or a group initiates force, then it is morally justified to use force back in order to defend one’s self. This use of force is not initiatory. It is using force to defend life.


Also, it’s important to know the difference between harmful, dishonest, or wrong actions that are imposed upon another individual, and those that are imposed upon one’s self. We may disagree with harmful actions in general; however ultimately, no one has the right to force another individual to stop harming them self. 


Understanding the Prime Law means knowing ourselves completely, and knowing exactly where we stand in any given situation. That means we cannot just assume that others see things the way we do. And because of that, a huge amount of self responsibility is needed in order to protect ourselves from force and fraudulent situations.


Often times in interactions where dishonesty is involved, we can only cut our losses, step back and introspect on how and why we ultimately put ourselves in that situation. Many times we are hurt and feel the urge to “get even” or make someone feel the hurt we do. This simply shows a lack of self responsibility. The urge to “get even” or to have revenge is fine as long as it’s just an urge. However, if it is acted upon with some kind of force, then the Prime Law is broken. And even though there are ample opportunities for us to be infringed upon, even when we are simply minding our own business, the value of self-responsibility is still paramount.


We must define what the Prime Law is. That is, use our own minds and make the conscious effort to figure out what the Prime Law means. We must identify the illusions in our thinking. Eliminate the altruistic concepts that we’ve all been conditioned with. We must pay close attention to the words and phrases we use, because, sometimes we intended to control or to subjugate those who are listening. This is a microcosm of initiatory force and needs to be weeded out of our minds. Actions like these are the physical movements of defining the Prime Law. No one can do this for us. It takes direct conscious effort. We must each individually put forth the effort to find out what the Prime Law is- fundamentally and irreducibly. After all, we are the ones taking it to the masses.


We are sovereign individuals. No one has divine right over another. No one has the right to initiate any force or to impose their will of change onto another. Controlling people like that is simply neo-cheating. However, controlling people without using mysticism, that is, influencing them through value, such as what Mark Hamilton is doing with us, is the essence of free trade and the Prime Law. In this context, both parties are in agreement and understand the terms of the interaction. This is equal value exchange, and is the essence of a free society.


Here are four important points to help understand the Prime Law:


1) The Prime Law can only exist in a completely free market society. Therefore, the Prime Law can be enlisted to create that free society where business-like interactions between people are based only on value exchange.


2) In the instance where two people are exchanging equal values, they are still individuals and each have a different level of overall personal value to society.  The only context in which one person is of more value than another is by comparing the amount of value each individual has created independently.


3) A common altruistic philosophy during value exchange is that the person who has created less value should be sacrificed to the other. This is a false doctrine. Only equal value exchange is the rational basis of free enterprise.


4) If no contract is enlisted, and one party decides to stop trading values with another, then the value exchange is simply lost. The value exchange is simply gone …ultimately to the net loss of all humanity. Without a contractual agreement, no individual is obligated to continue trading values with another. It’s simply a personal choice.


Of course, we are social beings. We derive happiness by interacting and putting values into society. Acting against our nature only results in a spiral of death. Neo cheaters exist by riding that spiral of death and drawing others into it. Still, no one has the right to initiate force. The whole purpose of our movement is creating the conditions of complete freedom. The SOS and the Twelve Visions Party are steadily delivering the supply to meet that rising demand; and of course, at the same time, we are creating that demand. By nature human beings are rational and honest. Therefore, by logic, humanity needs to be in a rational and honest society. It is our destiny to fulfill our purpose of building happiness by creating this fully rational and honest society.


The prime law is simple. No initiatory force. Respecting people’s individuality is the key to the Prime Law. As long as no initiatory force, fraud, or coercion has been committed, people must be left alone. If we wish to interact with them, it should be done in a manner that is conducive to free market dynamics- (the trading of values.)


The Prime Law guarantees these conditions by utilizing the proper use of courts, jails, and prisons. And as the TVP grows and gains more legitimate control, the term “proper use of courts, jails, and prisons” will keep evolving until one day we no longer need any of them. Until then however, the Prime Law will force courts and law enforcement agencies to use full context honesty in their actions, finally giving everyone a fair shake in regards to people who break the law.


With the Prime Law, initiatory force is rejected by everyone. It means that the concept of “no initiatory force” is enforced by everyone. Embrace the Prime Law. Embody it and communicate it to others. And it will be here sooner than we think!

March 2025